包含标签:Java 的文章
Bit level operations in Java
I'm trying to do something in Java to apply masks, representation sets, etc int one=1; int two=2; int andop=1&2; S…… -
Java – mongodb upsert exception invalid bson field
This exception: Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid BSON field name id at o…… -
Multithreading – how do I make Perl threads without copying all variables?
I have a Perl program that would be very useful to use some form of parallelism But I have a lot of data in variables,…… -
Java – references files through classpath in the context of spring
I'm trying to set up org springframework. beans. factory. config. Propertyplaceholderconfigurer spring bean. I have JD…… -
Java – gradle compiles but does not run TestNG tests
We just started using gradle and TestNG in our project, so I'm checking if there are actually no test failures I was s…… -
Java – xssfcellstyle setfillforeroundcolor and setfillbackgroundcolor do not work
I try to use setfillforeroundcolor and setfillbackgroundcolor to change the cell color of Excel file But I failed. I r…… -
How to use long data types in Java?
See the English answer > the literal XYZ of type int is out of range It seems that I don't know how to use long dat…… -
Write the GUI programmatically, or use the advanced GUI editor (Java Swing)?
I intend to write a swing based application (using NetBeans 6.8) It seems that NetBeans has a very advanced GUI editor…… -
Java – vector vs ArrayList performance test
Everyone said that vectors should be used because of performance (causing vectors to synchronize after each operation …… -
Java – a better way to create AES keys than secure random
I need to send encrypted data from the Java client to the c# server Now I'm learning how to encrypt data using AES Acc…… -
Determine whether the document is doc or docx in a Java application without knowing its extension
There is a constraint in the content management system that requires all word documents with a specific extension to b…… -
Java converts GIF images to PNG format
I have to build a java servlet to receive images and return images converted to PNG format How can I do this? Thank yo…… -
Java – how to send a post request and get a file response?
I want to send post requests (such as HTML forms) and get files (HTTP Title: "content disposition: attachment; filenam…… -
Java – when the enumeration type reference is class > How do I convert a string to an enumerated value?
I have code to set values on objects using the setter method One of the setters takes enum type as a method parameter …… -
Error message: “when debugging PHP with Xdebug and eclipse, the script is terminated unexpectedly, and debugging is over”
I encountered the following errors while debugging: PHP. Ini settings: xdebug.remote_enable=true xdebug.remote_host=l…… -
How to insert big integer in Java preprocessing statement
I want to insert a large integer value using preprocessing statements. I have a string variable named XID (41527820021…… -
Setting an instance in Java?
Java defines a set interface, where contains() is defined as follows: The collection interface defines contains() as f…… -
Java extending class containing main method
I use the following code as part of my assignment class Base { public static void main(String[] args){ System.ou…… -
Java – spring launch security configuration – AuthenticationManager must be specified
This is my main application configuration @SpringBootApplication public class Application { public static void ma…… -
How to convert comma separated string to ArrayList in Java
See the English answer > how to convert comma separated string to ArrayList? 23 import java.util.ArrayList; import …… -
How big is the Java – integer cache?
The class integer has a cache that caches integer values So if I use the method valueof or in@R_633_2419 @Ing, the new…… -
Multithreading – waiting for any given future in scala?
Suppose I need to perform some parallel tasks in scala Each task performs some blocking calls (for example, process. W…… -
Using listproperty in JavaFX
I defined a class that contains a list I tried to initialize the list in the constructor with the transport list: publ…… -
Check whether there are files or directories in Java
This java tutorial from Oracle: Why are they different? It has no further explanation Does anyone know more about it? …… -
Java – stores serializable objects in a file, but does not include some data
I have an object that allows me to store buffered image in my target file In the same object, I have the bufferedimage…… -
Assign int to byte in Java?
int val = 233; int val = 233; byte b = (byte) val; System.out.println(b); I have a simple example: I have an integer w…… -
Object array, the difference between Java and C
I'm new to C. I'm porting a java project to C Consider the following java code, where piece is a class representing ch…… -
What characters can be used to parse Java paragraphs?
I believe people will get a funny from this person, but for my life, I can't find a separator, which will indicate whe…… -
Java – eclipse menumanager: get imagedescriptor of image?
I can't let this work, so I think posting here may be a wise idea My problem is, I want to attach a small icon to the …… -
System and Java
I'm a new Java user Recently, I learned that (we use it in system. Out. Println) is a Java standard output object My q…… -
Java – is there a big difference between UTF-8 and utf-16
I called a WebService, which gave me a response XML with UTF-8 encoding I checked it in Java using the getallheaders (…… -
Java – how to write init scripts
Hi, I'm using 64 bit Fedora 10 Linux I have created a sample Java application Now I want to write an init script for t……