包含标签:Android 的文章
Android – how to upload data from byte array to PHP server?
I upload the image file from the device to the PHP server by converting the file into a byte array. I use android-asyn…… -
Java – how to set setlayoutparams on dynamically adding elements on a widget
Currently, I am dynamically adding elements to my widget using the following: RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(cont…… -
How long will the mobile Android Market Update after the upgrade is released?
After I upload / publish my application upgrade, it will be updated on the web Android Market immediately. But if I se…… -
Android pushes new activities when other activities are cleared
I have a series of activities a, B and C. After completion, I need to push the new activity y to my family activities.…… -
Android – how to save / load data online (using Ajax and JSON to store data) and offline (local)
I need to help find the best, cross browser compatible way to "save" user input and store them locally (offline mode) …… -
Android activity
I have five activities. The process is like this In activity 5, press the back button to return to activity 2 or 3 aft…… -
Android – how to bind mvvmcross to drawviewid to ImageView
How to return drawableid in the converter? My layout file: <ImageView android:id="@+id/imgTest" android:src…… -
Android – how to make navigationview headers sticky
Can I make the title sticky in the design support library navigationview? <android.support.design.widget.Navigation…… -
Android – get the path of DCIM folder on primary storage and secondary storage
I'm writing an application that should upload photos taken by the camera, which are stored in the DCIM / camera folder…… -
android base layout – top middle bottom
Android upper, middle and lower layout, and the middle part is automatically filled. The code is as follows, of which …… -
Android – reverse checkbox for textview
I tried different ways to reverse the textview box in Android. I use this "link" to do this But it doesn't work for me…… -
Android – when replacing a fragment, the savedinstancestate bundle is cleared when restoring the fragment after double rotation
We call them fragments a and B. fragment B is just a detailed view of A. it replaces fragment a when a button is click…… -
Android – handling conflicts in bullets through. G3db files
I am developing a simple application using libgdx and bullet API. I have completed the basic prototype of this applica…… -
Java – is there any system certificate store on Android?
In the desktop Java, there is sun.security.mscapi.sunmscapi cryptoprovider. We can use it and keystore to access the w…… -
android – DragEvent.ACTION_ Drop will never be called
I tried to use image drag on my Android application. My problem is that dragevent.action will never be called when I s…… -
Android – how do I use explicit intent to pass URIs?
I want to use expand to launch a specific number on the softphone application. The implicit application looks like: In…… -
Android NFC transceiver () uses NFCF Technology (Sony felica)
I'm trying to connect my Android Tablet to a device using NFC and retrieve data from the device I tried According to N…… -
Android – how to get the contacts users often talk to?
Can I use contactscontract to get the contacts that users often talk to? I know I can use calllog ContentProvider and …… -
Creating timepickerdialog using custom styles in Android
I want to create a dialogfragment or dialog with TimePicker, as shown in the figure below. The problem is that my appl…… -
Basic process of eclipse NDK development
Create Android project - > complete the preparation of Java functions, add JNI interface functions (native function…… -
Android – how do I create multiple clips programmatically?
I try to programmatically display multiple clips on one screen. I can do this by including each clip in the active lay…… -
Java – how to use ffmpeg in Android to reduce the video size captured by the default camera?
I am trying to reduce the video size captured by the default camera in Android (it is generating high-resolution video…… -
Android – number of GPS repair satellites acquired?
I got GPS_ Location: double lo=gps_loc.getLongitude(); double la=gps_loc.getLatitude(); I got horizontal_ Accuracy…… -
Android – expandablelistview does not appear when the activity is started
Yayy, coding is very interesting. This is my third attempt to create an expandablelistview linked to sqllite database.…… -
Android – when to use 9-patch
Are there any Android Developer documentation describing when a paintable resource can be a 9 patch? In other words, i…… -
Android – how to change the content type of applicationjacksonhttpmessageconverter from application / JSON; Charset = UTF-8 changed to appl
I have a @ L_ 301_ 0 @ rest web service. In my controller, I use mappingjacksonhttpmessageconverter to convert my retu…… -
Android: UI elements on canvas layer
How do I set some UI elements on the canvas (at the top)? I have a simple touch game, and its graphics are placed on t…… -
Java – what is the method to insert a large amount of JSON data into SQLite dB in Android?
I have a large JSON request, that is, it has about 50K rows and 15 columns. I must insert it into SQLite dB with the s…… -
Java – Android coding problem
I have the following lines: String textEncoding = ((payload[0] & 128) == 0) ? "UTF-8" : "UTF-16"; Both "UTF-8" a…… -
android ADB server didn’t ACK
When running the Android program, an error is reported: [2013-11-26 14:21:36 - adb] ADB server didn't ACK [2013-11-26 …… -
What is the Android equivalent of Java – JFrame?
I just wrote a java program for the game. I want to know how to run the same game on Android using Android studio I no…… -
Java – the greendao getter of related entities returns an empty list
I have an Android application. I use greendao to model my database. I have a simple scenario, but I don't understand h……