Why is the runtime exception “unchecked” in Java?
Why are runtime exceptions unchecked meaningful (not if they are checked)?
If you do not, you must use the try / catch block every time you access array elements, perform division operations, and many other common schemes
In other words, imagine this Code:
Map map = ... int i = ... (int[])map.get("foo")[3] = 2334 / i;
I must check ClassCastException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, arithmetexception, unsupported operationexception and NullPointerException
When using Java, the problem is not an unchecked exception The examined exception is a controversial subject Some people say that this is mainly an experiment in Java. In practice, they don't work, but you will find that many people think they are very good
However, no one thinks the unchecked exception is bad
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