Java – when the enumeration type reference is class > How do I convert a string to an enumerated value?
I have code to set values on objects using the setter method One of the setters takes enum type as a method parameter The code looks like this:
String value = "EnumValue1"; Method setter = getBeanWriteMethod("setMyEnumValue"); Class<?> type = setter.getParameterTypes()[0]; Object convertedValue = null; if (type.isEnum()) { convertedValue = convertToEnum(value,type); } else { convertedValue = ClassUtils.convertType(value,type); } return convertedValue;
The question is what to put in the converttoenum method I know I can "force it" by iterating over the enumeration constant (or field) of a type object to match the value Did I ignore the simpler method of using reflection? (I looked at several examples, but I didn't find any enumeration that can only be known through class)
Off my head:
Enum<?> convertedValue = Enum.valueOf((Class<Enum>)type,value);
This converts the string to an enum constant of the enum class of type
Editor: now I have a computer for convenience. I can see what it actually does Without compiler warnings, any of the following conditions work correctly:
Enum<?> convertedValueA = Enum.valueOf(type,value); Enum<?> convertedValueB = Enum.valueOf(type.asSubclass(Enum.class),value);
The second call, assubclass (), performs a runtime check to ensure that the type is some enumeration class, but the valueof () method must be checked to work properly
The following gives me a compilation error:
Enum<?> convertedValueC = Enum.valueOf((Class<? extends Enum <?>>)type,value); java: <T>valueOf(java.lang.Class<T>,java.lang.String) in java.lang.Enum cannot be applied to (java.lang.Class<capture#134 of ? extends java.lang.Enum<?>>,java.lang.String)
The complexity of projecting wildcard types puzzles me, so I may have tried the wrong actors In addition, the fact that it has no runtime effect means that it is easy to make mistakes and will never be found