Java regular expression, but matches everything
I want to match division * Everything except XHTML I have a servlet to listen to * XHTML, I want another servlet to capture everything else If I map faces servlet to all (*), it will explode when processing icons, style sheets, and all non face requests
That's why I've been trying to fail
Pattern inverseFacesUrlPattern = Pattern.compile(".*(^(\\.xhtml))");
Any ideas?
thank you,
What you need is negative look behind (java example)
String regex = ".*(?<!\\.xhtml)$"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
This pattern matches anything that does not end in ". XHTML"
import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class NegativeLookbehindExample { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { String regex = ".*(?<!\\.xhtml)$"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); String[] examples = { "","example.xhtml","example.xhtml.thingy" }; for (String ex : examples) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(ex); System.out.println("\""+ ex + "\" is " + (matcher.find() ? "" : "NOT ") + "a match."); } } }
% javac && java NegativeLookbehindExample "" is a match. "example.xhtml" is NOT a match. "example.xhtml.thingy" is a match.
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