包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – collections. Java used in JDK 1.5 An alternative to newsetfrommap?
I want to use this "collections. Newsetfrommap()" method in JDK 1.5, which does not support it protected Set<String…… -
Java – how to configure jcombobox not to select the first element when it is created?
Question: @ h_ 403_ 2 @ update: DefaultCombo@R_754_2419@Model model = new DefaultCombo@R_754_2419@Model(); model.s…… -
Are there two identical keywords in Java?
Because we use the "default" keyword as an access specifier, and it can be used in switch statements for completely di…… -
java – com. sun. mail. smtp. SMTPSendFailedException:530 5.7. 0 must first issue the starttls command
I am creating an application 2.2 1 and try adding an email tool to it To this end, I have been in my build Dependency …… -
The Java – quartz job vs. thread executes a task immediately
Assuming I have some units of work to complete, I want to execute asynchronously relative to the rest of my applicatio…… -
Java – what is the difference between Maven archetype mojo and Maven archetype plugin?
Run the output fragment a.txt of the command MVN archetype: generate > 332: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetype…… -
Java – how to allocate memory in Scala
We know that, unlike Java, Scala treats everything as an object For example, we have – object A{ val arg1=1 de…… -
ORM – upgrade GlassFish V2 to JPA 2.0?
I'm trying to use hibernate 3.5 on GlassFish v2 5 and spring hibernate JPA vendoradapter, but when the spring context …… -
RX Java – chain can be completed to observable stream
Suppose you want to insert a complete in the observable chain. For example, for each issued element, there is a runnab…… -
Javafx-2 – performance issues with JavaFX linechart with 65000 data points
Building the described linechart takes 15 minutes JavaFX, which doesn't work for my task Using good old swing and simi…… -
How to sample multichannel sound input in Java
I realize that this may be a relative niche, but maybe that's why it's a good question anyway I am looking for a hardw…… -
Java – jodatime string yyyy mm ddthh: MMSs Z to datetime
Hi, I'm using joda time to convert my string date to a datetime object I currently have the following string: 2014-02-…… -
Java – get the wrong timestamp from the object saved to the database by hibernate
I am new to hibernate and am developing a web project using it I have an object named area, which has a date object (J…… -
Java – build upgrade: how to manage dependencies?
I'm trying to understand all the implications of switching our java project from snapshot / release strategy to build …… -
Potential problems with one of Oracle’s Java generics
I'm reviewing a Java generic Oracle path called "effects of type error and bridge methods", and I can't convince mysel…… -
Java – use spring MVC and hibernate to dynamically add tenants in multi tenant database applications
I am developing a web application that uses a multi - tenant database configuration I want to add tenants dynamically …… -
Java – Etag support for versioned entities
I intend to support etag.com for my restfull spring application Most of the resources I expose are versioned in dB I k…… -
Java – the title of the Google bottomnavigationview project disappears after several quick tabs
activity_ main. In XML: <android.support.design.widget.BottomNavigationView android:id="@+id/bottom_navigation"…… -
Java – Google fit API to get the calories consumed by each activity
So I'm trying to create an app that connects to Google fit and displays their data to users in a very compact way, and…… -
Java – code generated by soap UI
I have a web service and I'm trying to build a client I have the following WSDL: http://www.cmicdataservices.com/datac…… -
Java – Avro architecture does not respect backward compatibility
I have this Avro architecture { "namespace": "xx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx","type": "record","name": "MyPayLoad","fields": [ …… -
Java collationkey sorting error
I'm having trouble comparing strings I want to compare two French texts such as "é D" and "EF" Collator localeSpecific…… -
How to set the default gateway, IP address and subnet mask from Java?
I'm looking for some ways to configure my Ethernet card from Java There is no way to change the default gateway, IP ad…… -
java – Float. Equals is completely useless. What should I use?
in consideration of: > == should never be used to compare doubles/floats > it appears from the docs that (beyond…… -
Java – synchronization, volatile and thread safety
I'm reading some books about Java concurrency recently With regard to thread safety, if you cannot make a class immuta…… -
Java – it is better to have a caching mechanism inside or outside the factory class?
My problem is not strictly language - related, it's more like a general programming concept If I have a factory class …… -
Java – where can I find Proguard. Java in my project cfg?
I want to enable Proguard for my application in this document @ L_ 301_ 0 @, it says that the Proguard that I have to …… -
When programming with Java / kotlin, it is recommended to use tail recursive or iterative version? Is there any difference in performance?
I try to learn good habits in programming, and I stick to this problem I know that in Java, recursive functions can be…… -
Java – embedded jetty: select an existing spring MVC controller
context I work on a web application (using the play framework), and I'm trying to migrate to the traditional servlet m…… -
Java – how to create acceptance tests for asynchronous microservices
If I have a microservice, it should create users. However, because user creation is very complex, it uses queues. User…… -
Java – mockito. In easymock What is the analogy of spy / doreturn?
Imagine that I have the following courses: public class TestClass { public class Index<X> { } publi…… -
Java EE – was remote container and arquillian on @ persistencecontext
For our integration testing, I want to use arquillian and follow all the steps in the "Getting Started tutorial" Becau……