包含标签:Java 的文章
JSP from simple to deep (12) — form editing
For example, the flag library from the blazix server cannot be used in your system environment, so what about not usin…… -
Several problems easily confused by java beginners
1. String class and StringBuffer class are both classes that handle strings, but they have one biggest difference,…… -
JSP from simple to deep (6) — JSP declaration
Now the JSP you write will become a class definition. All the scriptlets you write should be placed in a method of thi…… -
Establishment of Tomcat environment
Tomcat is another excellent JSP server developed on the basis of sun's jswdk. It not only supports servlet, but also p…… -
JSP from shallow to deep (9) — JSP sessions
On a classic website, visitors can browse several web pages and perform some interactive behavior. If you are writing …… -
Note: Lecture 7 swing user interface design
[thinking before class] 1. What is swing? What are its advantages over AWT? What are the differences in use? 2. What a…… -
JSP from shallow to deep (11) — tag library
JSP 1.1 proposes a method of extending JSP flag, which is named "flag library". These libraries allow additional flags…… -
Feel the characteristics of Java data object JDO 2.0 query language (1)
The improvement of query language is jdo2 0 specification. This paper expounds jdo2 from a higher level Some new featu…… -
JSP from shallow to deep (8) — JSP Tags
Another important syntax of JSP is tags. JSP tags does not use <%, but only the < character. JSP tag is a bit li…… -
Note: Lecture 4 exception handling and I / O flow in Java
[thinking before class] 1. What are exceptions? What are the two exception handling mechanisms in Java? 2. What are th…… -
Note: Lecture 3 object oriented features in the Java language
[thinking before class] 1. What are objects? What are classes? What are packages? What are interfaces? What are intern…… -
Note: Lecture 6 Java threads and Java applets
[thinking before class] 1. What is a thread? What is the difference between it and a process? What is the applicable d…… -
JSP from simple to deep (3) — adding dynamic content through expressions
In our previous chapters, any HTML file can be transformed into a JSP file by changing its extension to jsp。 Of cours…… -
Here comes tiger j2se1 5 list of new features
Although the Java version has evolved from 1.0 to 1.4 2. However, the Java language itself has not changed much, only …… -
Wildcards T, e, K, V,? Winter anthracene
In essence, these are wildcards, no difference, but a conventional thing in coding. For example, we can replace t in t…… -
Prevent pages from being embedded in iframe
if (window != top){ top.location.href = location.href; } -
Under tomcat, select context Configuring various database connection pools (JNDI) in XML
Tomcat6的服务器配置文件放在 ${tomcat6}/conf 目录底下。我们可以在这里找到 server.xml 和 context.xml。当然,还有其他一…… -
There are two ways for HashMap traversal. Entryset() is recommended
Map map = new HashMap(); Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry…… -
How to make ‘map:: get’ return ‘optional’ or ‘optional’ of the found value empty()`
I'm trying to do this: return Optional.of(myMap.getOrDefault(myKey,null)); Really, what I want is to return optional i…… -
Concurrency – implement parallel execution in scheme
In SiCp Section 3.4 (serializer in scheme) on currency, there is a process called parallel execution, which is describ…… -
What are the differences / similarities between hazelcast (Java) and etcd (golang)?
Now we build a real-time analysis system, which should be highly distributed We plan to use distributed locks and coun…… -
Java – an external file of strings, not hard coded
I have experience developing Android applications that can easily store strings using XML string files The last time I…… -
The pre allocated private STD:: vector in OpenMP is parallelized into a loop in C
I'm going to use the buffer STD:: vector < size_ t> Buffer (100), one in each thread of loop parallelization, as…… -
Java – log the device into a file
How do I redirect log records on my device to a file? My application hangs on the device, but works well on the simula…… -
Access volatile variables that cannot be accessed from outside the observable behavior of functions in the C language?
In C 03, the standard observable behavior (1.9 / 6) includes reading and writing volatile data Now I have this Code: i…… -
Java – how to install / configure xuggle to get unsatisfiedlinkerror?
I've just started using xuggle. I've downloaded everything to eclipse and included it in referenced libraries, but I d…… -
Gets a list of all Java reserved keywords
I'm looking for a way to retrieve all the keywords saved in Java into a data structure For example: "for, while, if, e…… -
Java – setonpagechangelistener does not call onpageselected
I set up a simpleonpagechangelistener using the following example: Android SimpleOnPageChangeListener – Determine swip…… -
What is the difference between Amazon dynamodbclient and dynamodb classes in their Java SDK?
I'm using Amazon's dynamodb Java SDK and want to know the difference between Amazon dynamodbclient and dynamodb classe…… -
Accessing smart cards using java
Due to project analysis, I am trying to understand how Java accesses smart cards I wonder if there is any type of virt…… -
And preg_ What is the same Java as replace?
<?PHP <?PHP $str = "word <a href=\"word\">word</word>word word"; $str = preg_replace("/word(…… -
Java – appropriate method for subclassing guava’s immutableset
I have a class class Receipt { private Set<Order> orders; public Receipt(Set<Order> orders) ……