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Android – get the path of DCIM folder on primary storage and secondary storage
I'm writing an application that should upload photos taken by the camera, which are stored in the DCIM / camera folder…… -
Android hide title bar
Set the attribute on the < activity > element: Android: theme as @ Android: style / theme.notitlebar.fullscreen.…… -
Android – reads and retains instances of objects from SharedPreferences
scene I have a class that uses the request list set by the user. The request list is stored in SharedPreferences. The …… -
Android – change dialog button position
Can I change the position of the button on the dialog box to the outside of the dialog box itself? Something like this…… -
Android – if I use Picasso or glass or volley to retrieve it, do I need to provide images of different sizes?
Generally, it is better if we provide images with different densities (sdpi, MDPI, hdpi, xhdpi, etc.). If I use some l…… -
Android – auto fill cannot be selected from Google
I'm developing an ion application running on Android. On a specific screen, I have a Google map and a search box. I us…… -
Android – how do I do it, user login or Facebook SDK 4.0.1
I'm using Facebook's new SDK 4.0.1 because when I change the login button to log out, the same button is used to log o…… -
Java – Android Facebook login callback does not work properly
I tried to use Facebook login to access user profile. But I'm confused about Facebook tutorial. So far, I think I've s…… -
Java – QT for Android – startactivityforresult equivalent does not work
QT for Android has few recorded functions - we can use the intent function of JNI (Java Native Interface). There are s…… -
android – GCM XMPP CCS vs MQTT
We need machine communication through our server We initially planned to use the mqtt rabbit MQ adapter to queue the p…… -
Java – how do I add another EditText when I click and populate another (Android)
I googled for a while, but I couldn't find how to add another EditText after clicking on one I try to describe my prob…… -
JavaScript – how to disable audio playback in Android chrome when the process is backgrounded?
How to programmatically disable songs playing in the background of chrome Android process? The following is a simple e…… -
Android – how to align the imagebutton to the right in the horizontal LinearLayout
I have an imagebutton in the LinearLayout. I try to put the imagebutton to the right of the horizontal LinearLayout. I…… -
Java – use the Android search function of listview in the jview file (hard)
1. My search function works normally with EditText, but for example, if I enter "1" instead of deleting it, and listvi…… -
Digital signature in Java / Android (RSA key)
I want to use the private key (RSA) stored in DB to generate digital signature in my java / Android project My 2 keys …… -
Java – Android coding problem
I have the following lines: String textEncoding = ((payload[0] & 128) == 0) ? "UTF-8" : "UTF-16"; Both "UTF-8" a…… -
Android – how to make navigationview headers sticky
Can I make the title sticky in the design support library navigationview? <…… -
The problem of calling native Android jars encountered in xamarin.form (I) naming conflict during compilation
Principle description of official calling Java:…… -
Java – unable to load (find) j2v8_ android_ X86 Library
I have a gradle project that uses j2v8_ Android 2.2.1 Library (provides Java binding for V8 JS engine – Android port).…… -
What exactly does Android – movetasktoback() do?
From documentation: What exactly does "move the task containing this activity behind the activity stack" mean? I know …… -
Java – sharing POJO entity data classes between Android and spring projects
How to reference, add and link without copy / paste, depending on Java classes defined in different projects or librar…… -
android – SCROLL_ STATE_ Numberpicker. Getvalue() on idle may not be the last updated value
When the user completes the scrolling selection on numberpicker, I am using the following function to detect the last …… -
Android – if you collapse backpressed, the toolbar disappears
When backpressed, my toolbar becomes invisible or disappears. This happens only when the toolbar is collapsed >I ha…… -
Android – delete items from recyclerview
I have a problem deleting items from the list in recyclerview. I want to do the following functions. When I press the …… -
Android – activities with single task startup mode and their location in the background stack
In the official online Android guide on tasks and back stack, I found a contradictory message. I would be grateful if …… -
Android – how to access secure element without supporting devices that already support smartcard API
The seek for Android document states that listed devices support smartcard API I want to access the SIM based security…… -
Java Android tracking usage time installation app
I need to track the usage time of all installed applications in the Android operating system. For example, this applic…… -
Use of asynctask asynchronous tasks in Android
There was a problem downloading files from the asynchronous task during the interview yesterday. Today, I sorted it ou…… -
Android – how to get the file name and URL when you click download in the browser
I want to get the file name and URL file when I click download from the browser on Android. I try to use the method wh…… -
Use web service discovery to communicate between Java servers and Android clients
I am building a java server application (running on a PC), which uses jmdns to register itself to the local network, a…… -
Android – framework for repeatedly executing background tasks
I'm using ionic framework / Cordova to build my application. I installed this plug-in Cordova plugin background mode t…… -
Java – what is the method to insert a large amount of JSON data into SQLite dB in Android?
I have a large JSON request, that is, it has about 50K rows and 15 columns. I must insert it into SQLite dB with the s……