包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – Preparedstatement does not read all parameters of PostGIS geography
I have the following JDBC code Please note that I am trying to use PostGIS geographic location: PreparedStatement stmt…… -
Java – how do you call other methods in an enumeration?
enum Enum1 enum Enum1 { BIG(8),HUGE(10) { public String getName() { return "Huge";…… -
Java – how to prevent concurrency in Web Service APIs?
We have three web services (/ A, / B, / C), where each service maps to a method (go ()) in a separate Java class (clas…… -
Java – find the set of integers where two linear equations hold
What algorithm can I use to find the set of all positive integer values of N1, N2,..., N7, where the following inequal…… -
Java – Maven woes: Maven clean plugin not found in repository
Sigh Use Maven 2.2 1. Suddenly, it cannot resolve Maven clean plugin Really, how crazy is it that building tools need …… -
Exception in thread “main” Java lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org/sqlite/NativeDB
I'm trying to run a simple SQLite example on the Mac I'm pretty sure the code works well on windows But not on the Mac…… -
Java – how do I use class files?
I'm new to Java. I want to know how to import the class file into NetBeans and use it I know class files are machine -…… -
Java – throw an exception during the try with resources declaration
Suppose I have the following try with resources statement in Java: try (MyResource myResource1 = new MyResource(); MyR…… -
How to capture the exit status of shell commands in Java?
I am creating a JUnit test file for my csvreader I am reading the contents of the CSV file and writing the contents to…… -
Can you use a concept similar to the keyword args in Java to minimize the number of accessor methods?
I recently learned that in Python 3, in order to minimize the number of accessor methods of a class, you can use the d…… -
Java – what does shadow plugin gradle: mergeservicefiles() do?
In my build In the gradle file, I need to add the following lines: shadowJar { mergeServiceFiles() } Otherwise, th…… -
Java – viewpagers in listview displays blank list items
[editor]: Thank you for all your meaningful answers. Now the problem is solved. Thank you for your help Similar proble…… -
Java Generic of Another generic
I have an interface: interface Identifable<T extends Serializable> { T getID(); } And the class that imple…… -
Java client server game with applet
I have to implement a simple tourist client server game in Java Unfortunately, I just started with network programming…… -
Java – a thread pool that handles “duplicate” tasks
I want to perform some different tasks in parallel, but there is a concept that if a task has been queued or is being …… -
How to use a loop to delete elements from a queue in Java
I have such a data structure: I'm trying to do this: for(Mail mail: mail@R_476_2419@) { if(badNews(mail)) { …… -
Java streams | groupingby the same element
I have a stream of words that I want to sort according to the appearance of the same elements (= words) For example: {…… -
Java – how to disable the @ scheduled method through the properties file?
I have a spring reservation method that runs regularly: @Scheduled(cron = "${spring.cron.expression}") public void dem…… -
Java – how does ehcache check whether there is something in the cache?
Is there any way to check whether the object is in the ehcache managed cache? My challenge is that I have implemented …… -
Why does Java ArrayLists not shrink automatically
A long time ago, I watched a video lecture on coursera MOOC: introduction to Algorithms in Princeton. You can find her…… -
Java – how do I get type values from genericrecord?
I'm using Avro. I have a genericrecord I want to extract ClientID, devicename, holder In Avro schema, ClientID is inte…… -
Java – exclude Tomcat dependencies from spring boot in gradle
I'm using @ L_ 419_ 0 @ boot and jetty, I can't seem to exclude all Tomcat dependencies in the gradle build file build…… -
How do I identify and fill the contours I shape in javacv?
I'm developing a project on javacv. I need to know how to recognize the following image and fill it with specific colo…… -
java – GWT. Delete anchor part URL
Hi, I'm using GWT and its standard way to support history through the history course It's very convenient, but how to …… -
Java – read barcode when program has no focus?
I want to write a simple program to read bar code, write down bar code and scanning time Unfortunately, I can't guaran…… -
How to quickly search for strings in large files in Java?
I'm trying to search a large text file (400MB) for a specific string using the following: File file = new File("fileNa…… -
java – Arrays. The fill() method caused an exception
Now I can't fill the array with spaces Whenever I use the array fill method, I encounter exceptions Now I've eliminate…… -
Java – JSF custom converter without calling null value
I'm outputting Java math. BigDecimal creates a custom converter When BigDecimal is 0.00 or null, I want to output dash…… -
Java garbage collection in the dialog box
*When I try to create a button in JFrame, I now encounter a very strange Java GC problem. When I click the button, it …… -
Java – log4j configuration file error detection
I am writing a recorder using log4j Once I load log4j Properties or log4j XML file, I wonder if there is a way to chec…… -
Java – there is no setter method in the interface
I have a concrete class a that implements interface B B ref = new A(); code: public interface B{ public abstract Str…… -
Java – completing an activity from another class
I'm developing an application that requires a permanent Internet connection If there is no Internet connection, I want……