包含标签:Java 的文章
JSP PageContext. Setattribute() method: set attribute
setAttribute(String name,Object value,int scope) Example <% pageContext.setAttribute("user","lzw",pageContext.…… -
JSP PageContext. Include () method: include the file in the page
Grammar 1 include(String relativeUrlPath) Example <%@page language="java" pageEncoding="GBK"%> <% …… -
Java Set. Remove() method: removes the specified object from the set collection
remove(Object o) Typical application public static void main(String[] args){ Set set = new HashSet(); //定义Se…… -
JSP Request. Getcontextpath() method: returns the directory where the current web is located
getContextPath() Example <% out.print(request.getContextPath()); %> -
JSP Exception. Initcause() method: sets the exception information of initialization
initCause(Throwable cause) Example <%@page language="java" pageEncoding="GBK" errorPage="error.jsp"%> <%…… -
JSP Request. Getquerystring() method: get query string
getQueryString() Example <a href="https://www.jb51.ccindex.jsp?JavaCore">以Get方法发送的查询字符串</a>&l…… -
How to learn java for beginners (with java learning route)
Java learning route Java EE beginner Java EE intermediate Java EE advanced -
Java TCP communication: Java ServerSocket class and socket class
ServerSocket class Construction method of ServerSocket try { ServerSocket serverSocket=new ServerSocket(8111);…… -
Java stop (terminate) thread detailed version
Unstoppable thread Example 1 package ch14; public class MyThread13 extends Thread { @Override public vo…… -
JSP application. Getresourceasstream() method: returns the input stream object of the specified resource
getResourceAsStream(String path) Example <% InputStream in = application.getResourceAsStream("index.jsp"); %&…… -
JSP PageContext. Removeattribute() method: removes the attribute from the specified range object
removeAttribute(String name,int scope) Example <% pageContext.removeAttribute("user",pageContext.APPLICATION_S…… -
Java pause / suspend thread (suspend()) and resume thread (resume())
Suspend() and resume() methods package ch14; public class MyThread21 extends Thread { private long i=0; …… -
Java trim() method: remove the spaces before and after the string
trim() Example public static void main(String[] args){ String strCom = "JAVA编程词典"; //定义字符串 Strin…… -
JSP Out. Clearbuffer () method: clear the data in the buffer and output it to the client
clearBuffer() Example <% out.println("C语言中文网"); out.clearBuffer(); %> -
JSP Out. Getremaining () method: get the remaining space of the buffer
getRemaining() Example <% int size = out.getRemaining(); out.println("JSP页面的剩余缓冲区大小为:"+size)…… -
JSP application. Getattribute () method: get attribute value
getAttribute(String name) Example <% application.getAttribute("user"); %> Typical application <body&g…… -
JSP Request. Getpathtranslated() method: get the path information of the URL
getPathTranslated() Example <% out.println(request.getPathTranslated()); %> -
JSP Out. Flush() method: clear the current buffer
flush() Example <% out.println("C语言中文网"); out.flush(); %> -
JSP Out. Isautoflush() method: judge whether the buffer is refreshed automatically
isAutoFlush() Example <% int size = out.getRemaining(); out.println("JSP页面是否自动刷新:"+out.isAutoFl…… -
The role of the Java isalive() method
Example 1 package ch14; public class MyThread08 extends Thread { @Override public void run() { …… -
Jsp: plugin: load tag
Example 1 <jsp:plugin type="applet"code="com.applet.MyApplet.class"codebase="/"> <jsp:fallback>加载Ja…… -
Java DriverManager. Getconnection() method: get database connection
Grammar 1 getConnection(String url) Example public Connection getConnection(){ Connection con=null; try{ …… -
Java tochararray() method: converts a string into a character array
tocharArray() Example public static void main(String[] args){ String strCom = "JAVA编程词典"; //定义字符串 …… -
JSP application. Getnameddispatcher() method: returns the requestdispatcher object according to the specified parameter name
getNamedDispatcher(String name) Example <% RequestDispatcher rd=application.getNamedDispatcher("test2"); rd…… -
JSP Request. Getserverpath() method: get the file path of the page requested by the client
getServletPath() Example <% String path = request.getServletPath(); out.println("访问的页面文件的路径为:"+p…… -
JSP Request. Getservername() method: get the name of the server
getServerName() Example <% String serName = request.getServerName(); out.println("服务器端的名字为:"+serNam…… -
Java DriverManager. Println() method: output log
println(String message) Example DriverManager.println("获取驱动成功!"); -
Java super keyword: Super calls the constructor of the parent class and uses super to access the members of the parent class
Use super to call the constructor of the parent class super(parameter-list); public People(String name,int age,Str…… -
JSP Out. Close () method: close the output stream of the JSP
close() Example <% out.println("C语言中文网"); out.close(); out.println("JSP页面"); %> -
JSP PageContext. Geterrordata() method: returns the errordata object containing the error information
getErrorData() Example <% ErrorData error = pageContext.getErrorData(); %> -
JSP PageContext. Getpage () method: returns the current page object
getPage() Example <% page = pageContext.getPage(); %> -
JSP Request. Getrequesturl () method: get the absolute path of the client accessing the website
getRequestURI() Example <% StringBuffer p = request.getRequestURL(); out.println("访问的URL路径为:"+p); %&……