Returns a list of nodes in a Java node. A parent node can have multiple child nodes
I'm trying to write java code to return a list of nodes in the tree
The node class is
class Node{ String label; List<Node> children; }
I'm trying this way But I can't understand how to write a loop to traverse
public List<Node> returnAllNodes(Node node){ List<Node> listOfNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); boolean iterationCompleted = false; if(node==null){ return null; } while(!iterationCompleted){ if(node.getChildren()==null){ listOfNodes.add(node); break; } else{ // } } return null; //return traverseAndReturnAllNodes(node.getChildren().get(0)); }
Please help.
If you determine that the structure is a tree (nodes cannot have multiple parent nodes), the nodes are listed in depth priority order:
public static List<Node> returnAllNodes(Node node){ List<Node> listOfNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); addAllNodes(node,listOfNodes); return listOfNodes; } private static void addAllNodes(Node node,List<Node> listOfNodes) { if (node != null) { listOfNodes.add(node); List<Node> children = node.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (Node child: children) { addAllNodes(child,listOfNodes); } } } }
If a node can have multiple parent nodes, change the first line of addallnodes to:
if (node != null && !listOfNodes.contains(node)) {
The breadth first algorithm is as follows:
public static List<Node> returnAllNodes(Node node){ List<Node> listOfNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); if (node != null) { listOfNodes.add(node); for(int i = 0; i < listOfNodes.size(); ++i) { Node n = listOfNodes.get(i); List<Node> children = n.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (Node child: children) { if (!listOfNodes.contains(child)) { listOfNodes.add(child); } } } } } return listOfNodes; }
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