Android – use intent.action_ Pick open image
I'm trying to use intent.action_ Pick opens the image, but when I start the activity using startactivityforresoult, my…… -
Android – upload videos programmatically to Youtube
I'm trying to upload videos to YouTube programmatically. I've tried YouTubeService service = new YouTubeService(client…… -
Java – unfortunately, the app has stopped working
I'm new to Android application development. I'm doing this tutorial app. It's very simple. It adds one and subtracts o…… -
Android – back button to close two activities?
Solved! My activity stack looks like this, forgive the rough chart! A-->B-->C-->D If I press the back butto…… -
Update the eclipse Android project to the next version
I have an Android project in eclipse. I started developing in Android version 2.2. (I think). I want to update the pro…… -
Android – resource directory name of the language variant?
For example, when using custom locale in Android, the directory name is res/drawable-en-rUS res/values-fr-rCA Where …… -
Android:FLAG_ ACTIVITY_ CLEAR_ Top and Android: launchmode = “singleinstance”
I think I just found a very strange error... But it may be just some features I've never heard of On my application, i…… -
Java – dynamically add a button to LinearLayout in Android
I'm developing a project that needs to add buttons dynamically. But whenever I run my application, the application clo…… -
Talk Android together (the 132nd time: Android custom view 9)
Hello, everyone. Last time we talked about the example of custom view in Android. This time we continue to talk about …… -
Java – Android fragment conversion error of the second fragmenttransaction. Replace() call
I'm in my classic_ Fragment in menu.xml_ Three types of fragments are saved in the container. I star…… -
The problem of calling native Android jars encountered in xamarin.form (I) naming conflict during compilation
Principle description of official calling Java:…… -
Android hide title bar
Set the attribute on the < activity > element: Android: theme as @ Android: style / theme.notitlebar.fullscreen.…… -
Android – breaks the single top contract
This is the problem. I have an < activity alias > defined in my list as follows: <activity android:name="…… -
Java – Android: using adjustpan and adjustresize doesn’t work, but I need both
I haven't formally decided whether to take this route, but there is an advertisement in my XML document. The XML docum…… -
Android – select from a table based on relationships saved in another table
My situation I use SQLite on Android to store some data. This data is all in the same table, but each row can have one…… -
Java – Android studio on MAC: unable to find system compiler
When I tried to compile Hello world, I got this on one of my Macs On my other Mac, I don't have any problems. As far a…… -
Java – application crash due to NullPointerException
I am using listview. When I click the button, a dialog box containing EditText and button will open. When I click the …… -
Java – chat application in Android so that sender and receiver messages should be on different sides
protected void onPostExecute( ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> myArrayList)// for arraylist(ArrayList…… -
Android expandablelistview and onchildclick do not work properly
I've been reading a lot of threads with the same problem as me, but I can't figure out what happened. I have an extens…… -
Android: the fixed title of amazinglistview is inaccessible
I have a project that uses amazinglistview: I need a clickable but…… -
Java – GCM keeps messages on the server until new messages arrive
I am using Google cloud messaging with the latest version of Google play service to develop applications If I turn off…… -
Java – Android – continuous drawing of shapes to random locations
I'm a little new about Android animation. I'm working on a project to put a picture of a ball in a random position - a…… -
Android – the layout differs between the graphical layout and the actual device
I have the following XML layout code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="ht…… -
Android – how to pause and resume in libgdx using the back key?
I'm using libgdx to create a game. Now I have two questions First, I tried to grab the key so that the game was suspen…… -
Android – how do I call a method from the onclicklistener.onclick method?
import; import; import; import; import com.…… -
Java – Android bitmap. Createbitmap() fills the heap
I need a big bitmap (6000) × 2000), so I created a: Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444; Bitmap bm = Bitmap.c…… -
Android – clips are not visually deleted
I'm trying to replace the fragment with a new fragment. To do this, I use the following code However, when viewed on A…… -
Android – contentobserver onchange() repeated multiple times
I'm trying to query data from calllog and insert it into the database. To do this, I create a contentobserver as an in…… -
Android – sqlitedatabase vs file store
I want to store structure type data (i.e. call log information, such as name, number, number type, date, time, duratio…… -
The problem of trying to build pocketsphinx androiddemo using NDK
I am trying to compile the pocketsphinx androiddemo, which provides a sample implementation of CMU pocketsphinx speech…… -
Android – process recyclerview onclicklistener in activity / fragment
Migrating from listview to recyclerview to handle "onItemClick" seems to be very painful One of the two most common me…… -
Android – how to make navigationview headers sticky
Can I make the title sticky in the design support library navigationview? <……