Convert object [] array to int [] array in Java?

There seems to be no simple way to do this, but this is what I have done so far. If someone can correct it, its work will be great In "newarray [e] = array [i]. Intvalue();" I received an error "no naming method" intvalue "in type" Java "Found in lang. object."

Description: A game that displays digits 0-9 and asks the user for a number N.
 It then reverses the first N numbers of the sequence. It continues this until
 all of the numbers are in order.


import hsa.Console;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class ReversalGame3test

    static Console c;

    public static void main (String[] args)
    c = new Console ();

    c.println ("3. REVERSAL GAME");
    c.println ("");
    c.println ("Displayed below are the digits 0-9 in random order. You must then enter a");
    c.println ("number N after which the computer will reverse the first N numbers in the");
    c.println ("sequence. The goal of this game is to sort all of the numbers in the fewest");
    c.println ("number of reversals.");
    c.println (""); //introduction

    List numbers = new ArrayList ();
    numbers.add ("0");
    numbers.add ("1");
    numbers.add ("2");
    numbers.add ("3");
    numbers.add ("4");
    numbers.add ("5");
    numbers.add ("6");
    numbers.add ("7");
    numbers.add ("8");
    numbers.add ("9");
    Collections.shuffle (numbers);
    Object[] array = numbers.toArray (new String [10]); // declares + shuffles numbers and converts them to array

    c.print ("Random Order: ");
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
        c.print ((array [i]) + " ");
    c.println ("");

    boolean check = false;
    boolean check2 = false;
    String NS;
    int N = 0;
    int count = 0;
    int e = -1;
    int[] newarray = new int [10];

        c.print ("Enter a number: ");
        NS = c.readString ();
        count += 1;

        check = isInteger (NS);
        if (check == true)
            N = Integer.parseInt (NS);
            if (N < 1 || N > 10)
                check = false;
                c.println ("ERROR - INPUT NOT VALID");
                c.println ("");
                c.print ("Next Order: ");
                for (int i = N - 1 ; i > -1 ; i--)
                    e += 1;
                    newarray [e] = array [i].intValue ();
                    c.print ((newarray [e]) + " ");
                for (int i = N ; i < 10 ; i++)
                    e += 1;
                    newarray [e] = array [i].intValue ();
                    c.print ((newarray [e]) + " ");
                check2 = sorted (newarray);
            } // rearranges numbers if valid
        } // checks if N is valid number
    while (check == false);
} // main method

public static boolean isInteger (String input)
        Integer.parseInt (input);
        return true;
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
        return false;
} //isInteger method

public static boolean sorted (int array[])
    boolean isSorted = false;

    for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
        if (array [i] < array [i + 1])
            isSorted = true;
        else if (array [i] > array [i + 1])
            isSorted = true;
            isSorted = false;

        if (isSorted != true)
            return isSorted;
    return isSorted;
} // sorted method



You can use integer valueOf.

Integer.valueOf((String) array [i])

The integer class has a method valueof, which takes a string as a value and returns an int value. You can use it If the string passed to it is not a valid integer value, it will throw numberformatexception

In addition, if you are using Java 5 or later, you can try using generics to make the code more readable

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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