Java – dagger 2 activity injection does not work
I'm trying the new dagger 2. This is my first time to implement it, but I can't make it work I think I got the concept, and I understood the here example
I tried to copy the same structure, just a little modification for my example
This is the appcomponent that extends graph. I define the class I want
@ApplicationScope @Component(modules = {AppModule.class,DataModule.class}) public interface EFAppComponent extends EFGraph { /** * An initializer that creates the graph from an application. */ public final static class Initializer { private Initializer() { } // No instances. public static EFAppComponent init(EFApp app) { return Dagger_EFAppComponent.builder() .appModule(new AppModule(app)) .build(); } } } public interface EFGraph { public void inject(EFApp app); public ImageLoader imageLoader(); public EventBus eventBus(); }
Then I provide corresponding classes in each module Everything is fine from here. Dagger seams build dagger correctly_ EFAppComponent.
Then initialize with the constructor in the application class
component = EFAppComponent.Initializer.init(this); component.inject(this);
Then my goal is to inject imageloader and eventbus into my activity To do this, I created an activitycomponent
@ActivityScope @Component( dependencies = EFAppComponent.class,modules = ActivityModule.class ) public interface ActivityComponent { public void inject(BaseActivity activity); }
Then I call you from my activities
activityComponent = Dagger_ActivityComponent.builder() .eFAppComponent(component) .activityModule(new ActivityModule(this)) .build(); activityComponent.inject(this);
Because I should declare @ inject eventbus eventbus. In my activity after injecting the method Well, No
Therefore, after gradually debugging and tracking my applications and examples, I realized dagger_ Activitycomponent is not built correctly
private final ActivityModule activityModule; private final EFAppComponent eFAppComponent; private Dagger_ActivityComponent(Builder builder) { assert builder != null; this.activityModule = builder.activityModule; this.eFAppComponent = builder.eFAppComponent; initialize(); }
If the initialize method is empty and the provider is not declared as a variable
Did I miss anything? I've been trying to make it work all day, but I didn't succeed
Thank you for your help
Well... After spending the whole day, I decided to release it, and five minutes later I found a solution
I'm using baseactivity for all my activities, and I think I can use it to inject my components, but it's impossible
So I just changed this line in the activitycomponent
public void inject(BaseActivity activity)
public void inject(MainActivity activity)
So I want to inject the name of the dependency's activity
What makes me think of a new problem How do I implement the basic components to handle all my activities? Or do I have to create a component for each view / activity / fragment that I want to di?