包含标签:Java 的文章
What characters can be used to parse Java paragraphs?
I believe people will get a funny from this person, but for my life, I can't find a separator, which will indicate whe…… -
Java – eclipse menumanager: get imagedescriptor of image?
I can't let this work, so I think posting here may be a wise idea My problem is, I want to attach a small icon to the …… -
System and Java
I'm a new Java user Recently, I learned that (we use it in system. Out. Println) is a Java standard output object My q…… -
Java – is there a big difference between UTF-8 and utf-16
I called a WebService, which gave me a response XML with UTF-8 encoding I checked it in Java using the getallheaders (…… -
Java – how to write init scripts
Hi, I'm using 64 bit Fedora 10 Linux I have created a sample Java application Now I want to write an init script for t…… -
Java – splits a string into string [] for a period of time, but returns an empty array
Well, maybe I just need a second pair of eyes I have a floating point number and I become a string Then I want to spli…… -
Problems with Java – renderscript support library
I try to use the Android renderscript support library on API 16 and later devices, and follow the steps described here…… -
Java – wait for jdialog to close
I have a class filepathdialog, which extends jdialog, and this class is called from a class X This is a method in clas…… -
Java – how to implement observer to get data from listener?
I am using the materialdrawer library to create a simple drawer for my application. Some class instances in the librar…… -
Java converts GIF images to PNG format
I have to build a java servlet to receive images and return images converted to PNG format How can I do this? Thank yo…… -
Java – how do I rotate a rectangle in libgdx?
I rotate my sprites 90 degrees. I want to do the same for my rectangles so that they can be used for collisions, but t…… -
Java – use the ‘super’ keyword when accessing non overridden superclass methods
I've tried to get inheritance rights in Java and have learned that when overriding methods (and hidden fields) in subc…… -
Java – how do I get the method name from this method?
I tried to create a function that returns the method name from this method: public static String getmethodName(final i…… -
How do I replace a string in Java that contains dot?
I need to replace the string that contains spaces and periods I tried the following code: String customerName = "Mr. R…… -
Java – how to group / classify a large number of JUnit tests
In our project, we currently have a large number of JUnit tests, which are divided into three categories: unit, integr…… -
Bitshifting using BigIntegers in Java
I am using BigIntegers to implement DES encryption in Java I execute BigInteger The leftshift (int n) method shifts th…… -
Java – set reference = null in the finally block?
One of my colleagues set null in the finally block I think this is nonsense public Something getSomething() { JDBC…… -
Java – how to check if a class exists
Is there a static method of 'class' that can tell us whether the user input class (in the form of string) is a valid e…… -
Java – change the app name in eclipse
I finished my quiz application a few days ago Now, I want to release a second quiz with different questions I copied t…… -
Java – accessing property files in spring expression language
I created a simple web application using spring boot with thymeleaf I use application Properties file as configuration…… -
Java: I have a large string of HTML and need to extract href = “…” text
I have this string that contains a chunk of HTML. I try to extract the link from the href = "..." part of the string H…… -
java – SimpleDateFormat. Parse () – generates incorrect dates for different date formats
Here is my code for parsing dates using the simpledateformat pattern: String pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd"; SimpleDateFor…… -
Java – should I always use generics?
I created a unit test: new Callable() { @Override public Object call() throws ..... I received a warning in E…… -
Java – how do I close a socket immediately, bypassing the timeout period?
In Java, when you close a socket, it doesn't do anything, but it actually closes the TCP connection after the timeout …… -
Java – create new instances of classes or allocate only space in memory?
UPDATE public Fish mate(Fish other){ if (this.health > 0 && other.health > 0 && this.closeEnou…… -
Java JTable does not display gridlines
I showed a JTable. In JPanel JTable is located in a scrolling window table.setShowGrid(true); Here is a picture: note …… -
Java – how to make good GUI design in swing
Hello stackoverflow family I developed a Java Swing application, but I want to improve the design of my swing framewor…… -
Java – invariance and readability
So I have been reading effective java written by Joshua Bloch and noticed two points I encountered in my work Point 1:…… -
Java – fastvector type is not recommended
I tried to get an arrf extension output file from a multidimensional array in Java I imported the Weka library, but I …… -
Java – LinearLayout: align with the right of the parent object
Consider the following XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas…… -
java – vert. How is x single threaded?
According to my understanding, every vert X instances will be assigned an event loop Event loops handle all requests a…… -
Java – spring rest security – protects different URLs in different ways
I use the rest API for basic authentication under spring 4 These rest services are located under / API / V1 / * * URL ……