包含标签:Java 的文章
Append the character of the last value to the Java list
In view of this input 0000027788|001400000000000000000001224627|G1|||G1 0000027789|001400000000000000000001224627|D1||…… -
EJB – unsupported class version error
When trying to invoke an EJB created using NetBeans (using jdk1.7) from a client using the eclipse IDE (using JDK1.6),…… -
Java – what is used by < > and what is its name?
I was working on some sample code, and then it came up: public abstract class RandomPool<T> extends Pool { …… -
Java: how to catch interruptedexception on a thread when it is interrupted by another thread?
I'm developing a multithreaded application to connect to external servers - each on a different thread - and will be b…… -
Java – batch insert using native SQL in Hibernate
I want to use hibernate native SQL to insert records into the database The code is shown below Session session = sessi…… -
Java – why does @ singleton exceed @ applicationscope in producers?
LoggerProducer. Java is a class for generating loggers to be injected into CDI beans: @Inject Logger LOG; Full code: …… -
Java – when security is enabled, launching WebSphere from eclipse hangs
I have a WebSphere Application Server 8.0 0.6, which is installed as part of rad I need to run the server from eclipse…… -
Java – how to change UI based on combo box selection
In the dialog box, if a combination is selected, one group of controls needs to be displayed, otherwise another group …… -
Java breakout game quit too early
I'm programming an introduction online But I'm stuck on a mission Homework is to write a breakthrough game I have succ…… -
Guava Java eventbus instantiation error
I'm trying to use Google's guava Library's eventbus Starting with guava's documentation, it should be easy to instanti…… -
Learning legacy Java systems
My task is to maintain and refactor the legacy @ L_ 502_ 0 @ system I'm currently doing c# and C Net, although I am fa…… -
Java – what is 1L for long, 1F for float, 1D for double, byte?
1L is long, 1F is float, 1D is double. How about bytes? long l = 1l; float f = 1f; double d = 1d; // byte b = 1?; What…… -
Java – use Apache spark to write RDD as a text file
I'm exploring spark for batch processing I use stand-alone mode to run spark. Com on my local computer I tried to conv…… -
Java – is there a common language?
We are designing an application that can run on windows, OS X, IOS and Android It would be nice to use at least one la…… -
Java – how do I create a JList that contains hashtable entries for strings and objects?
I want to create a JList that contains entries for hashtable of string and object: Hashtable<String,Object> The …… -
Java – get the last three elements from list / ArrayList?
I need to add the last three elements to the list Is there any practical way, or do I just use a for loop that iterate…… -
How do I find the declared identifier type in Java?
I have a simple class Apple extended from another simple class fruit At runtime, I can use Fruit fruit = new Apple(); …… -
Compare Java time. An instance of zoneddatetime, ignoring the seconds and milliseconds compared in Java 8
I'm looking for an equivalent method of joda time in Java 8. Compare org joda. time. An instance of datetime (specify …… -
Reverse string with word in Java
I have the following code to reverse the string word by word, but I have a question. First, can someone point out how …… -
Java – specify the variable name in the query where clause in JDBC
Someone can give me a link about how to create a query in JDBC. The query obtains the variable name in the where state…… -
How to make ‘map:: get’ return ‘optional’ or ‘optional’ of the found value empty()`
I'm trying to do this: return Optional.of(myMap.getOrDefault(myKey,null)); Really, what I want is to return optional i…… -
Concurrency – implement parallel execution in scheme
In SiCp Section 3.4 (serializer in scheme) on currency, there is a process called parallel execution, which is describ…… -
What are the differences / similarities between hazelcast (Java) and etcd (golang)?
Now we build a real-time analysis system, which should be highly distributed We plan to use distributed locks and coun…… -
Java – an external file of strings, not hard coded
I have experience developing Android applications that can easily store strings using XML string files The last time I…… -
The pre allocated private STD:: vector in OpenMP is parallelized into a loop in C
I'm going to use the buffer STD:: vector < size_ t> Buffer (100), one in each thread of loop parallelization, as…… -
Java – log the device into a file
How do I redirect log records on my device to a file? My application hangs on the device, but works well on the simula…… -
Access volatile variables that cannot be accessed from outside the observable behavior of functions in the C language?
In C 03, the standard observable behavior (1.9 / 6) includes reading and writing volatile data Now I have this Code: i…… -
Java – how to install / configure xuggle to get unsatisfiedlinkerror?
I've just started using xuggle. I've downloaded everything to eclipse and included it in referenced libraries, but I d…… -
Gets a list of all Java reserved keywords
I'm looking for a way to retrieve all the keywords saved in Java into a data structure For example: "for, while, if, e…… -
Java – setonpagechangelistener does not call onpageselected
I set up a simpleonpagechangelistener using the following example: Android SimpleOnPageChangeListener – Determine swip…… -
How to clear Catalina Out without disabling further logging?
Our Catalina The out file becomes very large every once in a while (yes, I implemented slf4j and logback in my applica…… -
Splitting Java collections into subsets based on object properties
I have a list of myobjects... MyObject {int ID, string name} Now I want to split the list into sub lists with the same……