包含标签:Java 的文章
JSP application. Getnameddispatcher() method: returns the requestdispatcher object according to the specified parameter name
getNamedDispatcher(String name) Example <% RequestDispatcher rd=application.getNamedDispatcher("test2"); rd…… -
JSP Request. Getserverpath() method: get the file path of the page requested by the client
getServletPath() Example <% String path = request.getServletPath(); out.println("访问的页面文件的路径为:"+p…… -
JSP Request. Getservername() method: get the name of the server
getServerName() Example <% String serName = request.getServerName(); out.println("服务器端的名字为:"+serNam…… -
Java DriverManager. Println() method: output log
println(String message) Example DriverManager.println("获取驱动成功!"); -
Java super keyword: Super calls the constructor of the parent class and uses super to access the members of the parent class
Use super to call the constructor of the parent class super(parameter-list); public People(String name,int age,Str…… -
JSP Out. Close () method: close the output stream of the JSP
close() Example <% out.println("C语言中文网"); out.close(); out.println("JSP页面"); %> -
JSP PageContext. Geterrordata() method: returns the errordata object containing the error information
getErrorData() Example <% ErrorData error = pageContext.getErrorData(); %> -
JSP PageContext. Getpage () method: returns the current page object
getPage() Example <% page = pageContext.getPage(); %> -
JSP Request. Getrequesturl () method: get the absolute path of the client accessing the website
getRequestURI() Example <% StringBuffer p = request.getRequestURL(); out.println("访问的URL路径为:"+p); %&…… -
Java Connection. Setautocommit() method: sets the commit mode of the database connection
setAutoCommit(Boolean autoCommit) Example Connection conn = …… //省略部分代码 conn.setAutoCommit(false); -
JSP Response. Adddateheader() method: add the date header information of the corresponding name
addDateHeader(String name,long date) Example <% long date = System.currentTimeMillis(); response.addDateHea…… -
JSP Exception. Fillinstacktrace() method: populates the exception stack trace
fillInStackTrace() Example <%@page language="java" pageEncoding="GBK" errorPage="error.jsp"%> <% I…… -
Java Set. Contains() method: judge whether the set set contains the specified object
contains(Object o) Typical application public static void main(String[] args){ Set set = new HashSet(); se…… -
JSP Request. Getheader () method: get the file header defined by HTTP protocol
getHeader(String name) Example <% String ct = request.getHeader("content-type"); out.println("Content-type=…… -
Java DriverManager. Getdrivers() method: get all loaded drivers
getDrivers() Typical application public static void main(String[] args){ try{ Class.forName("com.microsoft.s…… -
Inheritance of Java classes: simple inheritance of Java and the difference between single inheritance and multi inheritance
Simple inheritance class class_name extends extend_class { //类的主体 } public class Student extends Person…… -
Java DriverManager. Getdriver () method: select an appropriate driver
getDriver(String url) Example Class.forName("com.MysqL.jdbc.Driver"); //注册MysqL驱动 String url = "jdbc:MysqL://l…… -
Java InetAddress class and its common methods
Example 1 public static void main(String[] args) { try { InetAddress ia1=InetAddress.getB…… -
Java Set. Toarray() method: create an array with all the objects in the set collection
Grammar 1 toArray() Example public static void main(String[] args){ Set set = new HashSet(); //定义Set集合对象…… -
Java Set. Add() method: adds an object to the set collection
add(E e) Example public static void main(String[] args){ Set set = new HashSet(); //定义Set集合对象 set.a…… -
Notes: Lecture 2 basic knowledge of Java language
summary: 4. Floating point (real) data real constant: ◇ decimal number form consists of numbers and decimal points, an…… -
Java learning from introduction to mastery
Java learning path (I), tool Article 1 and JDK (java development kit) JDK is the core of the whole Java, including Jav…… -
JSP from shallow to deep (2) — the first JSP
First JSP In fact, JSP simply puts Java into HTML web pages. You can change the extension of existing HTML pages from …… -
The growth path of JSP programmers
1: Explain the use of mastery, proficiency, familiarity and understanding in this article to indicate your mastery of…… -
Java character set encoding
1. General This paper mainly includes the following aspects: basic coding knowledge, Java, system software, URL, tool …… -
JSP from shallow to deep (7) — JSP directives
In the previous tutorial, we have used java util. Date。 Some people will ask: why not just use import Java util.* And…… -
Note: Lecture 8 Java network programming
Think before class 1 What is TCP / IP protocol? 2. What are the two transmission protocols of TCP / IP and what ar…… -
Feel the characteristics of Java data object JDO 2.0 query language (3)
The query feature extended by manufacturers JDO manufacturers can provide jdoql with a variety of special query functi…… -
JSP from simple to deep (12) — form editing
For example, the flag library from the blazix server cannot be used in your system environment, so what about not usin…… -
Several problems easily confused by java beginners
1. String class and StringBuffer class are both classes that handle strings, but they have one biggest difference,…… -
JSP from simple to deep (6) — JSP declaration
Now the JSP you write will become a class definition. All the scriptlets you write should be placed in a method of thi…… -
Establishment of Tomcat environment
Tomcat is another excellent JSP server developed on the basis of sun's jswdk. It not only supports servlet, but also p……