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Java – how to add an hour to my time
I have time in the following format and use this value to set the text of my button String strDateFormat = "HH:mm: a";…… -
Java – how to use keylistener
I'm trying to implement a keylistener in my program so that when I press the arrow key, it will perform an action to m…… -
Java – ArrayList. Java that causes NullPointerException Add() method
The longinteger class causes the following error at runtime: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException…… -
Java – boxed values are unboxed and then repacked immediately
I received the findugs error "boxed value is not boxed, and then repack it immediately" This is the code: Employee emp…… -
Java – why must the float value be declared twice?
I'm confused why floating point values must be declared as in any other value, but they must be declared before the va…… -
Recursive merging of Java – N-level mappings
Is there any way to deeply merge maps in Java? I've read some posts about it, but most solutions seem to deal with onl…… -
How to check spaces in Java
String selectedVal = ""; String selectedVal = ""; for (SelectItem item : filterItems) { selectedVal =…… -
Java comprehensive list
I am looking for an open source library with a composite list implementation List list1 = new ArrayList(); list1.add("…… -
Return sorted list in Java
I'm writing this Code: List<Bean> beans = service.findBeans(); Collections.sort(beans,new BeanComparator()); ret…… -
java – System. out. Println () is a field method?
If out is a field of the system class How can you use the println () method in a field? Where does this println () met…… -
Java – string as key in HashMap
I have seen that only string is used as a key in HashMap Although the put () method takes object as an argument What i…… -
Java – intelligent garbage collection?
You simply call system GC () can do garbage collection in Java, but sometimes this "delays" the application Collecting…… -
Java – good UI Design: how to handle empty listview?
My application connects to the network and populates listview Sometimes nothing is returned What is the best way to no…… -
How to set the first day of the week in a Java application calendar
We use a Java application that has a date selection field when you click there to open a small calendar The first day …… -
How to change the default Java icon in Jfilechooser
I want to change the built - in Java icon from Jfilechooser JFrame class has seticon image() method of set icon But I …… -
The Java program accepts the date in any format as input and prints the month,
The Java program accepts the date in any format as input and prints the month, Is it possible I tried the following, a…… -
Java – why shouldn’t we use the (default) SRC package?
I recently started using the eclipse IDE and have read in many places that I shouldn't use the default (SRC) package a…… -
How do I fill in an ArrayList for each loop? (JAVA)
I have to fill an ArrayList with the first 10 multiples of each loop I really can't seem to figure out how I can't use…… -
How to select a random item from ArrayList in Java?
See English answers > randomly select an item from a list ArrayList<Integer> mylist= new ArrayList<Intege…… -
Java – how to set the time limit of online examination
I'm doing an online exam project because my requirement is to set a question in one page. The maximum time limit for t…… -
String. The split (string pattern) Java method did not work as expected
I'm using string Split () divides some strings into IP, but it returns an empty array, so I use string Substring () fi…… -
Cron work for Java programs
I'm using a java program that sends emails after some file transfers I am using eclipse to write program code How to s…… -
javax. xml. Bind’s Base64 encoder / decoder eats the last two characters of the string
I need to convert some strings using Base64 encoding, and I'm glad to see that I don't have to scroll through my own C…… -
Java array creation
This is just a simple question. I can't find the answer in the document! String args[] = new String[0]; args[0] = "tes…… -
Java – the difference between spring JDBC template and Hibernate
See English answers > spring hibernate vs JDBC template vs spring ORM [closed] 1 thank you Solution Hibernate is a …… -
Java – check whether the condition is’ null ‘
I have questions about checking null conditions For example: if(some conditon) value1= value; //value1 is string type…… -
Java – how do you view the “anti if” movement and its goals?
I have a developer who has been using if else or if else statements for the last three years, which is a lot in my pro…… -
java. lang.OutOfMemoryError:
I'm trying to create a video file from the bytes retrieved from the database The plan worked well a few hours ago Afte…… -
Java – cannot convert generic set?
I have an interesting problem today Consider the following code public static class Parent {} public static class Chil…… -
Are there tools for documenting Java applications?
I wonder if there is a tool for recording Java applications I mean, if I want to specify in my code what each function…… -
Java – how to get the availability details of a running instance
I am traversing the list of running instances returned by the describeinstances API I want to know how to retrieve the…… -
Java – is there a way to pass a string to a mutable method?
I know that string variables are immutable in Java by default But is there any way to set a string variable or make it……