包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – mule: get exception message
I have a default catch exception in mule. I'm trying to access the exception message using mule expression: # [excepti…… -
Java – breaking nested for loops without using break
My project is finally finished, but my only problem is that my teacher doesn't accept the "interrupt" in our code Some…… -
How do I use filechannel to append the contents of one file to the end of another?
The file a.txt looks like: ABC The file d.txt looks like: @ h_ 404_ 5@ DEF I'm trying to take "def" and attach it to "…… -
Java – call the activity from viewholder in recyclerview?
I have a recyclerview that loads the contents of my string array and works normally, but I want to open a new activity…… -
Java iterator implementation compilation error: do not overwrite abstract method remove()
Why do I receive the following compilation errors: Lriterator is not abstract and does not override Java util. Abstrac…… -
Java – use progress bar in file search
I am writing an application that will search for specific files from the corresponding path During the search process,…… -
JAXB – how do i disable the Java Naming Convention in xjc?
For example, some in XSD_ Property must be some in a Java class_ Property instead of someproperty I tried to use globa…… -
How do I launch the default (native) application for a given file from Java?
I am displaying a list of files; Xls, Doc, PDF, ODT, etc. in my java application (eclipse RCP) When the user clicks th…… -
Java – can a bifunction reference be passed to a method of the desired functional interface?
I've only used java 6, and now I'm catching up to learn new features in Java 8 I read this article here: It says: Bifu…… -
If x in Java is in the array
See English answers > how to determine why an array contains a particular value in Java? 25 myList = ["x","y","z"] …… -
Java – executes code blocks atomically
How would you answer the following questions? Will I achieve this through the production method? public final AtomicIn…… -
Java – inject new methods and properties into classes at run time
Is there any way to inject new methods and properties into classes at run time http://nurkiewicz.blogspot.com/2009/09/…… -
Java – interface, instantiation interface?
So I just found this code example on the Internet. I discussed it again, but I was confused By looking at it, what I c…… -
How to delete #text from my node parsing in Java DOM XML parsing
So I have the following code that I almost copied from here The problem is that my text nodes don't contain any text, …… -
Java – class must be declared abstract or implement abstract method error
Here's my code. Suppose you change some text when you press the button: – public class MyActivity extends ActionBarAct…… -
How to extend the Javadoc 5.0 standard doclet?
I want to extend Javadoc 5 0 provides a standard doclet to modify its HTML output For example, I want the keyword 'imp…… -
java – ObjectAnimator vs TranslateAnimation
I'm just doing a simple project. I try to use translateanimation to show / hide the layout at the top of LinearLayout …… -
What’s the difference between DART’s snapshot and Java bytecode?
I've been reading dart snapshots, which are often compared with Smalltalk images But to me, they sound like Java bytec…… -
Java – what are the disadvantages of using Lucene?
I am considering using Lucene for very fast search in my project I know Lucene has created its own file, which holds a…… -
Java – excel cell format in jasperreport Report
I'm studying the jasperreport report that generates Excel files For some reason, my cell format / type is not how they…… -
Java – use logback to mask passwords?
At present, we usually record all XML documents in and out of the system, some of which contain explicit passwords We …… -
Java – no code is executed without a print statement
See English answer > loop doesn't see changed value without a print statement1 package main; import java.awt.FlowL…… -
java – Map. Is containskey () useful?
See English answer > is using java map containsKey() redundant when using map. Get() 6 Map myMap .... if myMap.cont…… -
Java – why use IOException instead of exception when capturing?
I can't seem to say this correctly. Search engines can get any meaningful results try{ BufferedReader reader = new…… -
How do I detect if a string contains any right to left characters?
I'm trying to create a method to detect strings written from right to left in Java I came up with this question to do …… -
Java – text / variables cannot be highlighted in eclipse
See English answers > eclipse does not highlight matching variables 16 Solution Please check >Turn on toggle mar…… -
Java – licensed using rolesalloweddynamicfeature and Jersey
I'm trying to authenticate users using Jax - RS filters This is the filter I am setting up for the new securitycontext…… -
Java – use simpledateformat to parse strings to date and time
I have string 11 / 08 / 2013 08:48:10 I use simpledateformat ("mm / DD / yyyy HH: mm: SS") When I parse it, I throw an…… -
Java – is there a simple framework that allows dependency injection in stand-alone programs?
We basically need to be able to adjust the behavior at startup by providing the required classes generated by various …… -
How to convert InputStream to inputstreamsource or datasource to attach in spring JavaMail
I'm getting the input stream from jsch channelsftp, as shown below ChannelSftp channelSftp = (ChannelSftp)channel; …… -
Invalid character constant in Java
return (int) (feetPart) + '\' ' + inchesPart + '\''+'\''; return (int) (feetPart) + '\' ' + inchesPart + '\''+'\''; Wh…… -
Accessing the value of a variable as a string in Java
I have a string containing the name of the variable I want to get the value of this variable int temp = 10; String tem……