Java – spring: URL does not parse the link correctly

Although I am experienced in Java, I am unfamiliar with the spring framework and web applications When I run my site on the local Tomcat server, the URL is: http: / / localhost: 8080 / myapp/

Now request mapping to delegate me to my home page:

@RequestMapping(value = "/",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String someMethod(Model model) { ... 
   return "index"; }

Now in index In the XHTML file, I use < a href = "apps /" > link < / a > to link to another page, but when I want to link back to the index page, I must use < a href = ".. / index /" > link < / a > I searched for a solution and found:

<spring:url value='/apps' var="apps_url" />
<a href="${apps_url}">link</a>

But spring: URL always resolves to http: / / localhost: 8080 / myapp / – my current page In addition, when I only use such a link: < a href = "/ othersite" > link < / a >, it always resolves to http: / / localhost: 8080 / othersite instead of http: / / localhost: 8080 / myapp / othersite, as I expected How do I make my links work? Is http: / / localhost: 8080 / myapp implicitly defined as my context or can / should it be changed to http: / / localhost: 8080 /?

In addition, is there any connection between the URL on the local Tomcat server and the URL when the web application is published?

Here are some of my application files:

Servlet's context In XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans:beans xmlns=""

    <!-- DispatcherServlet Context: defines this servlet's request-processing infrastructure -->

    <!-- Enables the Spring MVC @Controller programming model -->
    <annotation-driven />

    <context:component-scan base-package="myApp" />

    <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager"/>

    <!-- Handles HTTP GET requests for /resources/** and /css/** by efficiently 
    serving up static resources in the ${webappRoot}/resources directory -->
    <resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" />
    <resources mapping="/css/**" location="/css/" />

    <beans:bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
        <beans:property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/" />
        <beans:property name="suffix" value=".xhtml" />


From web xml:

<!-- The deFinition of the Root Spring Container shared by all Servlets and Filters -->

<!-- Creates the Spring Container shared by all Servlets and Filters -->

<!-- Processes application requests -->




It's best to put all the links below

<a href="${pageContext.servletContext.contextPath}/othersite"> Other site </a>

${pagecontext. ServletContext. Contextpath} always provides root permission for your application. When you develop and use http: / / localhost: 8080 / myapp, your application root is / myapp, but when you want to put the application in the production environment, your application root will usually be /, Use ${pagecontext. ServletContext. Contextpath} before linking to make sure it works in both cases

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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