Java – null is a good way to check a long list of parameters
Suppose that all parameters of the same type for some methods are long I have similar operations on each parameter (if they are not null) Suppose I can't control method signature because the class implements an interface
For example Something as simple as this A set of string parameters
public void methodName(String param1,String param2,String param3,String param4){ //Only print parameters which are not null: if (param1 !=null) out.print(param1); if (param2 !=null) out.print(param2); if (param3 !=null) out.print(param3); if (param4 !=null) out.print(param4); }
Is there any way to traverse the list of string parameters to check if they are empty and print them without having to refer to each variable separately?
You can just do it
for (String s : Arrays.asList(param1,param2,param3,param4)) { if (s != null) { out.print(s); } }
for (String s : new String[] {param1,param4}) { if (s != null) { out.print(s); } }
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