How to call invalidate() on viewpager
I am using TouchDB to copy the database and display its contents in a series of ListView in ViewPager. The problem I h…… -
Android performance optimization series 3
1. Performance optimization (I) app startup optimization- --Optimizati…… -
Android – the prompt does not disappear on EditText
I have an EditText: <EditText android:hint="Your Notes" android:id="@+id/tv_notes_data" android:layout_wid…… -
Android beta APK distribution problem
I'm going to a Hacker News party in DC tomorrow. I'll show my android app. I want to have a QR code for people to scan…… -
Unable to access preferences set in account authenticator in Android
I set preferences in the check box through account authenticator: Intent settingsIntent = new Intent("android.settings…… -
Android – class achartengine not found
So I've been trying to implement Android's attack engine into my project, but I have some slight complexity. I really …… -
How to draw an animation canvas using the code in Android?
I have such code; AnimationSet s1 = new AnimationSet(true); TranslateAnimation tr1 = new TranslateAnimation…… -
java – Android Studio:NoClassDefFoundError
I'm trying to build an application that uses JavaMail and Gmail's SMTP service to send e-mail, but when I run it, it w…… -
Java – sharing POJO entity data classes between Android and spring projects
How to reference, add and link without copy / paste, depending on Java classes defined in different projects or librar…… -
Android – if I use Picasso or glass or volley to retrieve it, do I need to provide images of different sizes?
Generally, it is better if we provide images with different densities (sdpi, MDPI, hdpi, xhdpi, etc.). If I use some l…… -
Java – lambda expression – source 1.7 not supported (Android studio)
See English answer > is it possible to use Java 8 for Android development? I tried to run my android project in And…… -
Android – how to animate toolbars like the contacts application in Lollipop
I'm developing this application. I want to implement a folding animation similar to the contact application. I can't f…… -
Android – date and time selector widget from mailbox application
Who knows the date and time selector widget used by the mailbox application? What I am most interested in is limiting …… -
Android – add source files to gradle project
Let's suppose I have a simple Android project that I will build by gradle Can I add sources from any directory? So I w…… -
How to extract XZ files faster in Java?
The size of my SQLite DB file is 85MB, compressed in XZ format, and its size has been reduced to 16MB. I use the follo…… -
PHP – urban aircraft push: response: negative response from server: 0
I'm trying to send a push notification from my server to my Android application. But it's throwing an error. Payload: …… -
Android – sharing resources between projects
I have many projects with the same activities, including the same paintable resources. In each project, I copy SRC jav…… -
Android – multiple active APNs
I am using an Android device that supports volte. When the device is connected to LTE, it will automatically obtain a …… -
Java – runtimeException when using activityunittestcase, but not runtimeException when using activityinstrumentationtestcase2
I'm trying to test the mainactivity of an Android application using activityunittestcase. For some reason, I can't eve…… -
Cannot use cast Android sample to make mpeg-dash work properly
It is difficult for me to use cast Android sample to make MPEG dash samples play normally You can easily copy by addin…… -
Android – timing error in our game, currenttimemillis frozen?
When testing our game, which relies heavily on system. Currenttimemillis (), we encountered an annoying error Our game…… -
I also need a suitable code to use NDK as Android lib
I also need a suitable code to use NDK as Android lib I saw them call this function in Android open source What do you…… -
Faster / fastest way to get new SMS when launching the app – Android
I have a SQLite database, which contains all the user's SMS, but when you start the application, if the user decides t…… -
Android – how to refresh the contents of a single line in a listview using onItemClick
I have a belt Check@R_ 959_ 2419 @ listview. What I want to implement is onItemClick (in my activity). If I click this…… -
android – FINE_ The accuracy of location is lower than that of course_ LOCATION
According to my understanding of accessing location on Android: >The location provider requires access permission_ …… -
JavaScript – getElementsByTagName causes NullPointerException
Consider the following codes:'mytag'));'my…… -
Android App category and permission list
Just want to know that there is a list anywhere on the Internet, which contains a list of all permissions usually asso…… -
Access Android external SD card from native code
I am using NDK 5 to develop a native APK for Android My question is, how can I access the write and read of the extern…… -
Java – is this an effective way to hold static references and activity / context? Why don’t I do that?
I have an abstract basefragmentactivity class. All activities in my Android application are extended. In this class, I…… -
What exactly does Android – movetasktoback() do?
From documentation: What exactly does "move the task containing this activity behind the activity stack" mean? I know …… -
Android – change dialog button position
Can I change the position of the button on the dialog box to the outside of the dialog box itself? Something like this…… -
C# – how to change the default color when the switch is set to “on” (blue to green) in the form xamarin. In IOS, it is green by default, but in Android, it is blue
Wirth this code, when it "turns on", I'm using the blue switch. I want to turn it green using Xamarin.Forms; namespac……