Java – lwjgl cannot find the display class
I have installed lwjgl into the Java project. I can't import the display class
import org.lwjgl.opengl.display;
An unsolvable error was given
Displaymode and other classes are also missing I can't find any in Broswer
The old utility classes such as display, keyboard and mouse are deleted in lwjgl3 The library now uses glfw for window management, which is more complex, but it is said to have better performance and more functions Like the OpenGL method, all glfw methods are static and can be found at org lwjgl. glfw. Found in glfw class
Unfortunately, there are not many tutorials because lwjgl3 is still under development You can find one here (unfinished): Or you can check documentation, which provides some examples
Editor: as of March 2015, there is a new unofficial tutorial series, which provides a good introduction to lwjgl3
Editor: as of September 2015, migration guide from lwjgl2 to lwjgl3 is in progress