Java – ActiveMQ web console is not suitable for embedded agents
I have an embedded agent that is completely configured through Java code (no deployable XML file) When I point my browser to the web console, I only get a 404, and lsof shows that nothing is listening to 8161 Can I use only the web console with java code? I use the network server attached to ActiveMQ. I am good at port 8161
If you are using java code instead of spring, just create your own servlet container and register admin war
This example shows how to do it in Java code is taken from the source of the web console
It may require some trial and error to make all the necessary jars on your classpath think of you - you need all jetty, JSP, servlets, JSTL, etc. - and so does ActiveMQ
The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.