包含标签:Android 的文章
Build Android C development environment on eclipse
1. Tools and software to be prepared JDK Invalid Sign Adt12.0 (of course, the latest ADT is available to avoid too…… -
Can’t create an Android project with appengine connection in eclipse?
I installed the Google plug-in for eclipse. When using new > to create a project > appengine connected Android p…… -
Live on iPhone / Android: RTMP – http
We plan to develop a mobile application that allows users to view real-time streams and broadcast live from iPhone / A…… -
Optimize iPhone and Android browsers for asp.net applications
I have an ASP. Net (not MVC) application I want to create a version optimized for browsers on iPhone and Android Some …… -
Screenshot from Android
I have successfully captured the screen using the following code View v1 = relativeView.getRootView(); v1.setDrawingCa…… -
Java – JSON vs simple string operation for parsing httprequest in Android
I am faced with the common situation that I have to extract some information from the remote server through httppost r…… -
Android: what is the reason for java.net.socketexception: the connection timed out?
Download and load data in my application. Everything is fine, but some of it gives strange responses and throws socket…… -
Android – repeat input using parse and multidex
My project is a chat application using Parse. After adding other dependencies, this problem begins to appear: When sea…… -
Android – delete items from recyclerview
I have a problem deleting items from the list in recyclerview. I want to do the following functions. When I press the …… -
Java – Android Facebook login callback does not work properly
I tried to use Facebook login to access user profile. But I'm confused about Facebook tutorial. So far, I think I've s…… -
Android – how to simulate TrustZone in QEMU?
I tried to simulate the TrustZone function in QEMU. I found two links that seemed to explain the process The first ref…… -
Android – set the rotated drawable to the drawableleft of textview
I want to rotate drawableleft in textview I tried this Code: Drawable result = rotate(degree); setCompoundDrawables(re…… -
Android – can I know the Bluetooth device model matched by the manufacturer?
I want to use two types of Bluetooth printers, sewoo and Extech. I want to have two different behaviors, one for each …… -
Android – how do I check the listview’s checkbox when I click an item?
How do I check the of listview when I click an item Check@R_ 283_ 2419@? I have a belt Check@R_ 283_ 2419 @, textview…… -
Android – best practice: navigation drawer
In the Android development tutorial of the navigation drawer design pattern, the recommended way to manage different l…… -
Android – how to deploy phonegap applications directly to devices
I have a phonegap 3.3.0 project setup and work perfectly. I can build an. APK from PATD's PATD: jamie@Hutber-8 /c/var/…… -
Test the Android application process lifecycle and recovery state when the empty process state is reached
Recently, I have been trying to improve my knowledge and skills in managing Android application status at all stages o…… -
Java – correctly formatted date
Hello, stack overflows, let me say I have a database with a row of dates, okay? Question 1: Like this: June 1, 2013 So…… -
Android – you cannot determine the dependencies of all tasks using the robolectric gradle plug-in
After modifying my gradle build file, as written in the document, the following errors will appear in all my tasks: Th…… -
Java – Android: call the IllegalStateException of dialogfragment
I already have this work when I have only one fragment 1 (landscape) layout, but now there is an additional portrait v…… -
Android – AutoCompleteTextView using cursorloader
I'm changing my application to use cursorloader instead of startmanagingcursor I have an implementation of AutoComplet…… -
Java – Dropbox SDK for Android: androidauthsession not found
I'm trying to follow Drop@R_ 419_ 2419 @ tutorials on the website will drop@R_ 419_ 2419 @ integrated into my android …… -
Android – will telephonymanager.getdeviceid work without SIM card?
I have a simple question: whether TelephonyManager.getdeviceid(); Will it work without sim_state_absent in the devi…… -
Android IOCTL – root permissions and usage
I am dealing with some routing functions in Android applications and need to access IOCTLs. Since applications using I…… -
Override hardware buttons on Android
Is it possible to programmatically override the functions of the hardware buttons on the robot? Specifically, I want t…… -
android:screenOrientation? Can you use landscapes on high-resolution devices?
Is there a technology that only allows landscape on large equipment? I can set the active manifest.xml file according …… -
Android – add menu to sub preferences screen
I have a menu that appears in my preferenceactivity. In my children's preferences screen, I lost the menu (no Pop-Up).…… -
Synchronize SQLite / Android database tables to remote MySQL database tables (via PHP)
I am trying to create a SQLite database when the program runs for the first time, which contains a table with 7 rows, …… -
Java – dagger – accessing singleton objects from other classes
I have been trying to understand and set up dagger to handle dependency injection of Android projects. My single (no p…… -
Android – if you collapse backpressed, the toolbar disappears
When backpressed, my toolbar becomes invisible or disappears. This happens only when the toolbar is collapsed >I ha…… -
Android – how do I do it, user login or Facebook SDK 4.0.1
I'm using Facebook's new SDK 4.0.1 because when I change the login button to log out, the same button is used to log o…… -
Joint debugging of Android and WCF rest services
When developing an Android program and calling a web service (provided that the service is written by yourself), you n……