PowerShell – pass ordered hashtable to function
How do I pass an ordered hash table to a function?
The following error was thrown: "ordered attributes can only be specified on Hash text nodes."
function doStuff { Param ( [ordered]$theOrderedHashtable ) $theOrderedHashtable } $datFileWithMinSizes = [ordered]@{"FileA.DAT" = "4"; "FileB.DAT" = "5"; "FileC.DAT" = "91" ; "FileD.DAT" = "847" } doStuff -theOrderedHashtable $datFileWithMinSizes
The following do not maintain the correct order:
function doStuff { Param ( [Hashtable]$theOrderedHashtable = [ordered]@{} ) $theOrderedHashtable } $datFileWithMinSizes = [ordered]@{"FileA.DAT" = "4"; "FileB.DAT" = "5"; "FileC.DAT" = "91" ; "FileD.DAT" = "847" } doStuff -theOrderedHashtable $datFileWithMinSizes
The only way I can use it at present is not to specify the type as follows, but I want to specify the type:
function doStuff { Param ( $theOrderedHashtable ) $theOrderedHashtable } $datFileWithMinSizes = [ordered]@{"FileA.DAT" = "4"; "FileB.DAT" = "5"; "FileC.DAT" = "91" ; "FileD.DAT" = "847" } doStuff -theOrderedHashtable $datFileWithMinSizes
Use full type name:
function Do-Stuff { param( [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$OrderedHashtable ) $OrderedHashtable }
To support regular hash tables and ordered dictionaries, you must use a separate parameter set: use the [system. Collections. Idictionary] interface, such as suggested by Briant
function Do-Stuff { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Ordered')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName='Ordered')] [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$OrderedHashtable,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='Hashtable')] [hashtable]$Hashtable ) if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Hashtable'){ $OrderedHashtable = $Hashtable } $OrderedHashtable }
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