包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – I should put log4j Do you want to put the properties file into the library?
I have a library project This project uses log4j for logging I should put log4j Properties into the generated jar? If …… -
Java – HTML ASCII case insensitive ICU collator
I need to create one corresponding to https://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/html-ascii-case-insensitive/ C…… -
Java 8 generic functions should be ambiguous but fail at run time
I'm trying to migrate Java 7 code to Java 8, so my code is similar to: package tests; import java.util.Arrays; import…… -
Java – the progress dialog box is displayed but no progress bar is displayed and the message is not updated
I have a class called from a fragment The progress update is called, but the message is not updated I also don't see a…… -
Java – JAXB uses the extension object factory to extend the generated code – explicit conversion, okay?
I have some JAXB - generated beans, which are hierarchical. For example, a bean has a list of other beans Now I want t…… -
Java – why doesn’t visualvm profiler configure my Scala console application?
I think this problem is closely related to this problem, but it has been closed, and the solution seems unclear to me …… -
Excellent java code read for learning purposes?
A common suggestion is to read the code of good programmers I am looking for Java code advice for learning I finished …… -
Java – change jsonproperty programmatically (access. Write_only)
My java object has some comments that are only written to fields because they should not be sent to the user through t…… -
Java – show me a simple example of Oracle streams?
I have just started my research project and hope to use Oracle streaming I'm looking for an example of a direct, hello…… -
How to use java to get the list of available serial ports in my computer?
I just run some code to get the list of available ports in my cmputer. When I have three free COM ports, it returns my…… -
Java – has multiple types of JSON string map [string, object]
I have this JSON string: { "startDate" : "2014-12-17T14:31:40Z","name" : "Izek","age" : 12 } When I use Jackson to c…… -
User preferences in Java EE applications
I have a growing web application that now needs to be able to store user and system preferences / settings In the past…… -
Java – how do I switch to the authentication pop-up window and enter credentials?
After opening the application URL, the user will be redirected to the login page with a login button driver.get("abc.c…… -
java. util. IntelliJ deprecation warning for HashMap
IntelliJ seems to think that Java util. HashMap's no Arg constructor has been deprecated, as judged by its style of ma…… -
Java – Eclipse: externalizing strings?
It seems that the "externalize strings" function can get all the contents, generate a messages class, and a Txt file, …… -
Restricted Boltzmann machine and deep learning java code
Since the last few days, I am reading and studying restricted Boltzmann machine and deep learning Now let's test the a…… -
Java – spring 3.1: datasource is not automatically connected to the @ configuration class
I am using spring MVC 3.1 0m2 and try to move my configuration to java bean But I encountered the following errors: Fr…… -
Java – implement filter class loader
We are extending our Java application to support plug - ins Part of this includes keeping plug-ins isolated from our o…… -
Java – Hibernate: manually call sequencegenerator?
I wrote my idgenerator: public class AkteIdGenerator implements IdentifierGenerator { public Serializable generate(…… -
How to force timeout to drivermanager Getconnection () method call?
I have an application that will establish a database connection with MySQL and execute queries Sometimes, drivermanage…… -
Java – create, update and get the same / different dto objects in the rest endpoint?
Consider using userdto class and usercontroller public endpoint to create, update and obtain users Having the ID attri…… -
Java – custom valuechangehandler GWT
I need to write a custom valuechangehandler and call onvaluechange (valuechangeevent) But I don't understand how to wr…… -
Java – when the signature of a method is defined as collection, why can’t a method adopt collection
I have a method that takes a list of sresource objects public static List<STriple> listTriples(List<SResource…… -
Java – maps and generic maps
I want to create a (recursive) map That is, the type value of the map is another map of the same type as the external …… -
Java tries and catches IOException problems
I tried to use some of the code I found at the bottom of this page This is the code in the class I created for it: imp…… -
Java – convert data to sound and return
Is there a library that can convert data (text files, etc.) into sound and return the original data? Sound can be tran…… -
Using java 9 JDK to locate Java 6 will issue a warning
I'm trying to build a project using JDK 9, because using javac's – release parameter means that it can build for an ol…… -
Java – how to run a selected set of unit tests in eclipse with a single mouse click?
I want to create an initiator / run configuration that runs JUnit tests only in a selected set of test classes or sele…… -
java. lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org / springframework / data / repository / config / BootstrapMode
I'm doing this project with spring boot. I try to write some tests, but unfortunately I get this exception stack trace…… -
Java – Jenkins hook does not work – Jenkins bitbucket
Hi, I'm using Jenkins and bitbucket. I want to trigger the construction of Jenkins when I submit anything to the bitbu…… -
ORM’s fuelphp update resulted in “rather than” sporadic “
I am using PHP 5.4 And I got very strange behavior using the fuelphp ORM save and update function I'm trying to save s…… -
This is in Java – the thread “main” Java Exception in lang.stackoverflowerror
Why do I receive a stackoverflow error? My class – public class Tester { int id; Tester(int id){ this.id = id; }……