Streaming audio from client to server to multiple clients
As shown in the title, I am creating an application to send streams audio from the client to the server where I store …… -
Basic use of Android viewpager (with title)
Invalid Sign @Override public int getCount() { return list.size(); } @Override public boolean isViewFromObject(@NonNul…… -
Android – display text ads only in AdMob
I've updated my AdMob account to a new version. I want to display only text ads in my app. How do I do this with a new…… -
Eclipse Android: class not found
I am using Google App Engine to create the following tutorial on creating Android Applications:…… -
Delphi XE5 Android – save / load file of sdcard
I am using Delphi XE5 for Android development I like to save TStringList and load it into the text file on the sdcard.…… -
Android – deletion does not work
I am developing an application. It has a startup screen for downloading several files. Before downloading the files, I…… -
Android – nexus 7 disconnects from windows / eclipse / ADB
My nexus 7 used to work well on Windows 7 64bit, but now suddenly when I connect it, it shows me a new device screen. …… -
Android – is there a keyboard shortcut for “open statement in layout” in eclipse?
I hate that when I try to open the layout declaration, eclipse redirects me to the R file, which is not the same as an…… -
Java – unfortunately, (APP name) has stopped. Eclipse / Android
I'm new to eclipse and want to know how to keep this information Unfortunately, (App Name) has stopped." Every time…… -
Java – Google play game service invitation lost
I'm using the new Google play game service to develop my game on Android. Now I'm trying to add an invitation system. …… -
Java – unfortunately, the app has stopped working
I'm new to Android application development. I'm doing this tutorial app. It's very simple. It adds one and subtracts o…… -
Android – back button to close two activities?
Solved! My activity stack looks like this, forgive the rough chart! A-->B-->C-->D If I press the back butto…… -
Update the eclipse Android project to the next version
I have an Android project in eclipse. I started developing in Android version 2.2. (I think). I want to update the pro…… -
Android – resource directory name of the language variant?
For example, when using custom locale in Android, the directory name is res/drawable-en-rUS res/values-fr-rCA Where …… -
Android:FLAG_ ACTIVITY_ CLEAR_ Top and Android: launchmode = “singleinstance”
I think I just found a very strange error... But it may be just some features I've never heard of On my application, i…… -
Java – dynamically add a button to LinearLayout in Android
I'm developing a project that needs to add buttons dynamically. But whenever I run my application, the application clo…… -
Talk Android together (the 132nd time: Android custom view 9)
Hello, everyone. Last time we talked about the example of custom view in Android. This time we continue to talk about …… -
Java – Android fragment conversion error of the second fragmenttransaction. Replace() call
I'm in my classic_ Fragment in menu.xml_ Three types of fragments are saved in the container. I star…… -
Java – unable to load (find) j2v8_ android_ X86 Library
I have a gradle project that uses j2v8_ Android 2.2.1 Library (provides Java binding for V8 JS engine – Android port).…… -
Android – reads and retains instances of objects from SharedPreferences
scene I have a class that uses the request list set by the user. The request list is stored in SharedPreferences. The …… -
Android – scheduledthreadpoolexecutor is used for periodic tasks (using retrofit) that only need to be triggered once and will not be repeated
I have the following code to poll the unread notification count from the server every x seconds I start this process t…… -
Android – surfaceview onmeasure() does not set the measured dimension by calling setmeasureddimension()
I have a surfaceview. I just draw it manually from another thread It works well. But after an average of 10-20 minutes…… -
Android – how to prevent java.lang.illegalstateexception generated by mediacodec.dequeueinputbuffer
The following code occasionally generates a java.lang.illegalstateexception: Among them_ Mcdoder is an example of medi…… -
Android – the implicit intent of the contact group list
I want to select a group (contact group). I found the code to open contact activity, but I didn't find groups Intent i…… -
Android – assign static IP to Ethernet card from OTG
I want to assign a static IP to the Ethernet card and connect to the Android device through the OTG cable. It should b…… -
Java – how to smooth the paint path when painting with variable width strokes
I created a sample drawing application. Users can draw with variable width strokes. So far, the drawing path of variab…… -
Android – Google Places autocomplete API restrictions
I have questions about the restrictions on Google's local APIs. The use restrictions section of Google doc indicates t…… -
Android – unfortunately appName has stopped the error
When I run my application according to the error message, it gives: I have the following file: packa…… -
How to parse JSON array with gson in Android
See English answers > how to parse JSON array with gson 7. I'm developing Android applications. I'm using gson to p…… -
Android – use intent.action_ Pick open image
I'm trying to use intent.action_ Pick opens the image, but when I start the activity using startactivityforresoult, my…… -
Android – upload videos programmatically to Youtube
I'm trying to upload videos to YouTube programmatically. I've tried YouTubeService service = new YouTubeService(client…… -
Android – how to pause and resume in libgdx using the back key?
I'm using libgdx to create a game. Now I have two questions First, I tried to grab the key so that the game was suspen……