包含标签:Java 的文章
Java character set encoding
1. General This paper mainly includes the following aspects: basic coding knowledge, Java, system software, URL, tool …… -
JSP from shallow to deep (7) — JSP directives
In the previous tutorial, we have used java util. Date。 Some people will ask: why not just use import Java util.* And…… -
Note: Lecture 8 Java network programming
Think before class 1 What is TCP / IP protocol? 2. What are the two transmission protocols of TCP / IP and what ar…… -
Feel the characteristics of Java data object JDO 2.0 query language (3)
The query feature extended by manufacturers JDO manufacturers can provide jdoql with a variety of special query functi…… -
JSP from simple to deep (12) — form editing
For example, the flag library from the blazix server cannot be used in your system environment, so what about not usin…… -
Several problems easily confused by java beginners
1. String class and StringBuffer class are both classes that handle strings, but they have one biggest difference,…… -
JSP from simple to deep (6) — JSP declaration
Now the JSP you write will become a class definition. All the scriptlets you write should be placed in a method of thi…… -
Establishment of Tomcat environment
Tomcat is another excellent JSP server developed on the basis of sun's jswdk. It not only supports servlet, but also p…… -
JSP from shallow to deep (9) — JSP sessions
On a classic website, visitors can browse several web pages and perform some interactive behavior. If you are writing …… -
Note: Lecture 7 swing user interface design
[thinking before class] 1. What is swing? What are its advantages over AWT? What are the differences in use? 2. What a…… -
JSP from shallow to deep (11) — tag library
JSP 1.1 proposes a method of extending JSP flag, which is named "flag library". These libraries allow additional flags…… -
Feel the characteristics of Java data object JDO 2.0 query language (1)
The improvement of query language is jdo2 0 specification. This paper expounds jdo2 from a higher level Some new featu…… -
JSP from shallow to deep (8) — JSP Tags
Another important syntax of JSP is tags. JSP tags does not use <%, but only the < character. JSP tag is a bit li…… -
Note: Lecture 4 exception handling and I / O flow in Java
[thinking before class] 1. What are exceptions? What are the two exception handling mechanisms in Java? 2. What are th…… -
Under tomcat, select context Configuring various database connection pools (JNDI) in XML
Tomcat6的服务器配置文件放在 ${tomcat6}/conf 目录底下。我们可以在这里找到 server.xml 和 context.xml。当然,还有其他一…… -
There are two ways for HashMap traversal. Entryset() is recommended
Map map = new HashMap(); Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry…… -
Wildcards T, e, K, V,? Winter anthracene
In essence, these are wildcards, no difference, but a conventional thing in coding. For example, we can replace t in t…… -
Prevent pages from being embedded in iframe
if (window != top){ top.location.href = location.href; } -
Java – how to change UI based on combo box selection
In the dialog box, if a combination is selected, one group of controls needs to be displayed, otherwise another group …… -
Java breakout game quit too early
I'm programming an introduction online But I'm stuck on a mission Homework is to write a breakthrough game I have succ…… -
Guava Java eventbus instantiation error
I'm trying to use Google's guava Library's eventbus Starting with guava's documentation, it should be easy to instanti…… -
Learning legacy Java systems
My task is to maintain and refactor the legacy @ L_ 502_ 0 @ system I'm currently doing c# and C Net, although I am fa…… -
Java – what is 1L for long, 1F for float, 1D for double, byte?
1L is long, 1F is float, 1D is double. How about bytes? long l = 1l; float f = 1f; double d = 1d; // byte b = 1?; What…… -
Java – use Apache spark to write RDD as a text file
I'm exploring spark for batch processing I use stand-alone mode to run spark. Com on my local computer I tried to conv…… -
Java – is there a common language?
We are designing an application that can run on windows, OS X, IOS and Android It would be nice to use at least one la…… -
Java – how do I create a JList that contains hashtable entries for strings and objects?
I want to create a JList that contains entries for hashtable of string and object: Hashtable<String,Object> The …… -
Java – get the last three elements from list / ArrayList?
I need to add the last three elements to the list Is there any practical way, or do I just use a for loop that iterate…… -
How do I find the declared identifier type in Java?
I have a simple class Apple extended from another simple class fruit At runtime, I can use Fruit fruit = new Apple(); …… -
Compare Java time. An instance of zoneddatetime, ignoring the seconds and milliseconds compared in Java 8
I'm looking for an equivalent method of joda time in Java 8. Compare org joda. time. An instance of datetime (specify …… -
Reverse string with word in Java
I have the following code to reverse the string word by word, but I have a question. First, can someone point out how …… -
Java – specify the variable name in the query where clause in JDBC
Someone can give me a link about how to create a query in JDBC. The query obtains the variable name in the where state…… -
How to make ‘map:: get’ return ‘optional’ or ‘optional’ of the found value empty()`
I'm trying to do this: return Optional.of(myMap.getOrDefault(myKey,null)); Really, what I want is to return optional i……