包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – should I inherit JFrame / JPanel?
I am used to subclassing window classes in other programming environments, but I often see similar things in Java tuto…… -
Java – number of active tasks using ThreadPoolExecutor
I am using ThreadPoolExecutor to perform tasks in my java application I have a request. I want to get the number of ac…… -
Java – which is faster, equalsignorecase or comparetoignorecase
In a Java application, suppose I can choose the following comparison method equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) com…… -
Java – “jarfile cannot be accessed in Linux”
We have a web application running under JBoss 5, which regularly starts a 'Java' process (using processbuilder) to com…… -
Java – use progress bar in file search
I am writing an application that will search for specific files from the corresponding path During the search process,…… -
Unable to change Java io. tmpdir
I'm trying to change Java. Net using this command io. TMPDIR directory java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/temporary This is not su…… -
Double vs long serialization in Java
I can store a number as long and double in HBase They all occupy 8 bytes in Java The advantage of using double is that…… -
java – EventQueue. invokeLater vrs SwingUtilities. invokeLater
Can anyone highlight the difference between the two? Both are required?! I have an application that uses both, but won…… -
Java – gradle always executes println from any task
I have a simple build Gradle (or build. Gradle for any task with println) println GradLeversion.current().prettyPrint(…… -
Java – why should I use URL Openstream instead of URL getContent?
I want to search the content of a website html_content = urllib.urlopen("http://www.test.com/test.html").read() In the…… -
Java – persistent error message: an instance of an empty PK was incorrectly provided for the lookup operation
I'm trying to use NetBeans 7.01 to learn JSF 2.0 and JPA tutorials I am using Oracle Xe and JDBC_ 6. I used the JSF pa…… -
Java – a substitute for hibernate or TopLink?
Is there a viable alternative to hibernate? Things that are not based on JPA are preferred Our problem is that we are …… -
Java – HQL, where in indicates an empty list crash
I have an HQL statement like this: Select cast(ed.employee.employeeID as int) AS emp_id FROM Education AS ed WHERE ed.…… -
Java – spring AOP: @ annotation (annotation)
I (of course) try to maintain the project with many structures I don't know very well In trying to figure out the use …… -
Java – are there any side effects of using many static functions?
At present, I am very interested in game framework because it can promote faster development When I see the code, ther…… -
Java – create a custom tag library that extends the spring tag library
I want to create a custom tag library that should extend the existing spring MVC 3.0 tag library I want to do this bec…… -
Java – which continuous integration library do you use?
I used cruise control as the CI framework in my last project (I didn't find CruiseControl lacking, I just want to know…… -
Java – add date string 1 day
I have a date string newdate = "31.05.2001" I must add one day I tried the following code: String dateToIncr = "31.12.…… -
Is java heap memory continuous?
I've seen people comment that Java heap memory is continuous, and people say the opposite So, can someone give me a fi…… -
Java: how to cancel application exit
In one of my programs, I want to display a dialog when the user tries to exit the application The user must then choos…… -
Reinsert Na into vector
I have a value vector containing Na These values need to be processed by an external program that cannot process Na, s…… -
Java – why can’t I access my panel’s getWidth () and getHeight () functions?
I'm writing a simple program to test the basic GUI The program prints a letter in the middle of the screen, allowing t…… -
Bit level operations in Java
I'm trying to do something in Java to apply masks, representation sets, etc int one=1; int two=2; int andop=1&2; S…… -
Java – mongodb upsert exception invalid bson field
This exception: Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid BSON field name id at o…… -
Multithreading – how do I make Perl threads without copying all variables?
I have a Perl program that would be very useful to use some form of parallelism But I have a lot of data in variables,…… -
Java – references files through classpath in the context of spring
I'm trying to set up org springframework. beans. factory. config. Propertyplaceholderconfigurer spring bean. I have JD…… -
Java – gradle compiles but does not run TestNG tests
We just started using gradle and TestNG in our project, so I'm checking if there are actually no test failures I was s…… -
Java – xssfcellstyle setfillforeroundcolor and setfillbackgroundcolor do not work
I try to use setfillforeroundcolor and setfillbackgroundcolor to change the cell color of Excel file But I failed. I r…… -
How to use long data types in Java?
See the English answer > the literal XYZ of type int is out of range It seems that I don't know how to use long dat…… -
Write the GUI programmatically, or use the advanced GUI editor (Java Swing)?
I intend to write a swing based application (using NetBeans 6.8) It seems that NetBeans has a very advanced GUI editor…… -
Java – vector vs ArrayList performance test
Everyone said that vectors should be used because of performance (causing vectors to synchronize after each operation …… -
Java – a better way to create AES keys than secure random
I need to send encrypted data from the Java client to the c# server Now I'm learning how to encrypt data using AES Acc……