包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – why does @ singleton exceed @ applicationscope in producers?
LoggerProducer. Java is a class for generating loggers to be injected into CDI beans: @Inject Logger LOG; Full code: …… -
Java – when security is enabled, launching WebSphere from eclipse hangs
I have a WebSphere Application Server 8.0 0.6, which is installed as part of rad I need to run the server from eclipse…… -
Java – how to change UI based on combo box selection
In the dialog box, if a combination is selected, one group of controls needs to be displayed, otherwise another group …… -
Java breakout game quit too early
I'm programming an introduction online But I'm stuck on a mission Homework is to write a breakthrough game I have succ…… -
Guava Java eventbus instantiation error
I'm trying to use Google's guava Library's eventbus Starting with guava's documentation, it should be easy to instanti…… -
Learning legacy Java systems
My task is to maintain and refactor the legacy @ L_ 502_ 0 @ system I'm currently doing c# and C Net, although I am fa…… -
Java – what is 1L for long, 1F for float, 1D for double, byte?
1L is long, 1F is float, 1D is double. How about bytes? long l = 1l; float f = 1f; double d = 1d; // byte b = 1?; What…… -
Java – use Apache spark to write RDD as a text file
I'm exploring spark for batch processing I use stand-alone mode to run spark. Com on my local computer I tried to conv…… -
Java – is there a common language?
We are designing an application that can run on windows, OS X, IOS and Android It would be nice to use at least one la…… -
Java – how do I create a JList that contains hashtable entries for strings and objects?
I want to create a JList that contains entries for hashtable of string and object: Hashtable<String,Object> The …… -
Java – get the last three elements from list / ArrayList?
I need to add the last three elements to the list Is there any practical way, or do I just use a for loop that iterate…… -
How do I find the declared identifier type in Java?
I have a simple class Apple extended from another simple class fruit At runtime, I can use Fruit fruit = new Apple(); …… -
Compare Java time. An instance of zoneddatetime, ignoring the seconds and milliseconds compared in Java 8
I'm looking for an equivalent method of joda time in Java 8. Compare org joda. time. An instance of datetime (specify …… -
Reverse string with word in Java
I have the following code to reverse the string word by word, but I have a question. First, can someone point out how …… -
Java – specify the variable name in the query where clause in JDBC
Someone can give me a link about how to create a query in JDBC. The query obtains the variable name in the where state…… -
How to make ‘map:: get’ return ‘optional’ or ‘optional’ of the found value empty()`
I'm trying to do this: return Optional.of(myMap.getOrDefault(myKey,null)); Really, what I want is to return optional i…… -
Concurrency – implement parallel execution in scheme
In SiCp Section 3.4 (serializer in scheme) on currency, there is a process called parallel execution, which is describ…… -
What are the differences / similarities between hazelcast (Java) and etcd (golang)?
Now we build a real-time analysis system, which should be highly distributed We plan to use distributed locks and coun…… -
Java – an external file of strings, not hard coded
I have experience developing Android applications that can easily store strings using XML string files The last time I…… -
The pre allocated private STD:: vector in OpenMP is parallelized into a loop in C
I'm going to use the buffer STD:: vector < size_ t> Buffer (100), one in each thread of loop parallelization, as…… -
Java – log the device into a file
How do I redirect log records on my device to a file? My application hangs on the device, but works well on the simula…… -
Access volatile variables that cannot be accessed from outside the observable behavior of functions in the C language?
In C 03, the standard observable behavior (1.9 / 6) includes reading and writing volatile data Now I have this Code: i…… -
Java – how to install / configure xuggle to get unsatisfiedlinkerror?
I've just started using xuggle. I've downloaded everything to eclipse and included it in referenced libraries, but I d…… -
Gets a list of all Java reserved keywords
I'm looking for a way to retrieve all the keywords saved in Java into a data structure For example: "for, while, if, e…… -
Java – setonpagechangelistener does not call onpageselected
I set up a simpleonpagechangelistener using the following example: Android SimpleOnPageChangeListener – Determine swip…… -
What is the difference between Amazon dynamodbclient and dynamodb classes in their Java SDK?
I'm using Amazon's dynamodb Java SDK and want to know the difference between Amazon dynamodbclient and dynamodb classe…… -
Accessing smart cards using java
Due to project analysis, I am trying to understand how Java accesses smart cards I wonder if there is any type of virt…… -
And preg_ What is the same Java as replace?
<?PHP <?PHP $str = "word <a href=\"word\">word</word>word word"; $str = preg_replace("/word(…… -
Java – appropriate method for subclassing guava’s immutableset
I have a class class Receipt { private Set<Order> orders; public Receipt(Set<Order> orders) …… -
Assigning operators in Java
I have two ArrayLists in Java: mProductList = new ArrayList<ProductSample>(); mProductList2 = new ArrayList<P…… -
Java – spring: add custom user details to spring security users
I am currently developing a spring MVC application. I need to add a custom field to my spring security login user when…… -
Center text on canvas?
Can anyone give an example of how to centralize text on JavaFX 2 canvas? Graphicscontext has some functions like sette……