Why – in Java 1.8 – use functions instead of functions?

The order seems strange because in regular Java, the return type is always specified first For example:

public static double sum(Iterable<Number> nums) { ... }

So why can you choose to specify them in the opposite way in the function and bifunction classes? For example:

interface Function<T,R>
interface BiFunction<T,U,R>

I'm not asking for a better opinion here, but specifically:

a) Is there any technical or other (non style) benefit in prioritizing one order over another? Or is it a random choice?

b) Does anyone know the reasons for any statement in any document description or authoritative source, and why choose another one?

Narrator: this order seems even more strange if it extends to a higher city For example, a hypothetical quadfunction:

interface QuadFunction<A,B,C,D,R> { ... }

(at the time of writing, the highest power in the library is 2 – bifunction.)

See: http://download.java.net/jdk8/docs/api/java/util/function/package-summary.html


It is consistent with pre - existing symbols

The mathematical integer division function is extended to rational numbers:

(\): I x I -> Q

Functional programming version above (e.g. Haskell, Ocaml)

division :: Integer -> (Integer -> Rational)


division :: Integer -> Integer -> Rational

All three people said that "the partition function needs two integers and returns a rational number." In the functional example, it first describes your return C tells us "we return a rational number in the division function, which takes two integers" (ex float division (int a, int b) {})

In Java, the return type is on the left side of the method, Because Java wants to look like C. the designers of C think that "int main (int argv, char * argv [])" looks better than "main (int argv, char *)" argv []) int ". When writing code, at least for me, I often know what method will return before I know what it needs. (edit 1: we wrote something like string s = removespaces (textline) Such a line, so the return on the left matches the variable on the left)

In C #, func looks the same as Java 8 function

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