Android – contentobserver onchange() repeated multiple times

I'm trying to query data from calllog and insert it into the database. To do this, I create a contentobserver as an internal class in the service. In the onchange() method, I call my method to go to the specified URI and query the changed data

But let's say that I received a call, so the observer was notified. So my method went to call the log content provider, query and insert, but it inserted the same register twice or three times

This is my service code

public class RatedCallsService extends Service 

private Handler handler = new Handler();
    private sqliteDatabase db;
    private OpenHelper helper;
    private String theDate;
    private String theMonth_;
    private String theYear_;
    private String theDay_;
    public static boolean servReg = false;

    class RatedCallsContentObserver extends ContentObserver {

            public RatedCallsContentObserver(Handler h) {

                //helper = new OpenHelper(getApplicationContext());
                //db = helper.getWritableDatabase();


            public boolean deliverSelfNotifications() {

                return true;


            public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {

                Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Inside on Change. selfChange " + selfChange);

        public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {

            return null;



        public void onCreate() {
            servReg = true;
            db = DataHandlerDB.createDB(this);


        public void onDestroy() {

            this.getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(new RatedCallsContentObserver(handler));


        private void searchInsert() { 

                    Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(
            android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null,
            android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE + " DESC ");

    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {

        int numberColumnId = cursor
        int durationId = cursor
        int contactNameId = cursor
        int numTypeId = cursor
        int callTypeId = cursor

        Date dt = new Date();
        int hours = dt.getHours();
        int minutes = dt.getMinutes();
        int seconds = dt.getSeconds();
        String currTime = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;

        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy");

        Date date = new Date();


        String contactNumber = cursor.getString(numberColumnId);
        String contactName = (null == cursor.getString(contactNameId) ? ""
                : cursor.getString(contactNameId));
        String duration = cursor.getString(durationId);
        String numType = cursor.getString(numTypeId);
        String callType = cursor.getString(callTypeId);

        seconds = Integer.parseInt(duration);

        theDate = dateFormat.format(date);

        if (theDate.length() == 9) {

            theMonth_ = theDate.substring(0, 1);
            theDay_ = theDate.substring(2, 4);
            theYear_ = theDate.substring(5, 9);

        } else if (theDate.length() == 10) {

            theMonth_ = theDate.substring(0, 2);
            theDay_ = theDate.substring(3, 4);
            theYear_ = theDate.substring(6, 10);

        } else if (theDate.length() == 8) {

            theMonth_ = theDate.substring(0, 1);
            theDay_ = theDate.substring(2, 3);
            theYear_ = theDate.substring(4, 8);


        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        ContentValues values2 = new ContentValues();

        values.put("contact_id", 1);
        values.put("contact_name", contactName);
        values.put("number_type", numType);
        values.put("contact_number", contactNumber);
        values.put("duration", Utilities.convertTime(seconds));
        values.put("date", dateFormat.format(date));
        values.put("current_time", currTime);
        values.put("cont", 1);
        values.put("type", callType);

        values2.put("duration", Utilities.convertTime(seconds));
        values2.put("year", theYear_);
        values2.put("month_num", Integer.parseInt(theMonth_));

        if (!db.isopen()) {
            db = getApplicationContext()
                            sqliteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE, null);
        if (duration != "") {               
            if (Integer.parseInt(duration) != 0) {

                String existingMonthDuration = DataHandlerDB
                        .selectMonthsDuration(theMonth_, theYear_, this);
                Integer newMonthDuration;

                if (existingMonthDuration != "") {

                    newMonthDuration = Integer
                            + Integer.parseInt(duration);                       

                    db.update(DataHandlerDB.TABLE_NAME_3, values2,
                            "year = ?", new String[] { theYear_ });

                } else {

                    db.insert(DataHandlerDB.TABLE_NAME_3, null, values2);


                db.insert(DataHandlerDB.TABLE_NAME_2, null, values);




    public void registerContentObserver() {

                            android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, false,
                            new RatedCallsContentObserver(handler));


I've tried everything. Unregister observers, etc. but I didn't notice


I select the time stamp of the call from Before inserting, I check whether there are some time stamps like this. If there is, I will not insert, if not, I will insert data. This value is unique, so it will never be similar to each other

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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