Java 8: how to use lambda expressions to copy the value of a selected field from one object to another
I'm trying to understand java 8's new functions: foreach and lambda expressions
Attempt to override this feature:
public <T extends Object> T copyValues(Class<T> type,T source,T result) throws illegalaccessexception { for(Field field : getListOfFields(type)){ field.set(result,field.get(source)); } return result; }
Use lambda
I think it should be, but I can't make it right:
() -> { return getListOfFields(type).forEach((Field field) -> { field.set(result,field.get(source)); }); };
You can use functions in the following ways:
@FunctionalInterface interface CopyFunction<T> { T apply(T source,T result) throws Exception; } public static <T> CopyFunction<T> createCopyFunction(Class<T> type) { return (source,result) -> { for (Field field : getListOfFields(type)) { field.set(result,field.get(source)); } return result; }; }
A a1 = new A(1,"one"); A a2 = new A(2,"two"); A result = createCopyFunction(A.class).apply(a1,a2);
The function interface of copyfunction is almost the same as that of binaryoperator, except that binaryoperator will not throw exceptions If you want to handle exceptions in a function, you can use binaryoperator
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