包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – mockito: how to test that a constructor is called?
I'm using mockito to test methods in Java applications How to test that the constructor is called once? I'm trying a s…… -
Java – JIT optimization and weak references
I have the following code: private final List<WeakReference<T>> slaves; public void updateOrdering() { …… -
Java – set the most important bit by bit
I want to find the most important bit set to 1 I've tried all possible ways from & oring all bits from 1 to 31, it…… -
Java – bad operand type of binary operator ‘^’
Try to create a recursive method to promote a double value to the int permission of the java course The instruction sa…… -
Java – how to read an integer separated by spaces into an array
There's a problem with my project because I can't get the correct start, reading integer rows separated by user spaces…… -
Why is the scope of switch statements in Java unlimited?
Why in Java, the scope of variables is limited to switch blocks rather than case blocks For example, // Scope limited …… -
Java – how to generate an IP address range given the start and end IP addresses?
How do I generate a series of IP addresses from the start and end IP addresses? Network example "": Stri…… -
Java – accessing property files in spring expression language
I created a simple web application using spring boot with thymeleaf I use application Properties file as configuration…… -
Java: I have a large string of HTML and need to extract href = “…” text
I have this string that contains a chunk of HTML. I try to extract the link from the href = "..." part of the string H…… -
java – SimpleDateFormat. Parse () – generates incorrect dates for different date formats
Here is my code for parsing dates using the simpledateformat pattern: String pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd"; SimpleDateFor…… -
Java – should I always use generics?
I created a unit test: new Callable() { @Override public Object call() throws ..... I received a warning in E…… -
Java – how do I close a socket immediately, bypassing the timeout period?
In Java, when you close a socket, it doesn't do anything, but it actually closes the TCP connection after the timeout …… -
Java – create new instances of classes or allocate only space in memory?
UPDATE public Fish mate(Fish other){ if (this.health > 0 && other.health > 0 && this.closeEnou…… -
Java JTable does not display gridlines
I showed a JTable. In JPanel JTable is located in a scrolling window table.setShowGrid(true); Here is a picture: note …… -
Java – how to make good GUI design in swing
Hello stackoverflow family I developed a Java Swing application, but I want to improve the design of my swing framewor…… -
Java – invariance and readability
So I have been reading effective java written by Joshua Bloch and noticed two points I encountered in my work Point 1:…… -
Java – fastvector type is not recommended
I tried to get an arrf extension output file from a multidimensional array in Java I imported the Weka library, but I …… -
Java – LinearLayout: align with the right of the parent object
Consider the following XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas…… -
java – vert. How is x single threaded?
According to my understanding, every vert X instances will be assigned an event loop Event loops handle all requests a…… -
Java – spring rest security – protects different URLs in different ways
I use the rest API for basic authentication under spring 4 These rest services are located under / API / V1 / * * URL …… -
Close the Java program correctly when jdialog is the main window
I have a jdialog as the main window in my application (initially it was a JFrame, but it showed in the taskbar that I …… -
Will the “count limit” expression of the Java – for loop be evaluated only once, or each iteration?
If I call the method in the conditional statement of the loop, do I call it at every iteration of the loop? For exampl…… -
Java – what’s wrong with this clone()?
I have written this cloning method when the parent class of the Employee class is abstract and the clone () method in …… -
Does every program in Java need a class?
Is this always the case? Solution Yes, you need at least one class to have a program, but no, you don't need any metho…… -
I shouldn’t do ` string s = new string (“a new string”)` In Java, even automatic string practice?
Well, this problem is an extension of this problem Java Strings: “String s = new String(“silly”);” The above question …… -
Java – how to split without regular expressions
In my java application, I need to use the same "target" to find the index and split the string in both cases The goal …… -
How to use Java’s org w3c. dom. Get text from node_ TagName for node
In the interface's documentation, it declares that text nodes return "#text" as their name instead of the actual tag n…… -
Java gets the first two decimal digits of a double
I have a huge double, and I want to get the first two decimal numbers as floating point numbers Here is an example: do…… -
java – kryo. ReadObject causes NullPointerException with ArrayList
When I use kryo to deserialize the ArrayList object, I get a NullPointerException Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerExce…… -
Java – order of static initialization blocks
I found a lot of posts on the static initialization block, but I tried to better understand the execution order and wh…… -
Layout – how do I get the buttons to populate the JavaFX gridpane?
Java swing has a GridLayout that allows you to specify the size of an array of widgets, such as 3x4 The widgets then p…… -
Which to choose: 2D or 3D for java games
What should a small team choose for their first game when they are not punctual but ambitious? I am an experienced pro……