Android – how do I log in to Facebook without a Facebook app?
I use the Facebook sample application (sessionloginsample) to learn how to log in to Facebook. My facebook SDK is the …… -
Android – next and previous animation
When the user selects an item in the list, I pop up the popupwindow. Then when he slides left and right in the pop-up …… -
Android – get the progress of intentservice
I'm developing an Android application that requires a lot of API calls. I've built a system to implement a queuing sys…… -
Android – how do I get MIME types from a web view?
I am about to develop a browser plug-in to detect whether the page is WML. If so, it will be converted to HTML through…… -
Error expanding layout to alertdialog (Android)
public void popInstructionsDialog(String title, String text, String buttonText, Activity activity){ AlertDialog.B…… -
Android – CDMA SNR or BER
I want to use the code to determine whether the voice channel on Android is experiencing noise stay http://developer.a…… -
Making a call on adobe air on Android
I want to make a call through the air app on Android. I know you can do this: navigateToURL(new URLRequest(tel:5555555…… -
Android – after a period of time, the barcode scanner throws a java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror
I have a barcode scanner using the new Android visual library, which works perfectly on my device and several others. …… -
Use of asynctask asynchronous tasks in Android
There was a problem downloading files from the asynchronous task during the interview yesterday. Today, I sorted it ou…… -
JavaScript – how to disable audio playback in Android chrome when the process is backgrounded?
How to programmatically disable songs playing in the background of chrome Android process? The following is a simple e…… -
Android – delete the searchview search voice button line
Thanks for other so related posts about searchview customization, I can customize my searchview: Now that I'm trying t…… -
Java – how do I align these numbers with decimals in Android?
My activity fullscreen.xml has this excerpt, which works exactly as I want to produce decimal aligned output: <…… -
Eclipse: unable to find R after updating Android ADT to version 23.0.5
I have updated the eclipse ADT from version 22 to 23.0.5, but after the update, it gives an error that R cannot be fou…… -
Android – canvas DrawText positioning
Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); paint.setColor(Color.RED); paint.…… -
Android – how to list GNU C in preferences
I have a mixed Java / C project. I want to develop it on the new PC. It uses opencv graphics library. Everything is no…… -
Android – cast device discovery is not applicable to default_ MEDIA_ RECEIVER_ APPLICATION_ ID
Tried the casthellotext Android master example in the Google cast SDK If I change mediarouteselector to find castmedia…… -
Android – retrieve user details such as name and address in Facebook integration
Hi, I use the latest Facebook SDK to log in locally. I have successfully logged in locally, but I can't retrieve user …… -
Android – how do I open the Google play store app from my app to install the latest version of my app in the play store
I have questions about the application upgrade scheme in the application. Basically, I send the application version fr…… -
Android – viewpager touch blinks in a blank area
>I have a scene in the view. Viewpager is used to display multiple clips describing the number of columns > now,…… -
I wonder what happens if I write one code in XML and another in Java I have this code in my program: import android.ap…… -
Do you need to change the version and version code to update the android app in Google play?
I'm trying to update the app on Google play. Do I need to update both? Android: versionname and Android versioncode I …… -
Android project development – Metro time machine (I, building the main framework)
1: Let's take a look at the renderings after the framework is built 2: Frame structure (1) the bottom navigation bar…… -
Android – ADT bundle for Mac: Eclipse cannot start
I downloaded the Android Developer Tools bundle for Mac from here. The system requirements section says that it requir…… -
WebView crashed when I called a Java function from my JavaScript code. Why?
This may be a simple question. When I call a Java function from my JavaScript code, WebView crashes. Why? This code st…… -
How do we play. M3u8 files in Android 2.2 or Android 2.3?
How do we play. M3u8 (using Unicode M3U files) files in Android 2.2 or 2.3? Can Android play files in this format? res…… -
Android – smack API – read chat records from openfire server
How to use the smack library to extract chat records or chat records from openfire server into Android applications? r…… -
Grails C2DM – Android
Find some Grails plug - ins that implement Android push notifications I'm already using APNs for iPhone, but now I hav…… -
2D array in Android
int maxrow=0; int label=10; int[][] relations=new int[500][200]; make2dzero(relations,500,200); //initialized every…… -
Android – get JSON array using retrofit
Hi, I'm trying to parse the following JSON responses in the list {"beers":[{"id":"1","nombre":"Larzobispa","localidad"…… -
Java Android tracking usage time installation app
I need to track the usage time of all installed applications in the Android operating system. For example, this applic…… -
Java – how do I add another EditText when I click and populate another (Android)
I googled for a while, but I couldn't find how to add another EditText after clicking on one I try to describe my prob…… -
Java – casting serializable to derive HashMap
public class Message extends HashMap<String,String> implements Serializable{ public MessageID ID; publ……