包含标签:Java 的文章
What’s the difference between DART’s snapshot and Java bytecode?
I've been reading dart snapshots, which are often compared with Smalltalk images But to me, they sound like Java bytec…… -
Java – what are the disadvantages of using Lucene?
I am considering using Lucene for very fast search in my project I know Lucene has created its own file, which holds a…… -
Java – excel cell format in jasperreport Report
I'm studying the jasperreport report that generates Excel files For some reason, my cell format / type is not how they…… -
Java – use logback to mask passwords?
At present, we usually record all XML documents in and out of the system, some of which contain explicit passwords We …… -
Java – no code is executed without a print statement
See English answer > loop doesn't see changed value without a print statement1 package main; import java.awt.FlowL…… -
java – Map. Is containskey () useful?
See English answer > is using java map containsKey() redundant when using map. Get() 6 Map myMap .... if myMap.cont…… -
Java – why use IOException instead of exception when capturing?
I can't seem to say this correctly. Search engines can get any meaningful results try{ BufferedReader reader = new…… -
How do I detect if a string contains any right to left characters?
I'm trying to create a method to detect strings written from right to left in Java I came up with this question to do …… -
Java – text / variables cannot be highlighted in eclipse
See English answers > eclipse does not highlight matching variables 16 Solution Please check >Turn on toggle mar…… -
Java – licensed using rolesalloweddynamicfeature and Jersey
I'm trying to authenticate users using Jax - RS filters This is the filter I am setting up for the new securitycontext…… -
Java – use simpledateformat to parse strings to date and time
I have string 11 / 08 / 2013 08:48:10 I use simpledateformat ("mm / DD / yyyy HH: mm: SS") When I parse it, I throw an…… -
Java – is there a simple framework that allows dependency injection in stand-alone programs?
We basically need to be able to adjust the behavior at startup by providing the required classes generated by various …… -
How to convert InputStream to inputstreamsource or datasource to attach in spring JavaMail
I'm getting the input stream from jsch channelsftp, as shown below ChannelSftp channelSftp = (ChannelSftp)channel; …… -
Invalid character constant in Java
return (int) (feetPart) + '\' ' + inchesPart + '\''+'\''; return (int) (feetPart) + '\' ' + inchesPart + '\''+'\''; Wh…… -
Accessing the value of a variable as a string in Java
I have a string containing the name of the variable I want to get the value of this variable int temp = 10; String tem…… -
Java – Stax – takes XML nodes as strings
XML looks like this: <statements> <statement account="123"> ...stuff... </statement> …… -
Java – spring boot and thymeleaf 3.0 0. Release integration
I have a problem when I try to integrate spring boot 1.3 5. Release and thymeleaf 3.0 0. Release I know that spring bo…… -
Java 8 – filtering with bipredicate
I have a stream of integers. I want to find two numbers whose sum is equal to the other number So I came up with the f…… -
Java – toString: when to use?
I'm in class class Configuration { // varIoUs stuff @Override public String toString() { // assemble outStr…… -
Inverting Java graphics2d scaling and rotation coordinates
I use graphics2d in Java to scale and rotate the pictures I draw I now want to be able to tell what the original coord…… -
JavaFX code editor, the content is highlight for Java code
I want to write a text editor in JavaFX, which is similar to the eclipse / NetBeans ide to highlight java code thank y…… -
The Java – @ secured function obtains the access denied permission of the authorized user
I have implemented spring security into my rest API according to many threads At first I was stuck in the @ secured co…… -
Java – NetBeans JFrame initialization; The build is good, but there is no window
I'm using Java and I'm trying to create a GUI using NetBeans I've done this before. I'm confused because my code doesn…… -
Convert Java complex objects to JSON
I need to convert the following classes: package comS309.traxz.data; import java.util.Collection; import org.json.JS…… -
Java – should I inherit JFrame / JPanel?
I am used to subclassing window classes in other programming environments, but I often see similar things in Java tuto…… -
Java – number of active tasks using ThreadPoolExecutor
I am using ThreadPoolExecutor to perform tasks in my java application I have a request. I want to get the number of ac…… -
Java – which is faster, equalsignorecase or comparetoignorecase
In a Java application, suppose I can choose the following comparison method equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) com…… -
Java – “jarfile cannot be accessed in Linux”
We have a web application running under JBoss 5, which regularly starts a 'Java' process (using processbuilder) to com…… -
Java – use progress bar in file search
I am writing an application that will search for specific files from the corresponding path During the search process,…… -
Unable to change Java io. tmpdir
I'm trying to change Java. Net using this command io. TMPDIR directory java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/temporary This is not su…… -
Double vs long serialization in Java
I can store a number as long and double in HBase They all occupy 8 bytes in Java The advantage of using double is that…… -
java – EventQueue. invokeLater vrs SwingUtilities. invokeLater
Can anyone highlight the difference between the two? Both are required?! I have an application that uses both, but won……