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What is the easiest way for Java to assign default variable values with or?
I read data from a CSV file and want to assign column values to variables There may be cases where the file does not c…… -
Is there any way to get the number of digits after the decimal point in Java double?
I am developing a Java / groovy program I have a double variable that contains a number entered by the user What I rea…… -
Java – how to set text to an integer and get int without receiving an error
I'm trying to get intent from integers String fetch intent works normally and displays well, but when I put integers, …… -
Java – convert from numeric string containing comma to int
I have such value: String x = "10,000"; I want to convert it to int. I can convert it by removing the following Comma:…… -
Java – can I skip tracking of Android applications?
I'm planning to make an application for Android 2.1, which uses the audio device ATM to change songs every minute (thr…… -
Java Rounding Up
How do I set the value of numbergrade so that if it is 89.5, it becomes 90 Numbergrade is treated as double, but makin…… -
Java – @ override gives errors in eclipse?
When I import a project from the workspace in eclipse, it will make an error in the @ override comment If the project …… -
Java – use strings xml w / Android
I read a lot of things, but it seems that my app didn't get strings The value of a string in XML It actually seems to …… -
Java – how to create email links in POI word format
How do I create external links or e-mail links in xwpfdocument? There is a description about excel (HSSF xssf), but I …… -
Java – there are only five instances of classes
I want only five instances of classes throughout the application lifecycle How can I do this? If possible, please prov…… -
Java – enabling websecurityconfigurer via @ profile does not work
I think I have a very simple and basic setup for running spring boot webapp with some authentication locally I hope th…… -
Java – can any unused object escape from the garbage collector?
Are there any objects that may not be referenced anywhere and still exist on the heap I mean, an unused object may esc…… -
Java recursive insertion sort?
So I tried to turn the following code into a recursive method to insert sorting, but although I tried, I couldn't Who …… -
Java – slidingmenu width incorrect
I use jfeinstein1's slidingmenu library. In my project I want to slide the slide menu out to about 3 / 4 of the screen…… -
Why does the java compiler report only one error at a time?
I have a clip class T{ int y; public static void main(String... s){ int x; System.out.println(…… -
Java – speedup HashSet and HashMap performance
In Java, I have: Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); callVoidMethod(set); ... public static void ca…… -
Java – how to allocate variables defined in if else statements
I need to create content that can find the current hour in GMT and convert it to EST When I try to compile and run the…… -
Java in Java util. Map. Contains() method call
Is there any way to call java. in JSP? util. Map. Contains () method, where map is the attribute of the bean Solution …… -
Java: why not declare static intead that passes references?
Suppose we want to make a game where you have to collect gems So we need a gem class, a gemspawner class and, of cours…… -
How do I pass an integer wrapper class to a method in Java?
Ex in Java: class A { private Integer x = new Integer(0); public void setValue(Integer q) { q = 20; …… -
Java – how do I do this?
I'm a beginner. I want to write java code in eclipse The program takes linkedlists of two integers (for example, a and…… -
Java – find the number of repetitions of a number in an array less than o (n ^ 2)
I wrote the sample code But this is n ^ 2 int a[]={1,4,1,5,2,3,1}; int b[][]=new int[5][2]; int i,j,k=0,count=1; boole…… -
Java – returns the class name instead of the class name, and the memory address
I want the two teams to play against each other When I say team1 I call it play (team2); public class teams{ publi…… -
Java – what is the difference between Seda, VM and direct? Use camel to explain it. Use an example
I worked with Seda and read documents directly with me Still can't imagine the use and directness of Seda VM is new to…… -
Where can I download the source code of Java se (Java. Lang, Java. Util, & C.)?
See English answers > Where can I see the source code of the sun JDK? 10 Solution The source code comes with the Ja…… -
Java – return interface list
I have this problem. I want to return a list of interfaces and implementation classes only after the if block public i…… -
Java – can each thread have a unique static variable?
I have a static variable and I want each thread to be unique Is this the case with all static variables? Or there is n…… -
Java – learn about ArrayList indexoutofboundsexception in Android
I get a lot of indexoutofboundseception from any ArrayList I use Most of the time it works, but sometimes I encounter …… -
Java – strange null pointer exception: ternary conditional operators do not use string concatenation
StringBuffer sb=null; StringBuffer sb=null; // Some more logic that conditionally assigns value to the StringBuffer …… -
Write a Java class and create only five instances of it
I want to write a Java class that can only be instantiated five times, just like a singleton class with only one insta…… -
Java – does using volatile only make sense in multiprocessor systems?
Using volatile only makes sense in multiprocessor systems Is this wrong? I'm trying to learn thread programming, so if……