包含标签:Java 的文章
Bitshifting using BigIntegers in Java
I am using BigIntegers to implement DES encryption in Java I execute BigInteger The leftshift (int n) method shifts th…… -
Java – set reference = null in the finally block?
One of my colleagues set null in the finally block I think this is nonsense public Something getSomething() { JDBC…… -
Java – how to check if a class exists
Is there a static method of 'class' that can tell us whether the user input class (in the form of string) is a valid e…… -
Java – change the app name in eclipse
I finished my quiz application a few days ago Now, I want to release a second quiz with different questions I copied t…… -
Are the following incremental code threads safe in Java?
Java code: public class IncreaseTest { public static int value = 0; public synchronized int increment() { …… -
java. lang.Math. Is pi equal to m of GCC_ PI?
I have written several reference algorithms in Java and C / C + + Some of these algorithms use π I want two implementa…… -
Email template library in Java
I know that there is a library called FreeMarker that can create email templates for Java Do you think this library is…… -
Java – how JPA adds a unique constraint on the column of the @ onetomany relationship, for example, on the user name
I have a class website representing websites and class users The site can have multiple users class Site { privat…… -
How to parse this JSON response in Java
I want to parse these JSON responses: { "MyResponse": { "count": 3,"listTsm": [{ "id": "b90c6218-73c8-30bd…… -
Java – multiplication overflow of two ints results in negative numbers
Consider this fragment in the Java language specification class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { …… -
Java – why is char implicitly converted to byte (and short) primitives and when should it not?
Some features of the compiler puzzled me (using Oracle JDK 1.7 of eclipse) Therefore, I have this book that char primi…… -
How to use xwpftable in POI to merge cells (or apply colSpan) in Java?
Creating a table in POI is very simple, but its tutorial is very limited. I can't find a simple merged cell in the tab…… -
Java – cookie domain contains dot?
I use GWT's cookies class to generate cookies When I use the following Cookies.setCookie(LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME,value,expir…… -
Java – how to get latitude and longitude information from a picture
How to obtain longitude and latitude information from the picture storage in the device or SD card? Solution I found a…… -
Java – httpclient publishing progress and multipartentitybuilder
I tried using httpclient 4.3 3 and multipartytybuilder achieve progress when uploading files So I actually execute a p…… -
How to use Apache math 3.0 to generate bin of histogram in Java?
I've been looking for using Apache common math 3.0 to generate dustbins for specific data sets (by specifying low freq…… -
Accessing inherited class variables in Java
If you inherit from activities that declare certain member variables, how do you access them in subclasses that perfor…… -
Java – convert iso8859 string to utf8? Ä Ö Ü = > Ã why?
What's wrong with this code? I made an iso8859 string Therefore, most of them are krypooutput No problem. But how do y…… -
Get the return list from foreach Java 8
I'm trying to use stream to deal with something. I think I have a conceptual misunderstanding I try to get an array, c…… -
Will the “count limit” expression of the Java – for loop be evaluated only once, or each iteration?
If I call the method in the conditional statement of the loop, do I call it at every iteration of the loop? For exampl…… -
Java – what’s wrong with this clone()?
I have written this cloning method when the parent class of the Employee class is abstract and the clone () method in …… -
Does every program in Java need a class?
Is this always the case? Solution Yes, you need at least one class to have a program, but no, you don't need any metho…… -
I shouldn’t do ` string s = new string (“a new string”)` In Java, even automatic string practice?
Well, this problem is an extension of this problem Java Strings: “String s = new String(“silly”);” The above question …… -
Java – how to split without regular expressions
In my java application, I need to use the same "target" to find the index and split the string in both cases The goal …… -
How to use Java’s org w3c. dom. Get text from node_ TagName for node
In the interface's documentation, it declares that text nodes return "#text" as their name instead of the actual tag n…… -
Java gets the first two decimal digits of a double
I have a huge double, and I want to get the first two decimal numbers as floating point numbers Here is an example: do…… -
java – kryo. ReadObject causes NullPointerException with ArrayList
When I use kryo to deserialize the ArrayList object, I get a NullPointerException Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerExce…… -
Java – order of static initialization blocks
I found a lot of posts on the static initialization block, but I tried to better understand the execution order and wh…… -
Layout – how do I get the buttons to populate the JavaFX gridpane?
Java swing has a GridLayout that allows you to specify the size of an array of widgets, such as 3x4 The widgets then p…… -
Java – add filters to Project Explorer in eclipse
I want to add a new filter in Project Explorer to hide it from users in @ L_ 301_ 0 @ some projects automatically crea…… -
Java – JSTL for each in JSF 2
Hi, I got the following code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTM…… -
Java – what features does EJB3 bring and how does EJB3 integrate with the spring framework?
I have never been involved in EJB work. When I started programming spring, it was already here. All my projects only u……