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Java – random number generator
I need to write a program in Java to generate random numbers within the range of [0,1] using the following formula: Su…… -
Use Java stream to get the index of Min size list in ArrayList
I have a list of integers, such as LIST1 = (1,2,3) and List2 = (0,1) My list contains LIST1 and List2 It can contain m…… -
Isn’t Java doing things asynchronously?
I'm trying to learn Java. I'm reading a tutorial that says: while (N <= 0) { TextIO.put("The starting po…… -
Why can’t the java compiler solve this problem?
Why can't the compiler from collections. In the following example Emptyset() infers the correct type of result? import…… -
Java – add schema names to entities in spring data?
Error using Oracle dB and spring data The error is: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist The reason for this error …… -
Java – how do I check for memory leaks?
Can I check for memory leaks without entering the code I have my application and I want to check for memory leaks In m…… -
Incredible little decimal best Java object
What Java object is best for storing tiny decimal values, such as 10 ^ - 25? When using minimum space, which object ho…… -
How to create a random number with a combination of 5 digits and charter flights
I want to generate such a random number > ADF1845CFT > ADF1864ATY > ADF18AT65Y I successfully created a 5-dig…… -
Is there a parallel processing implementation of HashMap for Java? Is it even possible?
Looking for the magical parallelhashmap class More succinctly, can you use multiple threads to speed up HashMap lookup…… -
Java – why not run server-side applications with daylight saving time enabled?
I have implemented a server - side application that records the timestamp when the record is created and updated The a…… -
Default class extended by all classes in Java
In Java, by default, do all classes extend the default class? Example: if I have a simple class, such as: Class A { St…… -
Can Java modules call C modules?
Just out of interest, can I call the C module from the Java module? If so, what should I do? Solution Yes, you can do …… -
How to add a thread and other threads in Java?
I have a main thread to start 10 other threads I want to finish the main thread only after all other threads stop So I…… -
Java – converts two Boolean values to int
This can be very easy If I have two Boolean values a and B, how can I get the equivalent "binary" number? false and fa…… -
java – Jersey:com. sun. jersey. spi. inject. Errors $ErrorMessagesException
I'm having trouble using the Jersey (1.8), Maven and hibernate I received this error (full log) INFO: Scanning for roo…… -
Java 8 list copy
See English answers > how to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents? 17 I can't update the employee object pub…… -
How do I use instance variables twice without renaming them?
Help, I've just started learning Java. This online tutorial I'm doing requires me to create an instance of a class The…… -
Java is the last day of next month
I have a variable of nowdate type. I want to set the variable nextdate to include the last day of the next month For e…… -
Java – define multiple hash functions for the same object
I have several collections that store objects of the same class, but I want to specify a different identification func…… -
Java – stream result using struts 2
I tried to use stream results to return images from a struts 2 application I seem to be having trouble configuring the…… -
How to determine whether a class is equal to or extends another class (Java)
So I'm writing a minecraft mod, in which I successfully added a pistol, which can handle various support classes, ray …… -
Can Java constructors construct subclass objects?
Is there any way to modify the class constructed in the constructor? public class A { A() { //if (condition) ret…… -
Java encodes the file as a Base64 string to match other encoded strings
private static String encodeFileToBase64Binary(String fileName) private static String encodeFileToBase64Binary(String …… -
Java EE App Server Hello World
I am very familiar with individual Java application development, but I will soon use Java EE application server develo…… -
Java – teamcity – build number – pass in ant script
I want to pass the build number in teamcity as a parameter to the ant script Who knows the exact syntax for doing this…… -
Generate getter / setter in Java (again)
I'm thinking about writing class MyClass { @Get @Set protected int aValue; } Then, get is automatically generate…… -
Java – lint found a fatal error when assembling the release target
I am compiling my application for publishing, and I receive an error saying: <issue id="UnkNownId" severity…… -
Java – dagger 2 activity injection does not work
I'm trying the new dagger 2. This is my first time to implement it, but I can't make it work I think I got the concept…… -
Java – Custom swing components: questions about methods
I'm trying to build a new Java swing component. I realize that I may be able to find something that can meet my needs …… -
Duplicate code blocks in sonar for import statements in Java
On sonar 4.5 6 (default setting), I see the message duplicated blocks as The Java code of the message I received is as…… -
java – JDK 1.4. 2 “contains (charsequences)” method in string class
In Java 1.5, the contains (charsequences) method was added to the string class This method How would you do this in Ja…… -
Converting arrays in Java
Suppose we have an array of integers, such as int [] x = {0,1,2,3}; Can I convert x to an array of string type? Can I ……