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How to use file. XML in Java Mkdirs () writes elegant code?
I need a directory to save the file, but I'm not sure if it exists File saveDir = new File("/tmp/appname/savedir/"); i…… -
Java – RMI server exception
When I try to run a server using a remote registry, I get the following exception from RMI The registry code of my mai…… -
Java – compile Hadoop 2.2 0 work?
It seems that all the examples are built considering the old version How to compile my java program on Ubuntu so that …… -
Java split string “^ ^” [copy]
See the English answer > java split on ^ (CARET?) not working,is this a special character? 6 ***^|^100^|^101^|^102^…… -
Java – the trouble of iterating HashMap using JSF, myfaces, and facelets
I had some trouble looping through HashMap to print its values to the screen Someone can check my code carefully to se…… -
Are there any Java APIs or built-in functions to solve annuity problems?
My boss asked me to create a module to calculate reverse compounds The question is: if I want to achieve $1.000 in 24 …… -
Java – how to schedule a task every “n” seconds in the spring framework
How to connect to my web XML task occurs every N seconds In addition, I need to refresh the server method every 5 seco…… -
Java – why not always increase the operator’s work on chars?
Why char c = 5; int i = c++; However, this causes a compiler error (invalid arguments / –) for the operator: int i = a…… -
Switching cases with string Java
After using java for a long time, I found that, unlike other languages, Java does not support switch cases with string…… -
Java – excludes folder names from eclipse file searches
How do I exclude a folder name from eclipse file search (ctrl h)? For example, if I want to search all files but exclu…… -
Java: trying to get the percentage of integers, how to sort it out?
I have two integer values, X and the sum I tried to find the percentage of total X That's what I'm doing now: Percenta…… -
Java – super fast autocomplete using binary search in sort files (300000 lines)
In my android app, I want an input field with autocomplete The number of projects is about 300000 The best solution se…… -
Java – can I create a bitmask for ~ 100 constants?
Does this mean that the 100th constant must be 1 < < 100? Solution You cannot do this directly because the maxim…… -
Java – why can I unexpectedly create multiple instances of my singleton class?
According to my knowledge, singleton design pattern means that we can only create a single object of one class The fol…… -
When we assign integer to int in Java, why doesn’t the compiler make an error
When we assign integer (object) to int (primitive), why does the compiler not make an error? int i; Integer ii = new I…… -
How to generate random numbers using Java in a given number list
Suppose I have a number / vector number, such as 1,3,7,9, and then I need to guess the number in this list at random U…… -
Can Java 10 compiled classes run on 9?
See the English answer > can Java 8 code be compiled to run on Java 7 JVM? 5 Is my hypothesis correct? Solution Thi…… -
Convert text files to Java sets using commons or guava
I want to load every line in the file into the HashSet collection Is there a simple way? Solution how: Sets.newHashSet…… -
Java – math. In lambda expressions toIntExact?
I'm learning lambda expressions I did this: final static List<String> friends = Arrays.asList("Brian","Nate","Ne…… -
Java – if a runtimeException is thrown, can it be caught as an exception?
If I have a try block that throws a runtimexception subclass, can subsequent catch blocks catch it as an exception? es…… -
Java – jtabbedpane: displays the task progress in the tab
I have a simple swing Java application that performs a search and the results are displayed in a new tab When the sear…… -
How to get elements from Java ArrayList
I have a basic question I have this ArrayList: @Named("AccountProfileController") @ViewScoped public class AccountProf…… -
Java what does it mean to call repaint () instead of calling paint (?) directly in Applet?
We override this paint method public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawString(msg,xpos,ypos); } If we have another met…… -
Remove the JFrame from the taskbar in Java
I made a quick theme look, but I didn't find anything similar My query is: how do I prevent child windows from appeari…… -
Java – from application Properties spring boot read value
My spring launch application has the following application bindings > src >Main >Java > resources > app…… -
Java – hex color to RGB color
I have a decimal (non hexadecimal) color code. Using Java, I need to convert it to three RGB colors For example, 16777…… -
Java – why is this non greedy regular expression more than I want?
I think it should return to "state, country", but it is returning to "country" System.out.println("city,state,country"…… -
Java – how to create a new object with the constructor in array list as one of the parameters?
I have a problem with a constructor that takes ArrayList as one of its parameters public class ItemisedProductLine ext…… -
Merge sort Java
I'm trying to create a merge sort method, but it continues to give the wrong sort Where do I make changes to actually …… -
Implicit super interface in Java?
So we all know that all classes implicitly extend object How about the interface? Is there an implicit super interface…… -
java. sql. Sqlexception: ora-00932: inconsistent data type: expected number to get binary
I have a method in Dao class that returns list < object [] > Back, I'm using named queries public List<Object…… -
Java – load the keystore on OSX lion from the file created using keytool
I have a keystore whose key pairs are generated by the following command: keytool -genkeypair -v -alias test-agent -ke……