Android – back button to close two activities?
My activity stack looks like this, forgive the rough chart!
If I press the back button in activity B, I will return to a as expected. However, if I press the back button in activity C or D, I will return to a instead of B. in my opinion, this may be caused by two things: 1) activity B exits when opening the intention of C or D; 2) the back button is invoked twice in some way?
I carefully studied the click listeners in activity B, which started the intention of expecting to find a finish () call there, but I didn't. I also checked the onbackpressed () method of activities C and D to see if I opened activity a manually... But I didn't
This is the onresume method of activity a
protected void onResume() {
This is the way I began to intend C and D
Bundle info = new Bundle();
info.putString("classId", ""+classId );
Intent intent = new Intent(Notebook.this, StudentChooser.class);
Can I help you?
Editor: I found finish () in onuserleavehint (), which is the problem!
The reason may be that you are using finish() in your prevIoUs activity,For example
Intent intent = new Intent(B.this, C.class);
finish() is destroying B activity hence the control is going on activity A on back button