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Java – lock files when writing files to disk
I have two separate threads F1 and F2 (specifically, two Java. Util. Concurrent. Futuretask instances) running in para…… -
Javadoc cannot run in Android projects
I use eclipse 3.5.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 2. Android development I installed: >Sun's JDK comes from the Ubuntu repository…… -
Java – wicket table with variable number of columns
I have been creating tables by adding a listview in the page (providing my data as list < MyObject >) and assign…… -
Java problems for beginners (string output)
So I'm reading the input of a file that says these lines: NEO You're the Oracle? NEO Yeah. So I just want to ou…… -
Java – I-phone VM for Android
I'm considering setting up a project to create an I-phone virtual machine for Android 2.0 (read Motorola Droid). Befor…… -
Java – the question I tripped over in the interview
I was asked several Java interview questions. I don't know how to solve them. I can use some answers >Write a metho…… -
How to create an autocomplete pop-up window in jtextpane in Java?
I am creating an SQL editor I am using jtextpane as the editor I want to implement autocompletion for table names such…… -
Java – what’s faster – storing data in lists or databases? (robot)
I am currently working on a school project (Android application). We should store user fee and income information in t…… -
Java – make columns uneditable in JTable
I use NetBeans to create a masterdetail simple form, and I have a JTable related to the database I want to edit the co…… -
Java reference
Is there a way to find all references to objects (in Java)? I have an object cache and want to scan it regularly to se…… -
Java – when using batik in webapp on tomcat, “sax2 driver class org.apache.crimson.parser.xmlreaderimpl not found”
This may be related to the classpath problem, but I'm not sure yet because I don't have this error on some machines Th…… -
In Java, if only the last numeric item is replaced, what is the best way to sort an integer array?
This is an array of integers Solution Take the last element as an insertion sort -
Java – call again: < >
What's this called? List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(sectionIDs); (< > section) I know this …… -
The best way to translate this java code into kotlin
URL url = new URL(urlSpec); URL url = new URL(urlSpec); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConn…… -
Reduce map using java 8 stream API
I have a map of the following table: Map<Integer,Map<String,Double>> START Make inner an internal map, i.e…… -
Exception in Java platform library
Sometimes I check the Java platform library for inspiration There are many good design solutions, such as this questio…… -
Java – system. Java on Windows Where’s err?
I have a Java GUI based application that writes some diagnostic messages to system Out and system err. Where are these…… -
Java – combine allmatch, nonematch, and anymatch on a single stream
I think there is the following logic: (I know it doesn't work because it consumes the stream more than once) But I don…… -
Java – naming convention for O / R mapping
I map my database tables to my Java objects Generally speaking, I name my form in the plural, because the form holding…… -
Java – how to parse the “DD mm” date format to get the current year? “
I have to use java to parse the date in "17 - Jun" format The problem is that when I try to parse the "DD mm" format u…… -
Java – Tomcat and VM
It's really hard for me to understand where Tomcat actually runs It is executed in the JVM, which executes servlets Or…… -
Java – find element or check if it exists in array / list?
I'm a novice. I really don't understand how this works I made a list of room information: List<Room> rooms = new…… -
Java – how to prevent HashMap or treemap from replacing previous values
If it already exists, how can I prevent HashMap or treemap from replacing the previous key value? In addition, I want …… -
Default initialization of private fields in Java
Suppose I have a class named person: class Person{ private int num = 1; } When calling an empty constructor for th…… -
Java – questions about reversing strings
I'm trying to do a simple string operation The input is "murder". I want "murder" I tried this String str = "murder"; …… -
How to “time out” functions in Java?
private String indexPage(URL currentPage) throws IOException { private String indexPage(URL currentPage) throws IOExce…… -
Java – why doesn’t my rating bar change the user’s touch?
I tried to add a rating bar to my campaign But I can't add or delete stars on the user's touch What should I add? <…… -
Java EE – Liferay 7 service builder does not automatically update the database
In my Liferay 7 project, service builder can well generate the file tables SQL (with complete SQL), but it will not be…… -
Java – how do I know what exceptions can be thrown from a method?
How do I know what exceptions a method call might throw? Solution Look at the throws clause of the method signature to…… -
Java – how to use regular expressions to check whether HTML documents contain non empty script tags
I try to check whether an HTML document contains script tags that are not empty using regular expressions Regular expr…… -
Collision detection between two rectangles in Java
I have two rectangles, a red rectangle (movable) and a blue rectangle When a collision occurs between blue and red rec…… -
Java – use durationformatutils to format periods in a good way
This is very effective: out.println(DurationFormatUtils.formatPeriod( new Date().getTime(),mat……