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Android – how to bind mvvmcross to drawviewid to ImageView
How to return drawableid in the converter? My layout file: <ImageView android:id="@+id/imgTest" android:src…… -
Android – process recyclerview onclicklistener in activity / fragment
Migrating from listview to recyclerview to handle "onItemClick" seems to be very painful One of the two most common me…… -
Java – Android fragment conversion error of the second fragmenttransaction. Replace() call
I'm in my classic_ Fragment in menu.xml_ Three types of fragments are saved in the container. I star…… -
Java – is this an effective way to hold static references and activity / context? Why don’t I do that?
I have an abstract basefragmentactivity class. All activities in my Android application are extended. In this class, I…… -
java – Android Studio:NoClassDefFoundError
I'm trying to build an application that uses JavaMail and Gmail's SMTP service to send e-mail, but when I run it, it w…… -
Java – ‘Swizzle’ (maybe reflection?) addview() on Android
I know you can't actually do Swizzle in Java I'm doing some research. I think 'maybe' you can use Java as reflection t…… -
Java – dagger – accessing singleton objects from other classes
I have been trying to understand and set up dagger to handle dependency injection of Android projects. My single (no p…… -
Android – repeat input using parse and multidex
My project is a chat application using Parse. After adding other dependencies, this problem begins to appear: When sea…… -
Android – callback to identify problems when loading usertimeline using tweettimelinelistadapter
I am trying to use usertimeline and tweettimelinelistadapter to get timeline, because here can be found in the structu…… -
4. Problems encountered during Android studio packaging
Then remove the signature However, if generated APK is used, the build.gradle file will not be called, and the gradle …… -
Android – get JSON array using retrofit
Hi, I'm trying to parse the following JSON responses in the list {"beers":[{"id":"1","nombre":"Larzobispa","localidad"…… -
Android – after a period of time, the barcode scanner throws a java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror
I have a barcode scanner using the new Android visual library, which works perfectly on my device and several others. …… -
Unable to find – Android studio
import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.Toast; import com.example.zanziv.rickandmorty.R; import…… -
Android – multiple choice contact intentions
I'm trying to open contact intention and let the user select multiple contact intention call: Intent pickContactIntent…… -
Can I use AdMob SDK jar as a dependency in my Maven Android project?
I just switch the build process to Maven. I can't find the dependency of AdMob on the Maven repository site. How can I…… -
Android: UI elements on canvas layer
How do I set some UI elements on the canvas (at the top)? I have a simple touch game, and its graphics are placed on t…… -
Android activity
I have five activities. The process is like this In activity 5, press the back button to return to activity 2 or 3 aft…… -
The problem of trying to build pocketsphinx androiddemo using NDK
I am trying to compile the pocketsphinx androiddemo, which provides a sample implementation of CMU pocketsphinx speech…… -
Talk Android together (the 132nd time: Android custom view 9)
Hello, everyone. Last time we talked about the example of custom view in Android. This time we continue to talk about …… -
Access Android external SD card from native code
I am using NDK 5 to develop a native APK for Android My question is, how can I access the write and read of the extern…… -
How to draw an animation canvas using the code in Android?
I have such code; AnimationSet s1 = new AnimationSet(true); TranslateAnimation tr1 = new TranslateAnimation…… -
Android – error running ‘SBT start device’
I tried to set up on Mac OS 10.6.6 using SBT and SBT Android plugin. I installed all the files and was able to launch …… -
Synchronize SQLite / Android database tables to remote MySQL database tables (via PHP)
I am trying to create a SQLite database when the program runs for the first time, which contains a table with 7 rows, …… -
Android: what is the reason for the connection timed out?
Download and load data in my application. Everything is fine, but some of it gives strange responses and throws socket…… -
Android – strings.xml management tool
I am looking for a tool to manage my strings.xml to localize strings. The tool should show which strings are missing i…… -
Android ProgressDialog with threading issues
I have encountered a problem using ProgressDialog while running a process. I have tried all the incorrect methods, che…… -
2D array in Android
int maxrow=0; int label=10; int[][] relations=new int[500][200]; make2dzero(relations,500,200); //initialized every…… -
Making a call on adobe air on Android
I want to make a call through the air app on Android. I know you can do this: navigateToURL(new URLRequest(tel:5555555…… -
How do I start an activity from a browser in Android?
How do I start my activity from the Android browser? I have a link that says, When the user enters the…… -
Slide between activities in Android
I have 4 activities. I have to slide them right and left. If I slide on the last activity and left, the first activity…… -
Android – you can only click text in the listview item
We have a listview with dynamic content. We can only click on the text, not the whole item (which means short text mea…… -
Android – how to change the content type of applicationjacksonhttpmessageconverter from application / JSON; Charset = UTF-8 changed to appl
I have a @ L_ 301_ 0 @ rest web service. In my controller, I use mappingjacksonhttpmessageconverter to convert my retu……