Gson, jsonelement, string comparison in Java

Well, I want to know that it may be very simple and stupid, but after a period of struggle, I don't know what happened

I'm using gson to handle some JSON elements Somewhere in my code, I get a jsonelement of a jsonobject as a string and compare it with another string As far as I know, they are both equal, but I am always false in comparison This is a clip

JsonArray arr;
    JsonObject jsonobj;
    JsonElement model_elem;
    String STUPID_STRING = "bla bla bla";

    // PrevIoUsly we initializes and fill arr,it doesn't matter how... I hope
    jsonobj = arr.get(0).getAsJsonObject();
    model_elem = jsonobj.get("coolname");
    if (model_elem.toString().equals(STUPID_STRING)) {

It never enters an IF statement

Arr has an element at index 0, and jsonobj has a field named "coolname". If I print ln model_ Elem, I get "bla bla bla" (same as stupid_string) I've tried equals() and compareto() = = 0

I can't figure out what's going on here. Who knows- s.

Thank you in advance


I believe you need to use getasstring () in gson Tostring() will add quotation marks!

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