包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – from intent Createchooser gets the selected application
I tried to capture intent The results of createchooser to understand the application that users choose to share I know…… -
Java – pass additional (second) parameters to guava predicate
I have this predicate to filter my task objects by date: Predicate<Task> startDateFiltering = new Predicate<T…… -
Java – how to prefetch Oracle sequence id-s in a distributed environment
I have a distributed Java application running on five application servers, all using the same Oracle 9i database runni…… -
Compress and unzip folders and files using java
If my application wants to use java to compress resultant files (filegroups) dynamically, what are the options availab…… -
Java – how do I store passwords securely in memory when creating accounts?
Our web - based application uses the password specified during account creation to bind user accounts to users For Jav…… -
Java IPv6 address string to byte
How to convert a string containing IPv6 machine packet targets into a 16 byte array? I know GetBytes and encoding, but…… -
Java – how to add a new element to varargs?
I have a way public boolean findANDsetText (String Description,String ... extra ) {@H_404_3@ 在里面我想调用另一个方…… -
Java – LinkedList – performance decreases with the number of different classes in it
The following code measures the time it takes to call the method handle (object o) 100 times from the interface handle…… -
Java – the default date year is set to 1970
I need to parse a string with no year set But when I output the date, it will increase the year. I tried to set the ye…… -
Java – how to get foo > Object > Value?
(this is a follow-up to my previous question) I have a foo Object, foo Foo < T > is an interface How to get hid…… -
Java – UML represents an anonymous class in the class diagram?
How to represent Java anonymous classes in UML class diagrams? Solution Illustration: resources: >UML class diagram…… -
Java adds a string to a string array
See English answer > java dynamic array sizes? 18 static String[] ipList = {"","","69.696.69.…… -
Name conflict in Java import
Unless we change the compiler, Java missed importing x as y syntax, which would be very useful in my case: at this mom…… -
Java – liquibase attempts to apply all changesets, even if the database exists
I use spring - liquibase to perform any migration required to stage the database applicationContext. XML looks like &l…… -
Java – calculates the number of “trues” of N Boolean values
Boolean a,b,c,d; Boolean a,b,c,d; I want to count the number of trues. Each result should have its own associated acti…… -
Is java suitable for “Web 2.0” applications?
A few days ago, I chatted with someone who suggested that rails and PHP are the most suitable platforms for web applic…… -
Java – optimal time complexity of string reverse operation: O (n) or O (n / 2)?
The following is a snippet of string inversion private static String reverseString(String originalString){ char arr[]=…… -
Java – when to call getwarnings() on connections, statements, and resultset using JDBC?
In JDBC, connection, statement and resultset types all have getwarnings () method, which is specified to generate the …… -
How to use java to get all text files from a folder?
I need to read all ". TXT" files from the folder (the user needs to select this folder) Please tell me how to do it? S…… -
Java – how to dynamically change jlabel
I have a jlabel and a button. Jlabel displays the number of button presses, but I can't calculate how to update the jl…… -
If there is no system Out, what about printing on the console?
I recently encountered a problem in an interview The problem statement is – > assuming that you cannot access the s…… -
Java sliding jpanels
I have a menu showing various buttons. I can make the buttons call their respective jpanels when clicked The thing is …… -
How to centralize JavaFX controls
More specifically, why is my JavaFX control not centered? Here are two screenshots. The first one is after the beginni…… -
Java – writing files in clojure
I am using this function to write files in clojure (defn writelines [file-path lines] (with-open [wtr (clojure.java.…… -
Java NiO – memory mapped file
I recently encountered this article, which provides a good introduction to memory mapping files and how it is shared b…… -
Iterates over generic arrays of any type in Java
If there are Java collection instances that can carry primitive types, generic arrays, and / or iteratable collections…… -
Java 8 nested loop flow
Try to understand java 8 stream syntax through a simple example Look at other similar problems on this topic, but I ca…… -
Compiling java files using Java programs
Is it possible for programs written in Java to compile files using the JDK compiler (in addition to using java to open…… -
Can a java program know its current directory?
Can a Java application know its own current directory I am referring to the results of PWD For example, when executing…… -
Java – create a new instance class reference
I have an enumeration like this: public static enum TestEnum { // main ENUM_A (1,"test1",TestADto.class),ENUM…… -
Returns a list of nodes in a Java node. A parent node can have multiple child nodes
I'm trying to write java code to return a list of nodes in the tree The node class is class Node{ String label; List……