包含标签:Java 的文章
Does Java – IllegalStateException apply to immutable objects?
You throw an IllegalStateException if: >The method cannot complete its work because of the value of one or more fie…… -
Java – can can can Guice automatically create instances of different classes according to parameters?
The standard object factory may be as follows: interface I { ... } class A implements I { ... } class B implements I {…… -
Java – eclipse link: there is no persistence provider named entitymanager
I want to create a bundle that can use Java persistence To do this, I created a plug - in project in eclipse In my pro…… -
Print * as triangle in Java?
My task in java course is to make three triangles One left, one right and one center I have to create a menu of why ty…… -
Java – spring singleton has been created many times
I have defined a bean in my spring web application. I want only one instance of this bean. This is my bean definition:…… -
Java – get HashSet from the key of HashMap?
I have a very large (100'000s entry) HashMap Now, I need a HashSet that contains all the keys in this HashMap Unfortun…… -
Java – using the comparable vs TreeSet list
Option 1: create a list that implements comparable and use collections. Net each time you add a value Sort (List L) so…… -
Caught “Java. Util. Concurrentmodificationexception”
This is my code: // eventList is a LinkedList public void run() { Iterator<Event> it = eventList.iterator(…… -
Java – spring: a bean that receives a list of classes
I want to define a bean in my spring XML context, which has attributes of type list type: List < class > class …… -
Java generic type parameters
I have a method that uses list As an argument public static String method(List<?> arg){ // Do something ba…… -
Java – classnotfoundexception when including library jar
In my android project, I added a library jar. Jar in the LIBS folder >Google gson (COM. Google. Gson) > JBoss ne…… -
Is there any difference between string… Args and string [] args in Java?
See English answer > difference FN (string... Args) vs FN (string [] args) 6 I am a novice in Java programming Anyo…… -
Keep a pair of primitives in Java HashMap
I have a list of documents I want to scan and keep the number of files of the same size The problem is that the file s…… -
Java – how to insert detail bands between existing bands in ireport?
A simple question How do I insert detail bands between existing bands in ireport? Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3 ... I wan…… -
Java common interface performance
A simple question, but I guess it's a tricky answer Does using a common interface compromise performance? Example: pub…… -
What is the easiest way to do “yes” in Java?
Many languages have tools to check whether an object belongs to a certain type (including a parent class), which are i…… -
Grab the last element of the vector
I have a very straightforward question. Even after a few hours of trouble, it makes me sad, so I think I'll ask you fo…… -
Jar – getting started with JavaCC
I'm new to JavaCC and can't figure out how to make it work I am using Mac OS X, and I have javacc-6.0 installed Zip an…… -
Java – elasticsearch uses the jest API to scan and scroll
I am currently working with jest: Can I scan and scroll using this API? http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/a…… -
Multithreading – synchronize () suspends the thread
I wrote a DLL library in Delphi, which created multiple threads Let me describe the problem step by step I'm sorry to …… -
Java – use collection Stream is dynamically grouped by specific attributes
I tried to group a list of objects by multiple attributes by using java 8 collection stream This is very effective: pu…… -
Java 8 – functional interfaces and abstract classes
See English answers > java 8: virtual extension methods vs Abstract Class5 According to my understanding, these int…… -
Java – Preparedstatement does not read all parameters of PostGIS geography
I have the following JDBC code Please note that I am trying to use PostGIS geographic location: PreparedStatement stmt…… -
Java – how do you call other methods in an enumeration?
enum Enum1 enum Enum1 { BIG(8),HUGE(10) { public String getName() { return "Huge";…… -
Java – how to prevent concurrency in Web Service APIs?
We have three web services (/ A, / B, / C), where each service maps to a method (go ()) in a separate Java class (clas…… -
Java – find the set of integers where two linear equations hold
What algorithm can I use to find the set of all positive integer values of N1, N2,..., N7, where the following inequal…… -
Java – Maven woes: Maven clean plugin not found in repository
Sigh Use Maven 2.2 1. Suddenly, it cannot resolve Maven clean plugin Really, how crazy is it that building tools need …… -
Exception in thread “main” Java lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org/sqlite/NativeDB
I'm trying to run a simple SQLite example on the Mac I'm pretty sure the code works well on windows But not on the Mac…… -
Java – how do I use class files?
I'm new to Java. I want to know how to import the class file into NetBeans and use it I know class files are machine -…… -
Java – throw an exception during the try with resources declaration
Suppose I have the following try with resources statement in Java: try (MyResource myResource1 = new MyResource(); MyR…… -
How to capture the exit status of shell commands in Java?
I am creating a JUnit test file for my csvreader I am reading the contents of the CSV file and writing the contents to…… -
Java – from intent Createchooser gets the selected application
I tried to capture intent The results of createchooser to understand the application that users choose to share I know……