包含标签:Android 的文章
Java – the greendao getter of related entities returns an empty list
I have an Android application. I use greendao to model my database. I have a simple scenario, but I don't understand h…… -
Can I create a Windows Phone application using Java?
I learned Android application programming. My command is Java Some websites offer SDKs for multi platform development,…… -
Android – gradient backgrounds don’t work on some devices
I'm using gradient drawable for image internal shadow. It works for some devices (check-in simulator) but doesn't work…… -
Java import error “android.widget.filter.filterresults type is not visible”
This question has been asked: the type android.widget.filter.filterresults is not visible, but there is no clear answe…… -
android – LD_ LIBRARY_ Path defines the required LIBS
I want to ensure that any necessary libraries are added to the developed Android application. Therefore, I try to defi…… -
If generated programmatically in Android 2.0, Android spinner does not render correctly
This code is written in Spinner's layout / XML file: <Spinner android:id="@+id/planets_spinner" android:layout_…… -
When to use weak pointers (WP) in the Android native framework (AOSP)
I know the difference between SP and WP. SP will automatically re collect dynamically allocated memory. But I don't kn…… -
Touch blur. Android App
I'm trying to make an application in which the image user touches the part of the Android application becomes blurred …… -
The host name may not be null, including HTTP in Android
I have this code in asynctask: try { Log.d("API", "URL: "+URL.trim()); StringBuild…… -
Java – fragmentpageradapter displays all fragment contents on the first page
In memory, I have a list of items, each with a title and a 0.. n chunks list (storing some information). I know I am c…… -
Android – Google Maps V2 connection problem
I've received some crash reports. I'm not sure what caused it This has only started to happen in recent updates. This …… -
Python and Android
This link says that you can really write code in Python and use it for application development on the Android platform…… -
Android – linear layout with an imagebutton – is there a better way to solve it?
At present, I have something similar: <LinearLayout android:layout_height="80dip" android:id="@+id/linearLayoutSett…… -
Java – what is the correct way to handle AWS credentials in an Android project?
I need to connect to Amazon's simpledb in my Android application. The sample project provided with Amazon 7000 places …… -
Standard way to cache data in Android?
I'm confused about how to cache data in Android. I've seen many people implement their own caching (for example, in th…… -
Android – you can only click text in the listview item
We have a listview with dynamic content. We can only click on the text, not the whole item (which means short text mea…… -
Can I use AdMob SDK jar as a dependency in my Maven Android project?
I just switch the build process to Maven. I can't find the dependency of AdMob on the Maven repository site. How can I…… -
Android – framework for repeatedly executing background tasks
I'm using ionic framework / Cordova to build my application. I installed this plug-in Cordova plugin background mode t…… -
Digital signature in Java / Android (RSA key)
I want to use the private key (RSA) stored in DB to generate digital signature in my java / Android project My 2 keys …… -
Android – WebView – the best way to upload images from your device
I currently have applications on Google play and iTunes, which are the native packaging of shared WebView. The beauty …… -
Android – if previously committed locally, firebase transactions will not be aborted remotely
I am building an Android Application in which several users can access, modify and delete the same item. I am using fi…… -
Android – play service 5.2.08 problem
GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this) Although my game service has been updated, it always ret…… -
Android – close the application from the broadcast receiver
I'm new to Android programming. I've tried to register a broadcast receiver in the activity, but my receiver doesn't w…… -
Android – how to call methods from nested fragments
I have a fragment (this is a label of my tabhost) "Fraga" in other fragments "fragb", but I need to call a "fragb" met…… -
Android – flash torch on Google nexus 5
After reading all the posts of other users and encountering the same problem, I can create a simple working applicatio…… -
Will Android videoview cache streaming video?
It seems that videoview / mediaplayer has no automatic cache. Is it just me? Will Android videoview cache streaming vi…… -
Facebook Android API and twitter WebView login integration
I have an Android application that will require users to log in using Facebook or twitter. I managed to achieve both a…… -
Strange Android camera behavior when the torch opens
I have the following Android code (written here in pseudo code): mCamera = configAndInitialize(); //all I want to do b…… -
Android – failed to build with maven
I am a novice of robospice. Running MVN install in the directory of the sample project will give me the following erro…… -
Android compiles tensorflowlite.so
Compile tensorflowlite.so for Android https://www.tensorflow.org/lite This article records the update time 2019-06-29 …… -
Java – can images be shared on Android via data URLs?
Can I share images with such code? Intent share = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); share.setData(Uri.parse("data:image/…… -
Android – achart engine limits pan valid data points
I have an Android application that uses achart to create two charts. Line charts and bar charts. Each time the applica……