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Java program organization: how to get rid of this large-scale case statement?
I'm creating a program that will fill in attributives Now I'm simulating "various words" like this: public class WordD…… -
Why does the java compiler not shorten the name by default? (performance and confusion)
I can't understand why the java compiler doesn't shorten the names of variables, parameters and method names by replac…… -
String literals and string objects in Java
In Java, string can be created in the following two ways >String foo = "test"; > String fooobj = new String(“Tes…… -
Java – create treemap visualization
I want an algorithm for creating treemap visualization Like this: an easy way to make a treemap The problem is that I …… -
Java – use bouncycastle to read the elliptic curve private key from the file
The bouncycastle encryption API allows the use of regular Java Security package objects create and validate digital si…… -
Java – wrap another string around the string
Do I have any utils methods in Java that allow me to surround a string with another string? It's like: surround("hello…… -
Java – why is the Boolean value from this array to 2D array true?
Hi, I happened to meet the code sent to me by my friend and had trouble writing the second part of the print statement…… -
Java – how to create a very large BigInteger
I need to add two very large integers 46376937677490009712648124896970078050417018260538 + 371072875339021027987979982…… -
Java string to int
I have a string of about 150 numbers, such as string num = "64513246563....."; I'm trying to add every number of this …… -
Get the certificate and add it to the Java trust store, only HTTPS URL?
I'm trying to send push notifications to Android devices through Google cloud messaging server The URL we use is: http…… -
Java code optimization, it will optimize this
For newer compilers, I find myself trying to write more readable code, but if the optimization I want to do under the …… -
Java – create treemap visualization
I want an algorithm for creating treemap visualization Like this: an easy way to make a treemap The problem is that I …… -
Java string to int
I have a string of about 150 numbers, such as string num = "64513246563....."; I'm trying to add every number of this …… -
Assigning objects in Java
I have this Code: this.elements = elements; Where the element is list Copy list or just pointer copy, both represent t…… -
What Java library should I use for image clipping / letterboxing?
I am looking for a Java library for image clipping / resizing I planned to use jmagick, but I haven't maintained it si…… -
Java – is there a simple way to loop stdin in guava?
In Apache commons, I can write: LineIterator it = IoUtils.lineIterator(,"utf-8"); while (it.hasNext()) { …… -
Java – create treemap visualization
I want an algorithm for creating treemap visualization Like this: an easy way to make a treemap The problem is that I …… -
Java – multiple values of columns in the database
Whether multiple values can be stored in database columns If so, which type should I use? And how to insert values thr…… -
Java – update ArrayList with HashMap
I just started learning to use HashMap and read the java tutorial, but I was in trouble I'm trying to update the list …… -
How to solve this Java lang.ClassCastException:org. apache. tomcat. dbcp. dbcp. Basicdatasource cannot be cast to org apache. tomcat. jdbc. pool. DataSource?
I tried to use pool for database connection in Tomcat. This is my context: <Resource name="jdbc/slingemp" auth="Con…… -
Java – allocate memory using thread
I wonder what happens if a local thread is declared in a method? Usually, after the function returns, all local variab…… -
Java hashcode() string conflict
I know little about hash codes I found that this code can print out collisions Can you tell me what collision is and h…… -
The value of Java jsonobject array is key
I'm new to Java, so it's a little confusing I want to get a string in JSON format What I want is { "user": [ "name","l…… -
How to use Qt5 to realize multithreading (I)
#include "thread_one.h" thread_one::thread_one(QObject *parent) : QThread(parent) { } void thread_one::run() { …… -
Java – how to add padding using container?
I tried to do some padding at the top, but how do I use the container? JFrame frame = super.screen.getFullScreenWindow…… -
How to resolve file names in Java?
I have a java file path /opt/test/myfolder/myinsidefolder/myfile. jar I want to replace the file path with the root pa…… -
IO stream technology
Create and delete files: createnewfile(), delete() Create folders: mkdir() and mkdirs() List next level: lists the sub…… -
Java – find unpaired numbers in an array
I have an array that repeats all elements except one: int[] a={2,6,2,4,1,4}; How do I find unpaired element integers? …… -
Java – use “this” in another constructor
Suppose you have a class with this constructor: public SomeObj(int x,int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } Everyt…… -
Java – read from InputStream and write to OutputStream
This should be very simple. I searched Google, but I didn't see anyone mention the problems I noticed Everything I've …… -
Java – business logic of the client
Why do people say that business logic should be implemented on server-side code (such as EJB) rather than on client-si……