Java – spring AOP: @ annotation (annotation)

I (of course) try to maintain the project with many structures I don't know very well In trying to figure out the use of AOP in spring, I encountered a method with the following comments:

@Around(value =“@ annotation(annotation)”)

So @ around means that we execute the 'around' version of the method pointcut in AOP. I see I don't know what the other parts mean The spring documentation provides the following:

I don't know what this means – "methods implemented in spring AOP" sounds like suggested methods, but I don't know how I (or spring) find the suggested methods It sounds like a method with "given comments", but if so, what comments are given?

What methods does this note suggest? What else does that mean?


If you have the following spring beans:

public class foo {

    void fooMe() {

Then there are the following recommendations:


The interceptor will be called around foome (or any other spring bean method annotated with @ bar)

@The transactional annotation is a good example

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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