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Java – in borderlayout Keep the size of JButton in center
Is there any way to keep the natural size of JButton in the center of borderlayout? Now, it expands in all directions …… -
Java – how to instantiate an object using its string
In Java, suppose I have a string variable: String x = "CoolClass"; I have a class called coolclass that has a working …… -
Changing colors using LinearLayout and textview in Java (Android)
I'm a relatively new Android Developer. I noticed that it seemed strange to me. I hope someone can explain I have Line…… -
How do I start a background thread that does not block the main java thread?
I have the following java code: public static void main(String[] args) { new Thread(new MyRunnable()).run(); s…… -
Why did you choose to use the finally statement instead of the catch statement? (JAVA)
I'm new to Java and I'm still trying to understand the basics I've been learning exception handling in the form of try…… -
Java – how do I call methods for all objects in ArrayList?
So I have an interface, pet, as follows: public interface Pet{ void Eat(); } This is achieved by: public class Pup…… -
Java – how do I reject a mercurial check-in that destroys a build?
I have a java project managed by mercurial and built by Jenkins Is there any way to prevent developers from checking c…… -
Java – gets the object from the selected JTable
I have a JTable to display a list of books, which can be filtered and sorted BookSwing. java package com.bookretailer.…… -
Converting long to byte in Java
I can't understand the following: In Java, long l = 130L; byte b = (byte)l; If I print the value of B, why do I get …… -
Java – format date on jspinner
I have a jspinner in the format yyyy MM DD HH: mm: SS The problem is that the spinner 'HH' can only reach the value of…… -
Java – Python unit tests almost never check types
I'm using JUnit to do some tests written in Java, but I can't notice the focus of checking object "types" This is some…… -
Java exception handling?
The following code calculates the average of the numbers stored in the text file Solution If necessary, you can use Ja…… -
Java – reproduce simpledateformat non thread safety in testing
I have an application that has this stack trace in the log from time to time: java.lang.Arrayindexoutofboundsexception…… -
How to use equalsignorecase() for multiple elements in Java
if(string.equalsIgnoreCase("first") || if(string.equalsIgnoreCase("first") || string.equalsIgnoreCase("second") || s…… -
What is the priority of static blocks in Java?
public class Static public class Static { static { int x = 5; } static int x,y; public st…… -
Java – check that the ArrayList of strings is in alphabetical order
I have an ArrayList named account, which contains strings I'm trying to write a method to check whether they are order…… -
Java: formatting strings as phone numbers
I have an unformatted phone number string ("5551234567") I want to format this string in the UI for display purposes A…… -
Java – implement custom CompareTo
@Override @Override public int compareTo(Object t) { if(t instanceof Student) { Student s = (Student)…… -
How to get the (n) index of characters in a string?
Suppose you have a string like this: String longStr="someText1@someText2@someText3@someText@someText4@someText5@someTe…… -
Java – multiple clicks of the same button
The idea is that the button can perform one action on the first click and different actions on the second click button…… -
Java – why does the code in finally execute even if it is returned in a try block?
Code: public String get() { try { //doSomething return "Hello"; } finally { System.out.print("Finally")…… -
Replace the string in R with the pattern and replace the two vectors
Suppose I have two such vectors: a <- c("this","is","test") b <- c("that","was","boy")@H_301_12@ 我也有一个像…… -
Java – try, catch and finally blocks
public class D { public class D { void myMethod() { try { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } cat…… -
Multithreading – Delphi parallel programming – multithreading slow
nice day, The webcam class has about 30 frames per second, and all these frames will be saved in vectors (such as queu…… -
Using Java awt. Basicstroke animated dashed line
Is there any way to use Java Basic stroke in AWT generates animated dashed lines? My wish is to run the dotted line in…… -
Java swing – JPanel and GridLayout margins / padding
I'm trying to build a chess game in Java. I'm having some trouble getting the GUI exactly the way I want using swing I…… -
java – Arrays. asList(). Contains() gives the wrong result
code: private static final int[] GOOGLE_DIRECTION_ID_FOR_MATCH = { 11,12,13,14,15 }; Log.e(TAG,"index : " …… -
Java – Android: how do I get two digits after a decimal value? Do not want to truncate the value
How to get a double precision value with only two digits after the decimal point For example, if a = 190253 8084615384…… -
Java – if (pause = = null) {does not work
When pause is null, I use if (pause = = null) to perform some operations But I made a mistake For parameter type long,…… -
Java coding practices, runtime exceptions, and this scenario
In the following scenario, I try to understand how to handle this code and its relationship with runtimexception As I'…… -
RX Java – rxjava returns a single, which is completed after execution
I'm trying to do the following: return some data as a single, and then execute it after completion Due to single Andth……