Does every program in Java need a class?
Is this always the case?
Yes, you need at least one class to have a program, but no, you don't need any method (contrary to some other answers)
The reason you need a class is because in Java, all the code is in the class So to have any code, you need a class However, the code does not necessarily need to be in a method It can also be in the initializer Therefore, this is a complete Java program without methods:
class LookMaNoMethods { static { System.out.println("Hello,world!"); System.exit(0); } }
This gives
$javac $java LookMaNoMethods Hello,world! $
Edit: the code from Java 7 has only static blocks without main method, and will not produce any output The main method is now mandatory Code without the main method can be compiled successfully
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