包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – monitor changes to collections
Suppose you have the following Java beans: public class MyBean { private List<String> names = new ArrayList&…… -
Why – in Java 1.8 – use functions instead of functions?
The order seems strange because in regular Java, the return type is always specified first For example: public static …… -
Use java to convert SOAP message format to socket message format, and vice versa
I am currently using java to study the conversion from SOAP message format to socket message format, and vice versa I …… -
Java – perform default tasks in ant in case of failure
I am currently using ant to build my java project on a Windows XP machine thank you Solution Google and found this It …… -
Java – is there any way to listen to the method execution of another class?
Can I listen to the method execution of an instance or all instances of a class without modifying the code? someInstan…… -
The Java – @ aroundinvoke interceptor is called twice on the @ WebService class
abstract Call the @ aroundinvoke interceptor twice on the @ WebService class. If the intercepted method is called from…… -
Java – espresso 2.0 – methods using @ test annotation in classes that extend junit3 testcase
When I use the new activityinstrumentationtestcase2 class shipped with espresso 2.0, I get a strange warning method. I…… -
Java: null in constructor
Excuse me, this question is a bit theoretical, but I want to understand it Why do I pass null parameters to constructo…… -
Java discards half of UDP packets
I have a simple client / server setup Server in C, the client of the query server is Java My problem is that when I se…… -
Java – stop and start JBoss programmatically in eclipse
Can JBoss be started and stopped programmatically in eclipse? I am using indigo eclipse Java EE, and I have a JBoss 5.…… -
How do I get node boundaries based on a specific ancestor in JavaFX 8?
I added a chart in anchorpane. I want to get the boundary of its chart (chart chart, I mark it with cyan), so that I c…… -
Java 8 type inference error, assigning lambda expression to variable of object type
Why does the java compiler complain about the first statement? This is because the expression () – > "" does not ha…… -
Java – multiple conditions in ternary conditional operators?
I'm in the first semester of Java programming. We just introduced the conditional operator (?:) condition I have two p…… -
Java – why is my null check so slow?
So my code looks like this right now public boolean in(TransactionType... types) { if (types == null || ty…… -
How do I convert strings to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to strings?
I made a simple program for sending and receiving data through the serial port in Java I connect the serial device to …… -
JUnit – the unit test of the spring boot actuator endpoint is invalid when the port is specified
Recently, I changed my spring boot attribute to define a management port I wrote a unit test for the test / metrics en…… -
Automatically update rows in tableview from the model
I've been looking for information about refreshing data to tableview I tried to modify the model directly, but I got a…… -
Java – ActiveMQ web console is not suitable for embedded agents
I have an embedded agent that is completely configured through Java code (no deployable XML file) When I point my brow…… -
Programmatically determine whether to assign IP addresses through DHCP or manually set them in Java
The title summarizes it Is there any way to find out whether the local network interface has its address assigned thro…… -
How to set up a complex java development infrastructure?
I am looking for a complete java development infrastructure that integrates: >IDE like eclipse, > build system l…… -
Java – what should JAXB return from the ‘beforemarshal (marshaler)’ method?
First of all, I'm not talking about Marshall #listener Anyone can tell me what should be returned from the Boolean bef…… -
Run the subprocess to correctly provide input and output in Java
I use the runtime exec () method to create subprocesses in Java However, since the subprocess is an interactive progra…… -
Java – the fastest way to read long [] from a file?
I have a file containing about 200000 long values, and I hope to read it into long [] It is suitable for Android appli…… -
Java – generic method call
I have this code from "Java - Beginner's Guide - Schildt", Chapter 13: package com.chapter.thirteen; public class Gen…… -
Java – unable to get JPA entity ID in JSON output
We are trying to use the POC of spring data JPA and spring data rest We are using a simple entity that extends abstrac…… -
Java – I should put log4j Do you want to put the properties file into the library?
I have a library project This project uses log4j for logging I should put log4j Properties into the generated jar? If …… -
Java – HTML ASCII case insensitive ICU collator
I need to create one corresponding to https://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/html-ascii-case-insensitive/ C…… -
Java 8 generic functions should be ambiguous but fail at run time
I'm trying to migrate Java 7 code to Java 8, so my code is similar to: package tests; import java.util.Arrays; import…… -
Java – the progress dialog box is displayed but no progress bar is displayed and the message is not updated
I have a class called from a fragment The progress update is called, but the message is not updated I also don't see a…… -
Java – JAXB uses the extension object factory to extend the generated code – explicit conversion, okay?
I have some JAXB - generated beans, which are hierarchical. For example, a bean has a list of other beans Now I want t…… -
Java – why doesn’t visualvm profiler configure my Scala console application?
I think this problem is closely related to this problem, but it has been closed, and the solution seems unclear to me …… -
Excellent java code read for learning purposes?
A common suggestion is to read the code of good programmers I am looking for Java code advice for learning I finished ……