包含标签:Java 的文章
Grizzly – java. lang.NoSuchMethodError:javax. xml. ws. WebFault. messageName
I have a WSDL file for the web service I want to test the interaction between the client and the server To do this, I …… -
Java – missing classpath entry in eclipse
I am using eclipse, Helios service release 2, build ID: 20110218-0911 I created a new dynamic website, in which I adde…… -
Java – set EditText to a single line so that it loses focus after pressing enter
I use EditText in my code and compare its contents with a string when I click a button setSingleLine(true); Prevent th…… -
Java – refresh and get entities after saving (JPA / spring data / Hibernate)
I have these two simple entities something and property Things: @Entity @Table(name = "something") public class Someth…… -
Java phantom JS behaves differently in windows and Linux
I've been trying to solve this problem, but I don't know why, Phantomjs in PC and server is the same v.2 0 In windows …… -
Effective Java: security of forwarding classes
Effective java version 3, Item 18: composition over inheritance describes the problem of adding behavior to classes us…… -
The wrong class was called in the multi version JAR file on Java 9?
I found a problem with the applet using multiple versions of jar. I hope someone can help me I have a very simplified …… -
JavaFX – drag and drop works differently in Java 11 than in Java 8
I wrote a program that uses the drag and drop function in JavaFX It works perfectly in JavaFX 8 In JavaFX 11, the drag…… -
Multithreading – STD:: this_ Thread:: yield() usage?
Can someone provide STD:: this in C application_ A real example of the use of thread:: yield()? Solution I used yield …… -
Java – how to run AspectJ load weaving on gradle (especially libgdx build)
So I want to inject some testing and logging functions into my libgdx game So I added the following to the gradle depe…… -
Java – ignore the saxexception “content not allowed in trailing section”
I'm using Java's documentbuilder Parse (InputStream) to parse XML documents Occasionally, I get malformed XML document…… -
How to declare 32-bit integers in Java?
I am looking for a Java application running on 32 - bit and 64 - bit systems, which mainly deals with IP addresses The…… -
Java – JSTL – iterating user-defined classes using foreach
See English answer > javax servlet. ServletException: javax. servlet. jsp. Jsptagexception: don't know how to itera…… -
Java – ambiguous mockito – 0 matches expectation, 1 record (invaliduseofmatchersexception)
I face a very strange problem@ H_ 301_ 2@URL = "/my/specific/url/"; when(this.restHelperMock.post( eq(myEnum),eq(this.…… -
Java – listview header without list item separator
I'm currently writing an Android application that uses a listview with a title It works well, but it's not what I want…… -
Suggestions for designing large Java webapps from scratch
I'm about to start developing a large system, and I'm trying to move in which direction I have done a lot of Java Web …… -
Java – preserve keyboard layout in swing applications?
I have a Java Swing application that generates sub dialog boxes with text controls The problem is that when you change…… -
Java – null object design pattern vs null object check
Why is null object design pattern better than null object checking Null Object design pattern Solution The whole probl…… -
Java – why is heap memory usage and the number of loaded classes increasing?
I am using JVM Explorer – link to JVM explorer to analyze my spring application I have the following questions >Why…… -
Java – use MDC to dynamically name log files in log4j
Is it possible to use MDC to name log files at run time I have a web application that uses Tomcat docbase and calls wi…… -
Java – a better way to call a function multiple times
See English answers > performance of static methods vs instance methods3 >Create the object only once and call t…… -
Java – should enumerated objects be stateless?
According to the design, the enumeration constant in Java is a singleton. For concurrent use, I usually create statele…… -
Java – how do I easymock actors?
How can I simulate an actor's performance sqlMapClient sqlMapClient; sqlMapClientImpl sqlMapClientImpl = (sqlMapClient…… -
Java – listen for login events in JBoss as 6
I have an application running in JBoss as6 Authentication is using the 'form' authentication method and the user is lo…… -
Play with framework Java dependency injection – when to use singletons
I tried to find out how to use dependency injection in play framework 2.4 I am familiar with general principles, but I…… -
Programmatically determine whether to assign IP addresses through DHCP or manually set them in Java
The title summarizes it Is there any way to find out whether the local network interface has its address assigned thro…… -
How to set up a complex java development infrastructure?
I am looking for a complete java development infrastructure that integrates: >IDE like eclipse, > build system l…… -
Java – what should JAXB return from the ‘beforemarshal (marshaler)’ method?
First of all, I'm not talking about Marshall #listener Anyone can tell me what should be returned from the Boolean bef…… -
Run the subprocess to correctly provide input and output in Java
I use the runtime exec () method to create subprocesses in Java However, since the subprocess is an interactive progra…… -
Java – the fastest way to read long [] from a file?
I have a file containing about 200000 long values, and I hope to read it into long [] It is suitable for Android appli…… -
Java – generic method call
I have this code from "Java - Beginner's Guide - Schildt", Chapter 13: package com.chapter.thirteen; public class Gen…… -
Java – unable to get JPA entity ID in JSON output
We are trying to use the POC of spring data JPA and spring data rest We are using a simple entity that extends abstrac……