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Java – my syntax is wrong. Is it effective for me to do this?
I'm trying to make a way to tell me whether the weather is a number or a prime This is the code: class prime { pu…… -
Java – use sleep () for a single thread
I'm new to Java and started using different threads to use wait () or sleep () on part of my code and keep other threa…… -
There are more than 1 commands in the Java 8 foreach function
Is it possible to import the map.xml in Java 8 Multiple commands used in foreach function? So instead of: map.forEach(…… -
What is this widget called in Java?
I've been trying to find this widget and I don't know its name I should add the arrow key (in | de) to create the valu…… -
Java – static variable reset on program restart
I have a problem with static counter variables In the super class ("card"), I have a variable to calculate the number …… -
Using pow () – method in Java
I am writing a program in Java. The user should enter an integer n. then my program should create an array with entrie…… -
Why are these invalid in Java?
List<Object> myList = new ArrayList<String>(); //(hint: no) List<Object> myList = new ArrayList<S…… -
Java – if string objects are interned, why does changing one affect others
See English answers > what is the difference between a variable, object, and reference? 5 public class EqualExample…… -
Convert GMT to ist in Java?
I have a GMT field where the user enters the time to convert to IST (for example, in the hour field 18, the minute fie…… -
Java – why can’t we overload a method based on the throws exception?
Why can't we overload methods that have the same return type, name, and parameters but have some exceptions thrown? As…… -
The Java shutdown hook is not running
I'm new to Java / threads, and I inherit code similar to the following It is a command line program. Main() only start…… -
Java – use check boxes to wrap text in a text area
I created a dialog box for editing data in swing It contains a jtextarea, two JButton instances (OK & cancel) and …… -
java – fragment_ display_ Message: My First Android application error
This is my first time developing mobile applications Environment: Eclipse Kepler, Java 1.7 backend: I follow these ste…… -
Java – sort a list of non comparable elements
Today, I was asked this interview question: I know I need to make the person class implement comparable and then overr…… -
Java – problems in instance variable initialization
Here are some sample code, class Base { private int val; Base() { val = lookup(); } public int lookup() { …… -
Java – how to create array objects when using parenthesis lists
I understand that when I call its constructor with the new keyword, an array object in Java will be created: int[] myI…… -
How to smoothly scroll JFrame in Java
A JFrame in my java application contains a JPanel, and I create some drawing objects at runtime The problem is that wh…… -
Property file string length limit (Java)
Playing with a properties file, I think it seems to have I do the following: File configFile = new File("config.proper…… -
Multithreading – thread safe deletion of linked list nodes using fine-grained methods
Why is it not thread safe to delete the following code snippet of a node in a linked list? Edit: note that each node h…… -
Java – creates a list of entries and makes each entry clickable
I'm trying to create a UI with two panes In the left pane, I display a list of files and the right pane displays the c…… -
Java – how to convert a double to a string in Android
I want to convert a string to double in my constructor. I can't change it in the constructor, because in a process, th…… -
Java – joda time – month difference between two dates
See the English answer > number of days between two dates in joda time DateTime date1 = new DateTime().withDate(201…… -
Java – spring: URL does not parse the link correctly
Although I am experienced in Java, I am unfamiliar with the spring framework and web applications When I run my site o…… -
Java – how to add visual content to JPanel?
I have defined a class named stone to add graphic blocks to JPanel: public class Stone { private int x,y; pri…… -
Java: how to use the w3c. Wrap all elements in DOM?
My goal is to wrap each DOM element (node. Element_node) in the current org. Org w3c. dom. On the document, the label …… -
Java – system. Java used by threads Setproperty affects other threads that communicate with external network elements How?
In my application, I have two threads Each thread communicates with a different external entity Let's say T1 – > N1…… -
What is double in Java Objective-C equivalent of Nan?
What is Java's double Objective-C equivalent of Nan? I have a function that returns double, but it can return double i…… -
Java – how to operate on large numbers that cannot be stored in a variable
In Java, I want to be able to operate on very large integers (which cannot be stored for a long time). What should I d…… -
Java – an alternative method to compare three ints for equality
int a = 10; int a = 10; int b = 10; int c = 10; I tried to find out if there was an alternative way to compare three i…… -
Java – traverses the array in reverse without minus sign
I was asked this question in today's interview I'm sure it's a very simple technique, but I can't think of it How do I…… -
Java – how do I find a value between two strings?
How do I "find" and "get" the value between two strings? Namely: < a > 3 < / a > I'm reading a file to fin…… -
Java – linkedhashset as return type of API public method
Let's consider the following example Write an API with a public method that returns a collection of unique objects I t……