How to use xwpftable in POI to merge cells (or apply colSpan) in Java?
Creating a table in POI is very simple, but its tutorial is very limited. I can't find a simple merged cell in the table that generates docx file
If you have created tables, rows within rows, and cells within rows, you can add gridspan to the cell properties:
if (cell.getCTTc().getTcPr() == null) cell.getCTTc().addNewTcPr(); if (cell.getCTTc().getTcPr().getGridSpan() == null) cell.getCTTc().getTcPr().addNewGridSpan(); cell.getCTTc().getTcPr().getGridSpan().setVal(2);
Note: cell is org apache. poi. xwpf. usermodel. XWPFTableCell.
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