包含标签:Java 的文章
What is the difference between Amazon dynamodbclient and dynamodb classes in their Java SDK?
I'm using Amazon's dynamodb Java SDK and want to know the difference between Amazon dynamodbclient and dynamodb classe…… -
Accessing smart cards using java
Due to project analysis, I am trying to understand how Java accesses smart cards I wonder if there is any type of virt…… -
And preg_ What is the same Java as replace?
<?PHP <?PHP $str = "word <a href=\"word\">word</word>word word"; $str = preg_replace("/word(…… -
Java – appropriate method for subclassing guava’s immutableset
I have a class class Receipt { private Set<Order> orders; public Receipt(Set<Order> orders) …… -
Assigning operators in Java
I have two ArrayLists in Java: mProductList = new ArrayList<ProductSample>(); mProductList2 = new ArrayList<P…… -
Java – validation does not apply to nested objects in play framework 2
I'm using constraint annotation to verify the objects in play! Frame 2 It applies to top - level objects, but not nest…… -
Java – hibernate separates queries as part of conditional queries
Java experts can help me write separate queries as part of the conditional queries in the following SQL statements sel…… -
Java polymorphism, no problem
If there are three classes A. B and C. class B extension a, class C extension B Class A has equal method: public boole…… -
Java – how to lighten or darken bitmaps
For example, how do I get an existing bitmap Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.somebi…… -
FileNotFoundException when using java properties file
I asked this question after doing a lot of research, and implemented it in my code after research, but I finally got F…… -
Java – how do I add a scrolling view to the entire activity?
I tried to add a scrolling view around everything on the active layout, but it gave me an error that it can only be pl…… -
Java – hashtable: why do get methods synchronize?
I know that hashtable is synchronous, but why is its get () method synchronous? Is it just a reading method? Solution …… -
Java – JSP – date format and Google cache
I want to display the formatted date on the JSP page, so I use: <fmt:formatDate pattern="MMM d" value="${myEvent.da…… -
Java – print and access lists
I am reading the file and storing it in T1 How do I access elements in T1? When I try to print it, I get an address in…… -
Java – numberformatexception when converting from string to byte
Something strange happened to me I have a binary number in string form, especially "01001100" But I get the above exce…… -
Bitwise XOR Java length
I use Oracle Java 7.51 on Ubuntu 12.04 and try to do so long a = 0x0000000080000001 ^ 0x4065DE839A6F89EEL; System.out.…… -
Java – in clojure, is (=’a’a) refers to ‘the same atom’?
In some implementations of Common Lisp, we can say that for the following expressions (eq 'a 'a) It's true, because 'A…… -
Java – when I say red, bufferedimage draws white
It must be a very stupid solution, but I'm blind I have this Code: BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(800,600,Buffer…… -
How can I pixelate JPG with Java?
I'm trying to pixelate JPEG using java 6 and I don't have much luck It needs to work with Java - not an image processo…… -
Java – why use constants instead of enumerations?
I have seen the use of many constants in many Java libraries, in which enumerations can be easily used Even in swing, …… -
Java – always return to the login screen
I have an application that starts the splash activity screen for 5 seconds, then opens the login activity screen, then…… -
Java – spring boot security will not throw 401 unauthorized exception, but 404 not found
My authentication is based on spring boot security example What do I need to change to throw 401 exceptions? I have an…… -
Java – convert images to black-and-white images
I use the following command in ImageMagick to convert the image to black and white: convert myimg.png -monochrome out…… -
Java – how to make a method take any type of array as a parameter?
I want to be able to take any array type as an argument in the method: public void foo(Array[] array) { System.out…… -
Java close PDF error
I have this java code: try { PDFTextStripper pdfs = new PDFTextStripper(); String textOfPDF = pdfs.getText(PD…… -
Java – prevents ehcache from attempting to access the Internet at startup
I have a fairly simple non clustered application running ehcache with spring and hibernate I received this error at st…… -
Increase hexadecimal value (Java)
Can you add hexadecimal values to Java? Hexadecimal value = hexadecimal value Solution This depends on how hexadecimal…… -
Java – refactoring foreach to for loop
I have a Java foreach loop (here is a simplified version) List<String> names = getNames(); for(String name:names…… -
Super cannot be the first line constructor in Java when solving the problem
I'm using the csvreader class, which takes local files as input But now, I need to be able to read local files and fil…… -
Java – I can have different copies of static variables for each different type of inheritance class
I want the same static variable with different values, depending on the type of class So I will public class Entity { …… -
Java – executes code blocks atomically
How would you answer the following questions? Will I achieve this through the production method? public final AtomicIn…… -
Java – inject new methods and properties into classes at run time
Is there any way to inject new methods and properties into classes at run time http://nurkiewicz.blogspot.com/2009/09/……