Android – TextureView getbitmap() ignores settransform
I am using TextureView for camerapreview. Due to the difference between display ratio and preview ratio, I use textureview.settransform (matrix) in onsurfacetextureavailable(). When I need a screenshot of TextureView, I use TextureView. Getbitmap(), but in some smartphone models, getbitmap() ignores the scaling of preview. Why?
I found the same problem when I needed to post process the camera preview before display
It seems that the original camera capture is what appears in getbitmap (), not the converted view of the final display
I solved the following problem. It only applies the same transformation after pulling out bitmap:
TextureView textureView = (TextureView) findViewById( ); Matrix m = new Matrix(); // Do matrix creation here. textureView.setTransform( m ); // When you need to get the Bitmap Bitmap bitmap = textureView.getBitmap(); bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), textureView.getTransform( null ), true );
@H_404_15@我注意到Bitmap没有像在原始视图中那样被裁剪.在我的例子中,TextureView已经裁剪了图像的顶部和底部,而Bitmap仍然是全尺寸的.基本上,默认情况下,看起来TextureView使用等效的“centerCrop”来显示原始源.我将相应的ImageView设置为使用android:scaleType =“centerCrop”并且视图具有相同的方面.
以上是编程之家为你收集整理的android – TextureView getBitmap()忽略setTransform全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android – TextureView getBitmap()忽略setTransform所遇到的程序开发问题。